You’re suffering the gloom; now RTG introduces your Doom.  Yep, as I remember, Doom and Gloom were on Peter-in-the-butt’s wedding cake, becoming a transportation nightmare.  Down the Jew-brick road, from the Gold Standard of savings, equity, and prosperity – to the Jew Standard of debt, insolvency, and slavery.  AshkeNAZI Judaism has destroyed America from within.


This Reprobate Mind Disease is spread by Ashkenazi Jews who are Luciferians.  You are living the provocation, curse, and judgment of Isaiah 3 – feminists and reprobate children rule over your cursed generation.  The result?  Mass layoffs, housing crash, energy up 300%, food shortages, bankruptcies, foreclosures, evictions, homelessness by the thousands each and every day.

And while a typical 60/40, stocks and bonds portfolio is performing at the worst return in over 100 years, your descent into the quicksand of Jewish Madness.  Ghastly.  Everywhere you look, Jewish Lunacy has taken over, with one-third of the nation in compliance and complicity.  Truly, John Hagee’s Lies have reached their Expiration Date.


JOHN MACARTHUR: America is burning.  In judgment, God is now throwing fuel on the fire.


Hey Brainless Biden, puppet of the Jews, Are you still pounding the ruble into rubble?  Never mind.


60% live paycheck to paycheck, real wages are tumbling 5% a year, and this massive decline is now accelerating; the average American can no longer adequately pay his bills.  13 million are behind on their mortgage/rent payments.  Foreclosures are already up 400%.  Over ten million facing foreclosure.  Five million Americans now face eviction.  Another forty-four million Americans now are in jeopardy, facing eviction.  Regarding auto loans, 1 in 4 is now 30 days late, and 1 in 6 is 90 days late.  In WDC, 25% of auto loans are delinquent.


Having robbed the industrial base, and purposely bankrupted small businesses, the Jews are now stealing the housing market, and preying on non-Jewish banks.  Americans have already lost over six trillion in nominal home equity, and this is only the beginning of the Greatest Depression.  The summer of 2022 has seen the fastest real estate deceleration in U.S. history.


What began in 2008 will now end in catastrophic collapse – the biggest collapse since the Roman Empire.  Yet, the only sport which Jews know is kicking the Reality Can down the road; now they are out of road.  And thus, the Rothschild Collapse is all around you, while eighteen trillion (78% of GDP) in U.S. debt must be rolled over in the next two years.  And now, more money is flowing out of banks than into banks.  And while goy banks fail, Jewish banks bail.


In this end, this Rothschild Ponzi Scheme will collapse – once the Jews have run out of the Greater Fools.  Hence, the coming months of bank failures and tank forces.  The beginning of the financial collapse.  All currencies are failing – the dollar isn’t failing as fast as the others.





Because the 6K Rife Super Cycle is now coming to its end, your hearts will fail you for fear of what you see coming.  This is stage-four cancer destroying the nation – Terminal Judgment managed by the prophets of God.  And while all contemporary models are incommensurate – trying to explain the future with yesterday’s model, it’s Rife Time, to shake the etch-a-sketch.





JOHN MACARTHUR: The cycle of judgment has begun.


Full collapse mode.  Europe is in full collapse, into the Rothschild Trap.  So much for the Big Guy’s foolish rhetoric and outright lies.  Half of the population is now brainwashed by the Jewish Warlock/Tavistock/Mass Media propaganda.  Truth is, in this credit/debt system; debt can no longer grow, therefore credit availability must fall.  All the collateral in the U.S. has already been borrowed against; some dozens of times over.


Watch, as your red lines become bread lines.  The beginning stage of massive upheaval.  Your hearts have been falsely programmed through Jewish-Plotted Trauma/Terror/Chaos, which now plans your genocide as you enter the JNWO/son of perdition Trap.  You Idiot pre-Trib FALSE PROPHETS have led the sheep into the AshkeNAZI/son of perdition Trap; fools you are, DRUNKARDS OF EPHRAIM, to be shamed by Rife the Great.  The Clay Clark Clowns wandering in the desert, blind to your real enemy.


Everywhere, Jewish Violation of your Civil Rights.  Jewish Evil, and all its entanglements, has overcome Christian Good.  Welcome to the Rothschild Jew-made pandemic, Jew-made energy crisis, Jew-made food crisis, Jew-made war, Jew-made recession, and coming, the Jew-made Greatest Depression.  All this Jewish Deception, Manipulation, and Corruption governs the wide path to son of perdition slavery.


Your Covenant with Death was signed November 9, 2019.  Yes, your Covenant with Death has already been signed by Trump the Chump, and his band of Christian Zionist False Prophets.  For this Obama Devil is come to you, having great wrath, because he knows his time is short, according to the Rife Timetable of Justice.





My pronouns are THEY/THEM Jewish Reprobates.  Good-faith Christians built America; bad-faith Jews have destroyed America.  Jewish De-civilization.  This JEWISH CORE OF EVIL.  Because you Laodicean Christians are foolish enough to follow Luciferian Jews, God works your curse via the Wicked Hand of the Jews.


This Poisonous Well, known as Judaism.  You could put fifteen Jews on the field, and still not draw a flag for too many MEN on the field.  When the Jewish Boat arrived, the Communist Revolution began in America, first at the universities where Jewish/Communist sissy professors took over departments and colleges.  Consequently, for the last fifty years, Jewish Leadership has been the Death Knell to America.


Jews are neurotic, disease-ridden, psychopathic rats – carrying hysteria and neurasthenia in highest frequency, while paranoia is off the charts.  Such Jewish Mental Disorder, Insanity, and Madness now drives America into the Abyss.