Rife reverses the Battle.  Austin Rules, to the intent that the living will know that the Most High now rules in the kingdom of men, awarding New Levels of Divine Power and Authority. We enjoy the Highest Level of Divine Right, first in New Austin, then New Texas, and then, Worldwide.  Our Dominance in the Spiritual world now determines the history of this natural world.


Because ALL AUTHORITY is in Jesus Christ, we exercise Restitution Authority over our Texas Dominion.  The Bride Administration employs the Keys to open and shut the Zionist/Jewish Gates of Hell.  Bride Government will have the Authority to legislate, in both the visible and invisible realms, prohibiting the Gates of Hell from entering New Texas.


You have Authority over all power of the Enemy and his Luciferian Jews.  Any official standing against the Rife Conquest will be banished from government, and if necessary, from life on earth.  By eating the Little Book, we are given the Mandate to prophesy to every tongue and nation.




The Bride Government will now subdue all Demonic Principalities and Powers and bind them in Hell.  Our Mission is to destroy the principalities and powers of the Second Heaven.  It takes Great Courage to confront principalities and powers face-to-face; for that reason, strategically, our Mighty Weapons are Spiritual, to the destruction of all demonic powers.


As we project our light, not one demon will wish to dwell in our Land of Texas.  We destroy the rulers of darkness, in both the spiritual and human spheres.  The Principalities and Powers heretofore over Austin are now obliterated by the prayers of the Rife Saints.  The New Austin Authority destroys all demonic strongholds over the entire Texas Region, making way, the HIGHWAY to God’s Throne.




We align with The Supreme Court that executes God’s Justice.  These Kingdom Keys are in operation in New Austin.  Our Reign is through Judgments and Decrees of Powerful Edicts. Our Bride Government exercises the Kingdom Keys to bind on earth what has ALREADY been bound in the Courts of Heaven.  It is AFFIRMED, The New Austin Authority binds and releases the Will of God on Earth, dispensing what has already been determined in Heaven’s Courts. Judicially, our Corporate Authority is to bind and release the Judgments of God over the entire world.  As we dispatch the Prophecy of God, He dispatches the Gabriel Legions against our enemies.





The Marvelous Model is New Austin Bride Government.




The Texas Ekklesia manifests the Kingdom with Righteous Deeds, Divisive Judgments, and Millennial Visions.  Our Ekklesia models Biblical/Christian Ethics, Laws, and Teachings, thereby fulfilling the Times of Refreshing and the Restitution of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all his Holy Prophets, since the world began.


All governmental offices of Ekklesia are part of the One Body of Christ.  Our Church is appointed to Government over the entire Earth.  Our Ekklesia Mission is to heal unreconciled sins, disparagements, and tragedies.  In New Austin, He now builds his Ekklesia, thoroughly permeating all of Austin.




Rife Rules the Rod of Iron, destroying all enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ.  All territories of the Devil are now devastated by the Rife Rod of Iron.  Corporately, we wield FULL AUTHORITY over all the power of the evil one.  Capital Punishment will be revived per Biblical Precept.  All Media will Serve Jesus Christ, or Die.  Let the High Praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand.


In New Austin, we are vested with Superior Governmental Jurisdiction, to change every aspect of life, for the better.  There shall be no hunger or homelessness, vagrancy or vulgarity.  Via the Austin Sword, He shall smite the nations with the Rife Rod of Iron.




This Austin Ekklesia is the Lord’s Governmental Institution.  Because Austin Government is in Christ, all Jurisprudence becomes NEW AND SUPERIOR.  Our Administration is suitable to this Fullness of Time and the summing up of all ministries in Christ, both in Heaven and on Earth.  Our Kingdom, based in Austin, will rule through our structure of power, laws, and economy, etc.


New Austin aligns with Justice and Righteousness.  Judging Righteous Judgment.


The Rotunda is Holy because all Administrators are Holy; by this Holy Service we access God’s Secret Chambers.  The Austin Administration fights and defeats all the devices of Jewish Witchcraft now plaguing Texas, beginning in the schools and at the border.  Our work is heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men.


Humble, Determined Service is Our Motto.  We are not centers of bureaucracy, but of Service.  Tangible Deeds produced by the exercise of Divine Power.  Fulfilling our SUPERIOR MANDATE, all Sanctified Austin Administrators are categorically translated to the Throne of God.  As such, Judgment is committed to the Saints of New Austin.  Our Austin Administration shall break in pieces and consume all kingdoms, as it is destined to stand forever.

Our Administration serves the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, as He opens The Book and loosens the Seven Seals thereof.




Anti-Feminist Doctrine models our Complete Gender Reconciliation, as we comply with the New Testament Scriptures.  We destroy Feminist Sloth and the Jewish Degradation of Motherhood and the Family.  Regarding the former feminists: your desire will be for your husband; he will rule over you.




The Steady Inflow of the Righteous, by the Lord’s Direction, will ensure Proper Transition.  This Strong Meat belongs to you who are of Full Maturity, to Rightfully Discern both Good and Evil.  The Austin Leadership has been washed of serving sin, and has been regenerated and renewed by the Holy Spirit – and thus, made ready to Rule the World.




This Austin Temple of God, becomes the Primary Home of The Bride, on Earth.  Because the Rife Foundation Stone is ALREADY SET in Positional Authority, the Holy of Holies is the Sanctified Rotunda, as Representative of the Throne of God; our Alignment is our Command. In whom all the building fitly framed together now grows unto the Holy Temple in the Lord, built together for a habitation of God through the Spirit.  This Invisible Kingdom is accessed through the Capitol Dome.


John’s water baptism is at the river; the Rife Baptism of Fire is in the Holy Dome, deep in the Heart of Texas.  The Greatest Power of God will descend upon the Capitol Grounds. This Holy Dome becomes the Baptismal of the Holy Spirit and Fire.  Our Capitol Rotunda will boast Springs of Living Water.  Wells of Mercy and Healing flow from the Capitol Rotunda.


The Capitol Dome Environs opens the Spring of Holiness, transforming Life and Government, while miraculously healing all Saints and their families.  Vertical Alignment includes Daily Prayers for All Leadership.