By Daniel’s Prophecy, the Earthly Sanctuary was destroyed after the Rejection of the Messiah, never to be rebuilt, but is Desolate until the Consumption, even determined upon the Whole Earth.  Every serious student must comprehend, this Earthly Temple was the Sure Antitype, as received by both Moses and David, of the Heavenly Temple/Sanctuary.  Yes, David patterned the Earthly Temple – as did Moses – after the Heavenly Temple.


They dutifully patterned the Jerusalem Temple after the Temple of God in Heaven – the greater and more perfect Tabernacle, not made with hands.  Under the New Covenant, as instituted at the Last Supper (now openly mocked by the Jews of your generation), during A.D. 70, the Levitical Priesthood and Earthly Temple were terminated – now we have the Eternal Priest residing over the Heavenly Sanctuary, per the Order of Melchizedec. 


This is Divine Reality; and as the lamb was sacrificed twice daily, as the daily sacrifice – the morning and evening offering – this becomes the Foundation of Faith and Fountain of Grace, which can be withdrawn by the High Priest due to flagrant, un-repented sin.  Or by the Conspiracy of the Little Horn, employed by the Jews, to use Jewish Witchcraft/Covid to lockdown your Sanctuaries, which were once faithful, yet now full of Laodicean Cowards.




The purpose of Yom Kippur was to symbolically portray the end of sin.  This was accomplished by the dismissal of the “Goat for Azazel” to the desert.  This Day of Atonement, on the tenth day of the New Year, accomplished the CLEANSING OF THE SANCTUARY, in preparation for a prosperous New Year.  Yet, by Law, there is NO ATONEMENT for those who refused to repent of their sins. 


The Day of Atonement was celebrated by humble servants seeking absolution of their sins, in hopes of becoming Holy Vessels for the Lord, living in obedience – yes, such servants as were Joseph and Mary.  Those who refused the Day of Atonement became subject to God’s Retribution, both singularly, and at last, upon the Entire Nation, at the Rejection of the Messiah.




Throughout Israel’s history, per the Law, defiant sinners never received the blessings of the Day of Atonement, even unto National Judgment; and prophetically, as you shall learn, neither does your Land of Jewish Sodomite Marriage, Pedo Presidents, and Castrated Youth.  As the original Day of Atonement was for the Sincerely Repent, now is the Day of Retribution against all who refuse to repent of their sins.


Your American hostility towards God, as in the form of unrepentant sin and apostasy falling into Sodomitic Abomination, is Amassed for Retribution.  As dispatched from Heaven’s Temple, this is Recompense for your Apostasy.  There is No Atonement for those who refuse to repent of their sins, and neither is there any blessing for your Land of Sodomite Marriage.


Because of your Hardened Sin, now falling to Jewish Witchcraft, your Graceful Atonement becomes Retributive Atonement; because of your Manifold Transgressions you are snared in the Trap of the Synagogue of Satan, CBDC Implant Mandate.  Yes, Via Revelation, as now taught to you by RTG, the Day of Atonement now becomes the Day of Retribution.


The Encrypted Book of Revelation is the Legal Framework for the Day of Retribution/Vengeance – to only be understood and taught by the prophet under the 1John 2:27 Anointing.  As such, Atonement is now Retribution by the Justice of God.  Revelation reveals the Work of the Lord as the Day of Atonement becomes the Day of Judgment upon the world – the High Priest of the Heavenly Sanctuary bringing forth Divine Vengeance, which belongs to Him alone.


By Rife Decree, as announced by this Rife Trumpet, this Day of Atonement is now made the Day of Retribution.  The Day of Atonement is now your Day of Retribution.  The Trumpet announcing Atonement is now the Trumpet announcing Vengeance.  As prophesied by Daniel, this is the Eschatological Judgment of the Wicked and their removal as the Final Eradication of sin.


This Day of Atonement, the Tenth Day of the Seventh Month – as announced by the Two Witnesses – is now become the Day of Retribution, as announced by the Two Witnesses of Revelation Eleven.  As the Day of Atonement released sin’s hold on all repentant sinners, this Day of Retribution releases God’s Wrath on all unrepentant sinners.  Your Atonement, because of Hardened Sodomitic Sin, becomes Retribution.


The work in the Jewish Temple virtually came to its end when the Real Sacrifice was offered upon the Cross, and the Vail of the Temple was rent in twain from top to bottom.  The Lord Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven, as High Priest of the Heavenly Sanctuary, the Sole Mediator between God and man.  The cleansing of the Sanctuary becomes the Retribution against your Manifold Sodomitic Sin.


As the Day of Atonement was the last ceremony of the year, welcoming in the New Year, so is the Day of Retribution the last Act of God, prior to his Return to Jerusalem, welcoming in the Rife Millennial Reign of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Palestinian Prince of Peace Who shall now Return unto the Least of his Brethren.  And as Passover and Pentecost were fulfilled on the day and hour appointed, so is this Day of Retribution on the day and hour appointed.




By Illuminati Infiltration and Zionist Heresy, your American Church now entertains the Deep Secrets of Satan, emanating out of the Synagogue of Satan – the Little Horn working conspiracy against your Laodicean Church full of Moral Cowards.  Judgment begins in the Church, then precedes to Palestine, then to all the world.




The Rife Seven Lamps of Fire judge your American Church, prior to the Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets, and Seven Bowls.  These Seven Lamps have found out your Zionist Infidelity, your Jezebel Seduction, and your Laodicean Lethargy.  And like Jezebel of old, your Crime of Zionism is now exposed to the world by this prophet Elijah.  Just sayin.




In today’s America, Jewish Zionism as well as Christian Zionism is the baal religion of this generation.  As depicted by Ms. Suri, America has given heed to the Seducing Spirit of the Witch Jezebel and fallen to the Zionist Doctrine of Demons.  Your Pre-Trib Rapture/Zionism is no more than Smooth Deceit – the Counterfeit Ticket promising exemption from the Tribulation Judgment now upon your Land of Sodomite Marriage and Feminist Whores.


The Zionists have said, Come, and let us cut off Palestine from being a nation.  In Rebuke, at this Rife Trumpet, the Deception of Zionism, which has destroyed America and indeed, Western Civilization, shall be no more.  You Christian Zionists are streetwalking whores lusting after the Golden Calf of the Jews.


You worship the Big Lie of Ashkenazi Zionism and not the Lord Jesus Christ. Your Zionism is all Pretense, Hypocrisy, and Apostasy.  All Christian Zionists lie, as False Ministers, making merchandise out of the credulous.  Likewise, this Jezebel Zionism hates the true prophets of God, just like Jezebel of old.  You reject the Rife Truth to cling tenaciously to Zionist Error.  You Zionists support the Racism and Racial Hierarchy emanating out of the Synagogue of Satan.


You cannot serve the Lord Jesus Christ and Ashkenazi Zionism at the same time.  In Zany Rebellion, you Zionist Christians have erected Rival Sanctuaries, turning the nation against True Christianity.  Yours are Powerless Churches which fall to the Covid Sham of Jewish Witchcraft, locking you down, as conspired by the Little Horn, along with Big Mike.


Your Zionist Church worships Doctrines of Demons, rather than the Lord Jesus Christ.  Your Zionism is a Presumptuous Fraud which has deceived and destroyed America.  As proven by the Courageous Exploits of my heroin, Candace Owens, Jews cannot stand examination which proves their FRAUD, hence the Rife Conquest to efface Ashkenazi Jews from the Face of the Earth, in preparation for the Jew-less CNWO.