We have now entered the time of Christian Heroism worldwide, and centering on New Texas. This mandates the Full Mobilization of the Church to New Goshen, the appointed Refuge State of Texas. In New Austin, a city not forsaken, your CROWN OF VICTORY awaits. Jesus Christ CANNOT Return until the Restitution of all Things, as written in his Holy Word, beginning in New Austin, as God has spoken by the mouth of all his Holy Prophets since the world began. This Restitution of all Things, the Ministry of RTG, is the PERFECTING OF HIS BRIDE.
We are NOT waiting for Jesus; Jesus is waiting for New Texas to enter Glory.
Texas is home to thousands of Laodicean False Prophets and Jezebel Feminist Pulpit Whores, rendering the church as becoming morally wretched, delinquently miserable, economically poor, spiritually blind, and naked before God. Their Harvest is wrath, early wrath per the Magog/Ezekiel prophecy. Today’s Sons of Issachar, possessing spiritual and political insight, men of honor and valor – these warriors understand the time, know Kingdom Business, and support Rife the Great.
Worry is failure to understand Divine Privilege. The Uvalde Cowardice is due to Christian Ineptitude, and parallels the Clay Clark Cuckoos. Rife Bravery is better than Jewish Slavery. Not a blue wave, nor a red wave – behold, THE WHITE WAVE. Our party is the White Wave, where all races are welcome. We overcome by the Blood of the Lamb, and this Rife Testimony revealing Deliverance. The oil and the wine are reserved for New Texas.
The Spirit of the Lord has anointed me, Rife the Great, to preach Deliverance, Discernment, Discretion, and Deference to you Saints of the Most High. We all know that having justice and truth on our side is what makes us truly strong. Rife, AKA Sam Houston II, is Locked and Loaded against the Jewish Deep State. We Texans have decided on Frontier Justice, RTG-style; you will leave Texas straight up or belly down, your choice. Henceforth, your Jewish Dragon stops at Rife Texas. We will now LAWFULLY enforce the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, as well as the Texas Constitution which grants secession, as the necessary remedy.
To master our destiny, you must reject this JNWO from the very depths of your being. Henceforth, Kingdom Government begins in New Austin, per Rife Prophetic Word. The Austin Leadership shall gather with Cause, inviting and not resisting the Supreme Power, Ruler-ship, and Dominion of God, in and through us, the Rife Saints. New Texas is the Holy Nation, New Austin is the Royal Priesthood, Leadership is the Peculiar People. All of creation awaits the Manifestation of the Sons of God, beginning in New Austin.
And I saw thrones, and they that sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them, because we shall live and reign with the KING for the next thousand years. Royal Times, as the White Horse Crown is the Bride’s Crown. In Rife Texas, the Collective Reprobate Mind will be no more. Texas will now remove this shameful Jewish Reprobation, even in one day. Here in Rife Texas, it is time to cut out this Jewish Cancer. Feminism is the Model for Failure; Texas is the Model of the Future. The Purpose of New Austin is the PERFECTING OF THE SAINTS.
Yes, we are the Chosen Generation, the Royal Priesthood, a Holy State, governed by We Peculiar People, that we shall show forth the praises of Him that has called us out of the Jewish Whore, and into the Marvelous Texas Light. This is the Opening of Prison to all who are bound in Dominion/Zionist/Prosperity Chains of pseudo-faith. Here in Goshen Texas it is Operation Gabriel-Shield. We overcome by the Blood of the Lamb, and this Rife Testimony revealing Deliverance. The only reliable bug out shelter is New Texas, under the Kingship of Rife the Great – to deliver the Rife Saints out of Magog/America, and the fierce anger of the Lord.
Not an option, rather our Mandate. The Prudent Rife Remnant seeks refuge from this coming storm. Evacuate the other 49 states, for now shall be Great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. The Genuine Children of God, serving the Living, Prophetic Truth, will now migrate to Rife Texas. As you are awakened, give glory to God and follow the Rife Dictates for Deliverance. We are NOT waiting for Jesus; Jesus is waiting for New Texas. The Power and Glory of Heaven is now loosed over New Austin, laying claim to all New Texas, then this Gospel of the Kingdom shall unite the Church from one end of the world to the other. Now is come the Salvation, and Strength, and the Kingdom of our God, and the Power of his Christ.
PUTIN: These poisonous fruits are obvious to all people, in all countries. In the U.S., there are many like-minded people – we see their support.
Amen, brother Putin, and thank you for your Courage, Bravery, and Leadership.
Jews have hoodwinked you Laodicean Christians, seducing you to abdicate Personal Moral Responsibility, and thus, not only have you lost salvation, you have now lost sovereignty – welcome to the JNWO. Satan holds Zionist/Abbott/Patrick Texas illegally. Super Jew, George Soros is the Mastermind of the Criminal Mass-Migration Crisis, wielding far more power than Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas. You Laodicean Heretics have given the keys over to insane, suicidal Jews, while the key communist infiltrators work in the Texas mass media.
Your demoralization, as Jews manipulate media, government, and academia, with approved and imposed Jewish Reprobation. And when the curse is challenged by goodness, you sport Zionist Dupe Dan Crenshaw, calling the House Freedom Caucus “terrorists.” It’s all about Jews attacking and weakening Texas. Jewish Degeneration wars against Texas. Texas is being targeted by the forces of Hell. The casualties: vilified, marginalized, censored, cancelled, and banished Truthers.
In your schools, Christians can no longer pray for the innocent, but the Jewish Perverts can surely prey on the innocent. The schools of Austin, and all of Texas, are infiltrated with demon-possessed perverts, preying on your children. Jewish Vice has conquered Christian Virtue; now RTG reverses the battle.
Memo of all Zionist Fools: Your covenant with Ashkenazi Israel is your covenant with Death. Zionism is a theological cult. Every Zionist church has a covenant with Satan. Your governor serves Jewish Intrigue, rather than Christian Virtue. Texas’ Problem is with false ministers and government officials under the Zionist Delusion. You have made a mockery out of God’s Word, and a hobby out of his Prophetic Word. Yours is dumbed-down Texas because of your dumbed-down Christian Zionism. Your prophetic hobby of Zionist Infidelity.