their corrupt power and unsavory influence.  The longest-running government was the thousand-year reign of Constantinople, which forbid the Jews to hold public office.





Israel is using High Tech to poison, terrorize, and enslave the world.  Jewish Utopias always become Communist/Zionist Dystopias.  Ashkenazi Judaism is the Mother of Harlots and Abominations on the Earth. Yes, Judaism is the Mother of Harlots, drunk with the blood of Christian Martyrs – throughout history.  The Ashkenazi brought you Luciferianism, Marxism, Communism, Nazism, and now Zionism – Rothschild/Gog’s BABYLON THE GREAT to be destroyed by Rife the Greater.




These Luciferian Jews have destroyed Western Civilization.  Yes, Evil wears a Yamaka.  Jews are the ENEMY OF MANKIND, as reported by Saint Paul, while this Rife Strong Meat discerns and judges good and evil.  When the Jews were released from the Babylonian Captivity, only 50,000 returned; the rest stayed in Babylon to construct the Babylonian Talmud, source book for all things wicked in this world.


Jewish history is the endless cycle of brutalization, victimization, criminalization, and corruption.  The History of the Jews is one of crime, backlash, and expulsion.  Having been thrown out of 109 countries and thousands of cities, each succeeding generation must be warned concerning the Intrigue of the Jews.  By historical records, paranoid, occultic Jews have been kidnapping kids for their ritual murders for a thousand years.


Often, to clean up government, all it had to do was expel the Jews.  The English, French, Spanish, amongst nearly all other European states, have expelled the Jews at one time or another – and with surprisingly auspicious results.  The frequent expulsions included the destruction of their synagogues.

Luther, the greatest Old Testament theologian of his day, and originator of the Protestant Movement, advocated the expulsion of the Jews from the Christian countries of Europe. That was the civilized approach to the Jewish Question; criminality, extortion, and exploitation always got the Jews another pogrom.  Throughout history these Child Killers and Usury Whores would raise the alarm of the natives, forcing many very uncomfortable expulsions, first from banking, then from working with children, to finally, wholesale banishment, upon penalty of death or imprisonment. 



Spiritually, the Jewish hatred for Christianity has no bounds.  This is the only worldwide religion based on denial of our Creator.  The Bible exposes Jews as Children of the Devil, and sorcerers in league with the devil.  Every Talmud Jew, serving Gog/Magog, is inherently racist, making Judaism the Religion of Racial Discrimination, Hatred, and Murder/Genocide.


In juxtaposition to the U.S. Constitution, Jews don’t believe that ALL MEN are created equal.  They believe, live, and practice the LIE of Jewish Supremacism, as taught in the Talmud.  You see it every day in WDC, NYC, Hollywood – and now in deadly force in Palestine/Gaza.  Mystery Babylon of Revelation is born out of the Jewish Talmud, Jewish Cabala, Jewish Protocols of Zion, Jewish Communist Manifesto, Jewish Synagogue of Satan, and now, Jewish/Christian Zionism.


The Jewish Love of Power is the root of Today’s Evil, and Jewish Greed is the Seed.  Jews congregate and conspire in Secret Societies and Murderous Cabals, to serve the secret EVIL INTENT of these Ashkenazi Jews.  Insatiability, violence, and abuse of power promote the Jew – bringing Conspiracy out of Chaos.  Predatory Jews always intentionally cause misery and death wherever they rule.  Jews manipulate governments, currencies, and economies with their Witchcraft, Sorceries, and Warfare.


Solitary Christians are no match, as the Jews hunt in packs, utilizing demonic powers in the most reprehensible and parasitic Intrigue.  One Jew is shaking your hand while another is stabbing your back – i.e.: while the Mossad spread the Covid virus, the Jews on CNBC, FOX, AND CNN feigned concern, and of course offered the trap: worldwide lockdown which will be conspired one more time.


Jews are self-serving Beasts, without boundaries, honor, respect, or patriotism.  Jews are Noxious and Reptilian – the presence of Pure Evil.  The coming of the Lawless One is according to your Lawless Jews.  These Lawless Kikes love Outlaw Israel, where a New York Jew can, at gunpoint, steal a house owned for centuries by Palestinians.  After 50 years of Jewish Intrigue, the American Empire has been hollowed out by Jewish Conspiracy, Crime, and Subterfuge.


