You Zionists are rushing headlong into Disaster.  Your Zionist Reward is the destruction of your Laodicean Churches.  All Zionist Christians are now cast into your bed of anguish and severe affliction; all who adhere to the Zionist Heresy shall die terrible deaths.  Wrath comes upon you to the uttermost.




Your Adulterous Zionist False Teachers have destroyed the Moral Integrity of America.  Yours is the Strange Fire of Nadab and Abilu and the Treachery of Ananias and Sapphira.  In this Day of Swift Justice, you are doomed, because the Scofield Fallacy has destroyed your American Church.


Every advocate of Ashkenazi Zionism is a False Teacher.  Your Christian Zionism promotes the vilest of morals, as proven by your endorsement of Genocide against the Palestinian Remnant and your support for this Psychopath Murderer, Netanyahu, and his band of Jewish Niggers.  Thus, God’s Anathema is upon your Christian Zionism.


As already stated, you are not walking away from this – the Lord now puts hooks in your jaws, drawing you to Destruction, because Seduction and Betrayal are your Modes of Conduct.  Your Reprisal now returns upon your own head.




The Jewish Gates of Hell will continually enlarge, fostering an escalation of the Demonic Invasion, which started in Jewish Hollywood, Jewish San Francisco, and Jewish New York City, and shall end at the swinging of the Rife Sword of Retribution, while enlisting the Sword of Putin the Great.




For you Americans, it would have been better for you not to have known the way of righteousness, then to have known it, and now turn your backs on the Sacred Command that has been passed down from generation to this generation.  In your churches, Satan himself masquerades as an Angel of Light.  Error always blinds; seventy years of Zionism has permanently blinded you to Justice.


Your Flagrant Sin has brought your Disorder and Confusion; your Zionism – trusting Duplicitous Jews as stewards of American Inheritance – renders you to debt-ridden slavery.  Your once-blessed Land of George Washington is now a Jewish Bordello on the verge of Bankruptcy.


You Zionists are Cowards for Christ – church on Rome’s Sunday, monthly conferences, special conventions, meetings, meetings, meetings, yet NO REVIVAL – all because of your lack of repentance and the wrongness of your Zionist Platform.


The Lord now judges you Apostate/Zionist Americans.  For 2300 days – from your Jewish Witchcraft Lockdown, April 1, 2020, to the Cleansing of the Temple – you have trodden underfoot the Son of God, and have counted the Blood of the Covenant, wherewith America was once sanctified, and unholy thing, and have done this despite unto the Spirit of Grace.  How much more severe punishment awaits you, America?  For Vengeance belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ.




You Zionists are no more than the Gang of Miscreants preaching Doctrines of Demons – and the Band of Vandals stealing America’s once-obedient Heritage.  As depicted in the career of Ms. Suri, your Zionist Preachers, Prophets, and Teachers are all adulterers and fornicators.  Every table is covered with Lukewarm Zionist Vomit, and expelled into Tribulation Judgment.


Seventy-six years of Jewish Ethno-Supremacism and Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine has filled your Measure unto Wrath.  Per Dr. Rife, your Zionist Wound is Fatal, you will never recover.  You Zionists will now pay the price for your Sacrilege.  Yours is the Peril of Zionist Error.  You now suffer the devastating consequences of not only being deceived, but also for advocating your Zionist Error to the world.


Your hands are not holy, rather bloody, to your own condemnation.  In your churches, your Zionist Praise is all lies, wickedness, hypocrisy, and murder.  Justice renders your Zionism to Scorn.  Therefore, your Lukewarm Zionism is spewed out and into Tribulation Judgment. Depart from me you cursed Zionists, into the Eternal Fire, because of your Murderous Sins against the Least of my Palestinian Brothers.


Nothing but Doom awaits for you Zionist Drunkards of Ephraim.  You Christian Zionists have wrought an Evil Work in the sight of the Lord, and by this Rife Court, in the sight of the entire world.  Your American Guilt is your compliance and financial and military support for this Zionist Fraud in Palestine.  Henceforth, you Christian Zionists are cut off, because of your Exceeding Guilt.  You Zionists are cut off, bearing your guilt, and cursing your land, by making Jewish bombs, Jewish bullets, and more Jewish bullsh*t, to kill the Least of my Brethren in Palestine.


Your Zionist Church now hears these words, Depart from Me, you who break God’s Laws.  You Zionists are experts in nothing but Evil.  Yet now, at the Rife Trumpet, your Zionist Scheming now comes to its Bitter End.  Of these Ashkenazi Jews, God now makes you like the whirling dust, like chaff before the Rife Wind, while your Zionist Heresy has damned America to destruction.  You have rejected the Counsel of God to the point of your own Zionist Strong Delusion, which takes you into the Obama Snare/CBDC Mark of the Beast. 


You should have kept the Ten Commandments in your schools.  Just sayin.




You Zionists, because of your Strong Delusion/Apostasy, have rendered America to be the Whore of Babylon, which shall now fall, even twice, at this Rife Word.  Verily, this overtaking of your American Church, by the Jewish Synagogue of Satan, renders the Whore of Babylon.  The Great Whore is created and directed by the Synagogue of Satan Jews; your Christian Zionism is the Whore Daughter.  America the Great Whore, filled with Jewish LGBTQABOMINATIONS.


By Jewish Sorceries – the Hollywood/NYC/WDC Synagogue of Satan opening the Gates of Hell – you have become the habitation of devils, foul spirits, and every unclean demon.  They fill your churches and government, as well as media and entertainment, with Zionist Heresy, Lies, and Evil Deceit.


Your Mighty Zionists, who have led the American Church to become the Whore of Babylon, are now dismayed by these Rife Truths.  Your dollar is no more than a Jewish Instrument of Theft and Extortion.  Your wealth is stolen and your power is corrupt.  Your American Babylon, established by the Zionist Heresy taking over all institutions, shall now fall twice, first economically, and then by fire.


Babylon America is thrown down and shall never again be found.  Alas, America, for in ONE HOUR your Judgment arrives, with fire and devastation. 


Should have kept the Ten Commandments in your schools, just sayin.




No American Zionist gets off the hook, all will pay for this Terrible Crime.  Now, in this Rife Court, Prosecutor Rife the Great is laying out your condemnation, and you are forced to hear God’s Case against your American Abomination.  For whom much is given, much is demanded.  What the Founders’ Generation had in Integrity, your generation has in Infidelity.  As your America has received the Paramount Understanding and Knowledge of the Gospel, and foolishly rejected this Treasure, so shall your Judgment be Most Severe and Paramount in the Books of the Most High.


Your American Church is judged for its Zionist Doctrine of Demons and its Lies in Hypocrisy.  The Climax of Your Evil is Warlock Netanyahu before Congress receiving fifty standing ovations from your Senators and Representatives – all AIPAC Whores – with Whore-boy Johnson presiding.  Over fifty standing ovations from your bribed and extorted officials, for this War Criminal – Mastermind of 9-11 – proves your clueless Infidelity and sinful Guilt before the World Jury.  They have voted, and they support the White Horse Conquest now being conducted by Rife the Great.


Did you know?  During September, 2024, the exploding pagers were distributed by a Mossad front company in Hungry, in the same manner that 9-11 was conducted by Urban Moving Systems, a Mossad front company in New York.  You saw Dancing Israelis celebrating in 2024, just like you did when the first plane hit Tower One on September 11, 2001.  When will you Foolish Americans ever wise up?  Your Real Enemy has ALWAYS been Duplicitous Jews destroying your nation.