Russia has an entirely superior new fleet of city-destroyer nuclear missiles – massive and impressive superior weapons, immune to detection and interception. They can destroy U.S. ICBMs on the ground. Currently, the Nuclear Trigger is safely in Putin’s hands. To stay strong as the Preeminent Nuclear Power, Russian Orthodoxy overtly protects the nation from the Ideological, Cognitive/Psychological Subversion of the Jews. Nuclear Chaplains are responsible for the morale/psychological health of nuclear operators. In the larger context, Russian Orthodoxy is the religion of Eschatology, the religion of the Second Coming. Russian nuclear weapons protect the world from a premature apocalypse, as proposed by the Pentagon and State Department neo-con Jews. Hence, the doctrine of Nuclear Orthodoxy.
Russian Nuclear Forces protect the Sovereignty of Orthodoxy against the Satanic Forces of the Jews. This Russian Spiritual Security guarantees Steadfast Identity.
Putin’s Gold BRIC Empire has recognized that this Jewish Dollar Scam is long on the tooth. He explains, they “tried to put the final squeeze on us, finish us off, and utterly destroy us. We remember this and will never forget.” They “sought to destroy our traditional values” with their “attitudes leading to degradation and degeneration, because they are contrary to human nature.” He announces, “This is not going to happen.” Because, “That would erode us, our people from within. No one has ever succeeded in doing this, nor will they succeed now.”
The NATO strategy to weaken and divide Russia has backfired; Russia is now stronger than ever, and the West is now on the verge of Rife Destruction. BRICS of Gold vs this Jewish Fools’ Gold. And concerning Boomerang Biden, Mr. rubles to rubble, how’s that working out for you? Jewish neo-con Hubris: The sanctions gun has mortally wounded the shooter. To no avail, the Soros Propaganda and attempted Economic Plunder has backfired.
Witness, the Rise of the BRICS and the demise of the G7 and G20. The world needs Russia, much more than Russia needs the world. This world power is now making Record Profits from oil sales. As the JNWO Fraud collapses, Christian-reformed Holy Russia is in BOOM TIMES. European supermarkets can no longer afford to operate freezers and refers; while in Russia, all food is in abundance, the heat is on “high,” and the ruble is stronger than ever. Russia thrives until the Rife Consummation of this 6,000-year epoch. By God’s Blessing, General Rife declares war upon all AshkeNAZI Terrorists, worldwide.
What follows is the Russian Revenge against Jewish Communist Takeover, The Main Event: Putin, the Stalwart Christian, vs degenerate Rothschilds and their Jew-boy Castrates. For in Righteousness does the Lord Jesus Christ judge and make war, commissioning the Putin Sword as becoming the very Sword of the Lord, and as confirmed by Patriarch Kirill, truly God’s Man of the Hour.
Putin has warned, we “will do everything to bring such hotheads to their senses.”
Hence, this Spiritual Revival of Orthodox Russia, just in time to destroy worldwide Magog. Verily, the Russian Destiny is the destruction of worldwide Magog, as prophesied by RTG. Strategically, Russian weapon systems are designed to thoroughly defeat every weapon in the U.S. arsenal, enabling Russia’s appointment to burn the Jewish Cities of Magog, primarily scattered throughout North America.
The two primary conditions whereby God will mandate the destruction of NATO capitals, including WDC: 1) Nuclear attack against Christian-Reformed Russia; 2) Nuclear threat against Christian-Reformed Russia.
Christian Triumph today, Jewish Cinders tomorrow.
The Rothschilds are the Kings of Conspiracy, impacting world history far greater than any other family on record. Proving such prowess, the allied bombers, during WWII, rarely if ever, bombed Rothschild-owned factories and installations in Germany. Yet today, the Globalist Jews are now panicked, bringing perverse times, as this Rothschild Cult of Evil is Absolute Reality, and is attempting to make all nations to drink the wine of fornication.
In the Swindle of All Time, the Rothschilds buffaloed the London bankers, making them believe that Britain had lost the Battle of Waterloo and conspired to force a huge, panicked selloff of stocks, bonds, and securities – which by the end of the day became near worthless. Then the Rothschilds, knowing secretly that Britain had won, began to covertly buy back all the bonds for pennies on the dollar. Nathan Rothschild earned a return of twenty to one on his investments, while plundering other bankers into poverty. This Legendary Conspiracy helped to establish Rothschild control over the Bank of England and gave the Rothschild family complete control of the British economy. Truly the Devil had fulfilled his promise to this family of Warlocks, with “Unearned Prosperity.”
The Rothschilds have always warred against Independence, since the British defeat. Five months after congress cancelled the charter of the First National Bank, because of Rothschild money interests corrupting banking, the Rothschilds instigated the War of 1812. The subsequent British destruction of WDC was halted only by the Acts of God, bringing in a hurricane spawning a series of freak tornados, all of which halted the ruin.
With the British defeat in the War of 1812, and more so, the denial of a banking charter to the Rothschild Banksters, at every opportunity these gangsters were pushing civil war as their means to divide and conquer. The entire War effort of the South was directed, funded, and pushed by Rothschild/British spies, as they fought to fulfill their vision of a Caribbean Slave Empire, centering the New World Slave Empire, from Brazil to New York.
The Rothschild Business Model – the most lucrative of all time – was dependent upon free Black servitude, and they threw all available assets to divide and destroy any attempt by Lincoln and the Republicans to stand against slavery. The Rothschilds have always coveted for America to be a slave colony – for over 200 years. Jews owned slaves at a rate of 80%, while the general population rate was 2-3%. |