This Great Jewish Heist is all about stealing America blind via Full Spectrum Dominance, knowing that they can get away with it.  The Talmud lists you goy as a piece of property, a beast of burden, and chattel personnel.  JUDAISM IS PRO-SLAVERY – to this day, this Synagogue of Satan carries within it the Project to ENSLAVE ALL OF HUMANITY.


Phase One of this post 9-11 Jewish Conspiracy has been your lost freedoms; Phase Two now arrives, in which the Jews conspire to take away your Money, Social Security, your Pension, and then, by executive orders already on the books, you house, your lands, your vehicles, your possessions, and as necessary, your life.  Today’s Jewish Forte is the cashing in of the last of the Puritan Equity, via Hyperinflation.  At any time, the Jews can retract enough capital to force the collapse of this Ponzi Scheme.  You have been warned.


Palace intrigue, theft, and murder leads to arrest, imprisonment, and expulsion.  Often, Jews were ordered to desist from usury, blasphemy, magic, and necromancy, while copies of the Talmud were to be burned.  They were expelled from England in 1290, given three months to leave, by Edict of Expulsion.  England’s best years were the 600 years in which they banished and outlawed the Jews.


In 1948, the Perennial Jewish Reprobation moved to Palestine, as per Rothschild/Gog Conspiracy. Lucifer’s Jews have stolen Palestine, in his effort to forgo the arrival of the Prince of Peace.  And, like unto the Firstborn of Egypt, you are now taken out of the way to make Rife Way for the Prince of Peace. 


In America, this Jewish Excess took the form of Black Slavery.  Here in America, the Blacks were forced into a Life Sentence of Jewish Chattel Enslavement.  Meanwhile, whoever stands for Truth becomes Jewish Prey.  This Jewish Slave Mentality is confirmed by truthful history, as well as the Apartheid policies in Palestine, and now, the incoming Mark of the Jewish Beast, as they attempt the economic and social subversion of the world. 

During 2024-26, the Jews will attempt the Genocide of every Christian or Palestinian, worldwide.  This is your immediate future.




Jews are no more than the Caldron of Evil Hate; they are the Immoral and Obtuse Focus of Evil in this modern world.  Every day Evil gets up and puts on the Small Hat and Blue Tie.  Covertly, the Jewish Occult has corrupted your religion, society, institutions, and nation, including money and commerce.  This Synagogue of Satan is universally evil – full of Psychopaths and Sociopaths, such as Alan Dershowitz, Jeffery Epstein, and this Netanyahu Freak.  They come to steal, kill, and destroy the Holy, Divine, and Virtuous. 


Theirs is the Culture of Hatred for the Divine.  Jews are Everything in this nation that is Immoral, Destructive, and Wicked – always Merchants of Vice, Immorality, Lust, Greed, and Depravity.  Perennial Jewish Power is in the Exploitation of the Weak and the Indoctrination into Vice.  Everything touched by Jews becomes accursed, and left unchecked, brings down the entire system of forgery and hate.


In most intellectual circles, Jewish Propagandists equate being Black with being queer.  Harvard’s Alan Dershowitz was raping Epstein’s Sex Slaves from New York to New Mexico, and on to Epstein Island, while blackmailing officials, and teaching young Americans how to become Shyster Lawyers.  In this Rife Art of War, you must know your REAL ENEMY: Ashkenazi Jews.




The Invasion of Jewish Reprobates began in earnest between 1880 and 1920, when nearly four million arrived from Eastern Europe, carrying the Star of Satan.  This Israeli Flag is Baal Worship (your return to the Golden Calf); the Sex Cult, ancient, and now by Hollywood Jewish Evangelization, Universal across North America.




Jews are the ENEMY OF MANKIND, as reported by Saint Paul.  The Jewish Gospel enthralling America is of Greed, Materialism, Anger, Hatred, and Anarchy.  Jews are Slaves of Corruption driving this Jewish Mission to Steal, Kill, and Destroy.  Your former American Moral Standard has been Judaized – via this Jewish Destabilization and Demoralization of your country.  These Synagogue of Satan Jews are overturning fundamental cultural norms that have been in place for millennia.  You have suffered the Jewish Campaign to demonize Christianity, corrupt society, and promote their aberrant ideas regarding family, home, and sexuality.