As revealed by both Jeremiah and Daniel, 70 years is the term of national chastening; it was for national Israel, circa 586 to 516 B.C.; in Russia, 1917 to 1987; and for the Palestinian Remnant, 1948-2018. Jewish USSR was dissolved December 25, 1991, 74 years after the Jewish/Trotsky/Rothschild Federal Reserve onslaught. This 70-year Captivity to the Communist Jews is depicted in Dormition Cathedral, in the Kremlin, which gave its last service in 1918, was closed by the Jews for 74 years, then reopened in a Grand Ceremony in 1992.
The gates of Hell could not prevail against the burning orthodoxy within the hearts of Russian Christians. The shelf life of Jewish Communism is that of a bakery, compared with the canned goods in your patriot bug out shelter. As brutal as were the Communist Jews, they could never eradicate the Strong Faith of the Russian people. Christianity was banned by the Bolshevik Jews until the early 1990s; now if flourishes in revival and restoration.
These Wise Russian Christians are returned home to roost, serving the Lord Jesus Christ. After the Jewish/Communist tragedy, law, morality, and Christian servitude were again established. Spiritual, majestic, and deeply patriotic Russia, having come out of 70-year judgment, this Orthodox Fortification will now be used of God to chasten all nations of Magog, the land of Jewish Perverts and their Children of Wrath.
As worldwide Babylon/Magog collapses, Orthodox Russia, having emerged from the 70-year Jewish Captivity, pulls the trigger on this Jewish Abomination against God. This apocalypse in Russia was dialectically an historical necessity, as the harbinger of this New Beginning into the Millennial Enterprise. The Rothschild Jews destroyed Russia once; they will NEVER do it again. Let the church bells ring throughout Holy Orthodox Russia!
During the 1990’s, the Russian newspapers were full of rightful anti-Jewish rant.
In the 1990’s, the National Orthodox Movement’s pathological hatred against the Jews was laid out in the Manifesto’s preface: “Our aim is the spiritual revival and unification of the People of our Fatherland which has been tortured and plundered by aggressive Zionism, Talmudic atheism, and cosmopolitan usury.”
Super Jew Marc Rich oversaw the looting of Russia (oil refineries) during the 1990s. Israel agents stole well over one billion dollars in gold from Moscow – and as the looting continued at a colossal scale, Russia’s gold reserves dwindled from over 2,000 tons to a mere 200 tons. All of it now residing in Rothschild vaults in Israel and London.
The Jewish Oligarchs, led by George Soros, robbed Russia blind of hundreds of billions of dollars. This Jewish Looting of Russia led to the Russian Economic Depression of the late 1990s. With the fall of the USSR, roughly 85% of the ruble disappeared in one day. Yeltsin, during his 1991-1999 tenure, was hoodwinked and ravaged by the JEWISH CONSPIRACY, as run by the IMF, World Bank, and U.S. Treasury. Hundreds of billions of dollars was stolen from the Russian People.
SCOTT RITTER: The 1990s was all about the economic exploitation and political castration of Russia. This was the reality that existed when Vladimir Putin came to power in 1999. Trillions of dollars were siphoned out of the country.
It was KGB head Putin who witnessed this Jewish Looting and decided to take matters into his own hand. In the emerging controversy between the KGB and the Orthodox Church, Putin, having resigned from the KGB, became an ally of the Patriarch.
Jews will never understand – orthodoxy is of the heart, and not some building which can be destroyed. Patriarch Kirill is the Primary Visionary/Prophet over today’s Russian Revival. Patriarch Kirill is truly God’s Prophet, illustrating God’s Truth as the Messianic Destiny of Holy Russia, and as conversely compared with Zionist-occupied America, falling away towards the Abyss.
As the modern-day prophet, possessing remarkable personal skills and political/spiritual dynamism, he has overseen the Russian Revival, reintroducing Christianity, the Holy Bible, and the Ten Commandments into the public-school system. His godly work has established Russia as today’s DEFENDER of the TRUE FAITH.
KIRILL: The Lord commanded us not to flee from the world, not to hide from it, but to overcome the world by our faith…to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. Orthodoxy must not retreat in this modern world; it should actively engage, and if necessary, fight against Jewish-promoted liberalism and secularism.
Under the Wise Spiritual Leadership of Patriarch Kirill, Russia is well-aware of its pivotal position as the GUN OF GOD. Accordingly, he has positioned the church and military as brothers in arms – Christ’s Spiritual Weapons are deployed as Russian nuclear forces. This post-Jewish/Soviet Christian Revival is confirmed in these numbers: In 1991 only 37% of citizens identified themselves as Orthodox, by 2017 that share grew to 80%.
PATRIARCH KIRILL: Any desire to destroy Russia will mean the End of the World.
This is the Orthodox Easter Religion – focus is always upon the Risen Savior. The Roman Pontifix Maximus Lie could never penetrate this Orthodox Church. Therefore, as Jewish/Roman Babylon is terminal, Russian Orthodoxy is eternal. Rome went the way of anti-Christ paganism and Egyptian obelisks; Orthodoxy retained its mission, even during 70 years of captivity, to reemerge as the onion-topped glorious churches of the past.
Rome is the Pontifix Maximus Cult serving Jewish Intrigue, while Moscow is Orthodox Reformation. Rome is the seat of Nimrod, while Moscow is the Weapons of the Lord Jesus Christ. Mark this word: This Russian Christian Orthodox Heritage is the Katechon, final opponent of Jewish Antichrist. This is the Prophetic Legacy under which Putin was educated, has served, and will triumph.
Orthodoxy is the true remnant, while Rome is the False Prophet. The Orthodox Church is the purebred, while Rome is Pontifix Maximus, the throne of Cesar/Nimrod. Under Putin the Great, the Orthodox Church has again become the foundation of State and of Russian national identity. |