States is equally guilty of this Crime against Jesus Christ, and shall follow him into the Lake of Fire.







Israel receives the Divine Curse, while American Babylon suffers Ultimate Judgment, foremost in the History of Mankind.




Shall the Lord not punish you for your Treason against the Gospel?  Shall not the Lord avenge Himself from the Corruption that you have brought to His Name?  Making amends for this Zionist Wrongdoing is now the Chief Obligation.  The Lord says, It is mine to avenge; I will repay.  Your only future is your Date with the Executioner.  With the Opening of the Rife Seal, the angels of the Lord have been sent, walking to and fro throughout the Earth, marking the Saints for Deliverance and the Jews, and their Children of Wrath, for Destruction.




The Seven Eyes of God are now Satisfied; all have been marked; now He will remove the iniquity of Texas, and then, in Rife Conquest, of Palestine, even in One Day.  The world population is hereby Marked for Judgment – either exonerated by the Blood of the Lamb, serving the Prince of Peace, or damned to join the Jews in HellYou are addicted to Jewish Vice, Jewish Bankrupt Economics, and now, Genocide of Palestinians – this will not end well for you Backslidden Apostates.


Gog/Rothschild is the Chief Benefactor; Netanyahu is the Head of the Snake, to be crushed by RTG.  This 75-year Ashkenazi Crime Spree is now brought to the Rife End.  Ashkenazi Israel is the Luciferian Entity, to now be destroyed by RTG.




True and Righteous are His Judgments, as He avenges the blood of His Servants, whom the Jews have killed.  He comes forth to repair the harms caused by Jewish Wrongdoing.  Your Role is Resistance with Love (not hate) as its Logic; Rife prepares you for Deliverance from Wrath, while your Sisters of Sodom, daughters of the Synagogue of Satan, will now burn as Sodom and Gomorrah.




Righteous Retribution is one of the glories of Divine Character.  We are talking about Proper Retribution at the Hand of God, duly warned by RTG before the fact.  Your Wicked Sins are now Recompensed.  He shall bring all your abominations upon you, as well as your destruction, murder, and now, genocide.




What now follows is the Terminal Atrocity of this Age of Jewish Gangsterism. Israel has No Right, other than 100% full-scale Retreat, back to Ukraine, to be enforced by the Sword of the Lord.  All anti-Christ, Ashkenazi Jews are marking THEMSELVES for death.  The Lord rebuke you Jews!  The Lord Who has Chosen Jerusalem rebukes you!  He shall break in pieces the Jewish Oppressor.  You Jews are the Perpetrators of Injustice, deserving death sentence for your multiple crimes.  All Jewish Bastards will receive DOUBLE for their Treachery, Treason, and Turpitude against God and Mankind.




As stated, as Rife Truth Reverberates the Earth, passions will escalate, affecting the worldwide population.  You are addicted to Jewish Vice, Jewish Bankrupt Economics, and now, Genocide of Palestinians – this will not end well for you Backslidden Apostates.  All who push Gay Marriage are worthy of Death, per Romans One.  He spared not the angels that sinned, and neither shall He spare you.  Judgment begins at the House of God, then all of Texas, then all of Palestine.  Ashkenazi Israel is the Luciferian Entity, to now be destroyed by RTG.




Witness, the Sheaf of the Gaza Firstfruits at Day 16, followed by the Measure of the Wrath of God at Pentecost.  Judgment is now in Order, beginning in Texas, America, and Palestine.  For the Great Day of His Wrath has come, and who is able to stand?  His Blazing Wrath.  Because of your Apostasy, your sins are poured back upon your American Abomination.




Witness the Confused Irony of Infused Impunity.  Witness your Leading Lights of American Evangelicalism rubbing shoulders with and praising, Jewish Mobsters and Zionist Monsters.  Woe unto your Zionist Prophets!  Because your Zionist Churches are Most Profane, He brings forth your Disaster.  Every Zionist, who swears falsely in Christ’s Name, shall be consumed in Wrath.  Therefore, Behold, the Lord is against your FlashPoint/NAR/Hagee False Prophets; you shall die terrible deaths for your False Prophecy to America.




All Zionists are GUILTY of Genocide War Crimes and shall now be prosecuted by RTG.  While your Zionism seems right to the Uneducated, its end is the way of Death.  Your Christian Zionism is the Foundation of Babylon the Great, while the End of your Zionism is Eternal Destruction.  Every Zionist Branch is taken away and thrown into the Fire.  Your Zionist faith is rooted in Ashkenazi Lies, and thus, you American Christians go into Wrath.  Christian Zionism will now suffer its long-deserved death, even by fire.  As that generation of Israel died in the wilderness, so do you Christians now die in your Zionist Wilderness.




The gallows that you propose for Born-Again Christians and University Students, is now reserved, a la Haman, for all Jewish Globalists who oppose Rife the Great.  During your Visitation, you did not receive the Love of Rife Truth, that you might be saved.  The RIFE FIRE is Your Judgment.  The Fundamental Source of today’s Whore of Babylon: Zionist-occupied – Zionist-bribed, Zionist-extorted, and Zionist-armed – United States of America, which shall now burn by the Rife Sword.


Rife destroys the Jews who destroy the Earth.  Yes, Rife destroys the Ashkenazi Jews because they Destroy Life on Earth, even introducing the GREENBLATT SPLATT®™, as all Jewish Leadership will now hang in the Rife Gallows.  All Jewish Billionaires, full of Avaricious Greed and denying the poor and hungry, will now DIE IN THE RIFE GALLOWS.  Rife the Great has weapons that you’ve only dreamed of; ditto for Putin the Great.  All Christian Zionists are Wholly Complicit and Equally Guilty; hence, in Retribution, RTG brings the Battle to North America; initially to destroy all munition and weapon factories.  Missile coordinates forthcoming.




All who refuse Rife the Great shall be taken in the Obama Snare, French Revolution 2.0; therefore, follow Rife so that you will Prevail to Escape this Massive Destruction, and to Stand before the Son of Man, at that Day.  That day when 23,000 fell is for your Example and Admonition; far worse days await Apostate America.




And was given to Putin the Great, the Mighty Sword of the Lord, to Kill the Jewish Beasts of the Earth, principally Rothschild/Gog and their Land of Rainbow Magog.  Britain and the United States conspired this Israel Abomination; hence, all three nations will now be obliterated from existence.  Slaughter upon slaughter, as you have done, it will be done unto you.


You Christian Zionists are CRIMINALS, supporting the theft, terror, and genocide in Palestine; your penalty is Fire out of the sky above your Blue Cities.  Always remember, you can see Lindsey Graham’s Office from space, not many miles from where the Jews imported their Black Slaves, there in Charleston.  Likewise, God has gathered you to Palestine and to New York to pour out his Wrath upon you.  You Globalists need to make immediate provision as to how you will handle millions of dead bodies.