We have the Dominion and Authority of God to Govern the Earth with Christ.  Our Kingdom Generation impacts the whole world, as it now manifests in its fullness.  Our Kingdom flourishes unto the very Day of the Lord.  Henceforth, the Divine Agenda moves to Austin, unto the End, representing the Kingdom of Heaven, now visible on Earth.


It is the Father’s good pleasure to give to you this Austin Kingdom.  The Leaven of His Kingdom now transforms Austin and all of Texas, establishing Rife Texas, the Kingdom which cannot be moved.  The Greatness of the Kingdom is now given to the Texas Saints of the Most High.  Christ has come forth to establish the City of God on Earth, beginning in New Austin, as we defeat the Domain of Darkness.  He brings you forth by His Word of Truth, Firstfruits of the CNWO.




Now is come the Salvation and Strength to New Austin and New Texas.  The Chief Corner Stone has ALREADY been set by Rife the Great.  During 2021, as I approached the Capitol to meet with Troopers Outlaw and Caradine, the Lord commanded, Fear not, for they that are with you are far greater than what these Jewish Infidels can muster.  As Joshua marched around Jericho 13 times and the walls fell; so has RTG marched around the Capitol Grounds, a thousand times, to emplace the Sure Foundation.


On the first day of the Special Session of the Legislature, July 8, 2021, the Lord sent me forth with a prophecy which I delivered to the Senators as they entered the Chamber.  This prophecy warned them that God will now begin to remove the wicked from their ranks.  As I am well-known to the Demonic Realm, the demons controlling the Democrats quickly raged inside their leadership, thereby fleeing to Washington, D.C. to avoid my Prowess over the Capitol.


Because the Rife Foundation must be set through Exploits, their FORTY DAY withdraw in cowardice allowed the Godly Foundation to be emplaced, and it endures unto the End.  Our Texas Foundation is the Revelation of Christ, according to the Prophetic Scriptures.  Henceforth, Deliverance for the Capitol Hill Area was secured by RTG during 2021-22; it is already the fact on the ground.




I was commanded to Compass the Capitol Grounds a thousand times, putting the demons to flight.  One thousand times around the Capitol Grounds, claiming all for the Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The city and government has already been taken by Rife the Great with those Seven; the Corner Stone, Foundation Stone, and even the Headstone have already been set.  Henceforth, Austin becomes the Proxy of the Lord Jesus Christ, unto His Return.  Prophetically, this Austin Stone becomes the Great Mountain, destined to fill the whole Earth.  Austin, Firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.




New Texas was Foreordained from the Foundation of the World, all because the Ashkenazi/Zionist Stumblingblock has destroyed the Evangelical Church in America.  As Jewish Darkness now covers America and gross darkness the Zionists, the God of Rife the Great will now arise upon Texas, and His Glory shall be seen upon New Texas.  In Austin, we shall restore the fullness of this Mountain of the Lord’s House.


New Texas is the Inheritance of the Saints.  God now makes up His Texas Jewells, sparing us from Wrath.  New Texas B4 Global Wrath.  The Austin peace, joy, and forgiveness remedies this Zionist-induced fear, despair, sadness, and guilt.  His Will be done in New Texas, as it is in Heaven’s Courts.  Henceforth, our New Texas Partnership employs all power in Heaven and Earth, unto the very End.


Texas’ Salvation is the matter of the heart, not the checkbook; putting the Kingdom First, so all blessings will follow, and in abundance.  The Greatness of New Texas is the Saints of the Most High. In New Texas, the Great People and the Strong.  As Living Stones, building up this Austin House, as the Royal Priesthood, offering up Spiritual Sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.


Jesus Christ is our KING of Kings, now over Austin; and as we are His Body, as the Head reigns, so do we, the Body, reign jointly with Him. In New Texas, we bring the Kingdom of God among us.  Jesus Christ builds New Austin, governing New Texas.  We New Austin Saints will now Judge and Govern the World.  Hence, the Gospel of New Austin, as founded by the prophets, in Service to the Law.  New Austin is established as Love and Obedience are proven.  Beginning in New Austin, the Kingdom of Heaven and Texas are made One, restoring Texas Honor and Full-fledged Administration of Justice.




The time has come in which God will manifest His Government to rule the Earth.  He has made us Kings and Priests, to reign on Earth, beginning in New Austin.  These Judgments of the Lord are to be desired, more than gold.  His Will be done in New Austin, as it is in Heaven.  Via this Austin Miracle, the Manifold Wisdom of God is made known worldwide – and the Power of God destroys the demonic power of the Jews.  The Gates of Hell will not prevail against New Texas.


The Christian Triumph, at the Cross and Resurrection, is now gloriously Completed, Exercised, and Governing in New Texas.  New Austin represents He Who sits on the Throne over the Universe.  We reign with Christ.  Judgment is given to the Saints of the Most High.  The Austin Saints shall judge the world, announcing the Austin Liberation of All Creation, from the bondage of corruption.




God now arrives in Judgment, to destroy the wicked.  His Love necessitates his Wrath, to protect his own Children from this Jewish Onslaught.  Yes, God’s Love for his Royal Children, whose names are written in the BOOK OF LIFE, now compels his Wrath against all enemies of Christ.




The Powers of Heaven are now Shaken by Rife the Great, beginning over Texas.  The Rife Saints conquer under the Royal Authority of the House of Yahweh/Jesus Christ.  Our Battle Plan is the Bible and our weapons are awarded by God Almighty.  Now is the Judgment of Texas, as God removes the Wicked in Massive Death, to make way for the Righteous in Deliverance.


God now foils your Zionist False Prophets and makes fools out of all who believe in Counterfeit Israel.  You are now exposed to the Rebuke of the Almighty. God’s Great Power now shakes everything, dividing the temporal from the Eternal – we that remain become immovable.  Everything that can be shaken will now be removed.  This Rife Shaking of Texas removes all that is shaken, that those things that cannot be shaken will remain.




This Rife Ekklesia destroys, banishes, and cleanses the Spirit Realm over New Texas.  Henceforth, Satan is destroyed in New Texas.  Our battle is to eradicate the government of the Jewish Devil, replacing it with the Government of God.  Our Mighty Weapons are Spiritual to the destruction of all demonic powers.  We Depose all Satanic Rule.  All Principalities and Powers over Texas are now Crippled and Banished to Hell.




From our Secure Base, this becomes our Ministry of Universal Conquest. Our Mandate is to execute God’s Judgments against the wicked Jews and their Children of Wrath, destroying this Jewish World of Darkness.  Our enemy, the Beast (Gog/Magog) will be broken without hand, while our Corporate Mandate is the Final Conversion of the Nations and the Restoration of Palestine.  This defeat of the Jewish/Gog/Magog will be seen in its entire splendor.




In New Texas we shall have life, and enjoy it more abundantly, as God brings us to the Maximum Power in Triumph, our Bride Government mediates God’s Justice prior to Christ’s Return.  While the Kingdom suffers violence, and the violent take it by force, the Fire devours before us, and behind us the Flame burns away all dross.