Text Box: Opulent and Blessed America, the Last Empire, possessing the Grand Puritan Asset, has been the Host with the Most – supporting these Parasitic Jews to finally create Babylon the Great, to be destroyed by Rife the Greater.  Jeopardy!  You Americans are under stress because your Babylon is Progressively Failing to this Rife Prosecution.


By Unconstitutional Vice, since 1913, the Jews have the franchise on Counterfeit Money Printing.  Any audit of the Fed proves Jewish Larceny.  In the Final Grab, they are looting the system to scheme and finance their Jewish New World Order sporting the son of perdition, which will be dead on arrival, by the Sword of Rife the Great.


You Christian Zionist ministers and politicians have made America into a Den of Thieves.  Your religious and government leaders cause you to err, heaping sin upon sin, and thus, your nation is destroyed by God’s Moral Judgment.


SCOTT RITTER: Your America is being sacrificed on the Altar of Zionism.

You Christian Zionists worship the Jewish/Zionist Golden Calf, rather than the Lord Jesus Christ.

You Christian Zionists have fallen into the Jewish Trap; their Lies of Scofield-ism has forced your Delimitation of the Church’s Role in these last days, forcing the Elimination of America’s former Righteous Role in world affairs, while turning this Failing Enterprise over to Ashkenazi Luciferians, who now run your country into Hell, while pushing WWIII.

The Folly of the Zionist Prophets deceiving America is now most apparent to those who have eyes to see.  You are Drunk in the Wrath of Jewish Fornication and Rothschild Plunder; you put your wives to work and your children to the Jews.  Your Zionism is of the flesh; therefore, your Harvest is Corruption.  Your Christian Zionism is the Curse against America, bringing your destruction.

Yes, the Jewish Plague has hit you – sent from the Jews in Israel who can’t even afford to keep the lights on, without whoring to America for their 4 billion-a-year fix.  Now they want 20 billion to save them from impending destruction.  Your Zionism is Quick Sand, and the more you Exercise Jewish Intrigue, the deeper you sink in your own mire.  You Christian Zionists are already the Confused and Indebted Slaves of the Jews.  Your Way of Wicked Zionism leads to your Devastation.  This Zionism has destroyed your religion, your government, and now, your nation.


Your Christian America, which used to saturate the world with Christian Love, Christian Missionaries, Christian Bibles, and Christian Blessings, is now Jewish America, which saturates the world with Jewish Hate, Jewish Bombs, Jewish Genocide, and Jewish Bullsh*t.  You have drained the National Wealth by fighting Lucifer’s wars in the Middle East.  Add to that the two hundred billion wasted supporting the AshkeNAZI Regime in Ukraine.  You have wasted Fourteen Trillion to these Jewish Wars for Greater Israel.  Post 2001, military spending: 14 TRILLION – all borrowed!  Your Military Debt now destroys your currency and nation.


Parasite Israel has devoured Host America.  Your Zionist America is now a Wartime Economy; the catalyst is the Jewish War Industry, making bombs, bullets, missiles, drones, and the like.  This Military Spending will now bankrupt you to the Jewish Mark of the CBDC Implant.


All Government Statistics are Jewish Gangster Gaslighting.  True inflation is double the reported rate, and has been running as high as 16% per year.  Food is up 35% year over year.  You are bankrupting yourself, foolishly following Jewish (Keynesian) Economics of this debt-based system of Greed, Reckless Spending, and soon, Starvation.  Back at Hillary’s Village, we now recommend armed guards at the grocery stores.


One-third of the Federal Budget is supported with borrowed money, making the deficit explode towards Three Trillion per year.  Think of that, you are borrowing a TRILLION almost every 100 days – and this pace will hyperinflate beyond control.  This 35 Trillion could have been used to finance a four-year degree for every U.S. high school graduate for over 100 years – instead you have funded Jewish Wars.  40% of personal income taxes now goes just to pay interest on debt.  And with TEN TRILLION needed to be rolled over (government, corporate, and commercial) during 2024, the day of faltering is just a Rife Whisper Away.  

Yes, Six Trillion in Government Debt must be rolled over in 2024.  The November, 2023 Federal Budget Deficit for the month was $314 billion, of which, 72 billion was paid in Interest Costs.  The U.S. Debt increased by $600 Billion in 30 days during the fall of 2023 – this is only the beginning of the Hyperinflationary Doom Loop.  With U.S. Debt Accumulation approaching ONE TRILLION PER QUARTER, you have no future.  Your debt is now growing by $14 Billion per day; this rate will soon double, then triple, feeding this failing Jewish/Federal Reserve Ponzi Scheme.


Three Trillion in Commercial Real Estate Loans need to be refinanced in 2024.  Eighty Percent of office/commercial loans that mature in 2024 are now at the Highest Risk of default and failure.  1/3 of all Commercial Real Estate Loans must be rolled over in the next three years.  One-half of these existing office/commercial loans are underwater and cannot refinance, bringing your cities into Depression-level Poverty.  There will be a minimum of a TRILLION in commercial real estate Defaults, next 24 months.  This is just the beginning of your sorrows.

And as outstanding loans go belly up and inflation forces higher interest rates, bond values are down 48%, making banks (collateral) underwater and insolvent.  Time is up for this Jewish Carnival, there is NO PEA under the cups.  All Rothschild Banks/Regimes are now bankrupt – loaded with unserviceable debt.  The Rothschild Central Banks, worldwide, are already insolvent; their every tomorrow is dependent upon Hyperinflationary Money Printing, to feed this failing Ponzi Scheme which has lost the confidence of bottom feeders.  Hence, the Jewish Wars and rumors of Jewish Wars, to spend your way into absolute poverty, as you fuel the last of this Ponzi Scheme.


Here in Washington’s America, the Jewish Parasite has enfeebled the American Host, strapping the consumer into poverty and hunger, while you cheat and exploit the awakened university students, who have stirred to this Jewish/Zionist Genocidal Nightmare.  Nine million recent graduates missed their renewed Student Loan Payments.  Yes, forty percent of Student Loan Holders failed to restart payments – tanking their credit scores.  Average payment: $500 per month.  There are now 20,000 car repossessions, every day.  Real Estate has already entered Depression-era numbers.

You are failing, and your university students now see that there is NO FUTURE in this Jewish-Corrupted System.  Therefore, the Jewish Zionists have brutally beaten down all Gaza Protests on college campuses, for once it becomes common knowledge that we are headed into the Rife Greater Depression, the demonstrations will turn into riots and anarchy, as Jewish Babylon falls, even in One Rife Hour.


Come out of this Jewish/Babylon Whore, all ye BRICS nations!  The future is with BRICS Gold-plated Truth, while you Americans die by Jewish Lies, Intrigue, and Counterfeit money.  BRICS now controls the Suez Canal and the Red Sea – and soon, Rife Palestine, including Rife Jerusalem.


The American Economy is now on the Knife’s Edge: Lean to the left and fall into Hyperinflationary Hell; lean to the right and fall into the Greatest Depression of All Time.  And with so many Knives in the Air, this is going to get real bloody, real fast.  This is the Curse that goes out over Rainbow Magog, affecting all nations: The Fall of the Dollar and the Greatest Depression of all Time.

You print counterfeit Jewish Dollars (Freemason Craft) to pay trillion-dollar international payments; and like cashing Hot Checks, here comes Sheriff Rife