Like unto any victorious game plan, the STRATEGY OF THE LORD is kept secret, only to be explained by his Prophets, who invest decades in his Word. This is the reason for so many false interpretations of Bible Prophecy – the enemy will infiltrate and give to you any interpretation, other than the bona fide Truth. Only the Prophet of God can lead you to the Returning Palestinian Prince of Peace.
This Unsealing of Bible Prophecy, using the Sword of Truth, is by the ANOINTING of the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of Truth. The Tactical Operations of Judgment have been kept secret from the Foundation of the World, even unto the End. Our Victory is in Daniel 12, which states, none of the Wicked will understand, BUT THE WISE SHALL UNDERSTAND. That is your promise from the Almighty, even as He forecloses this Age of Jewish Gangsterism.
His Prophetic Word is purposely Encoded by the Holy Spirit – to be taught to our generation by the selfsame Holy Spirit. The Heavenly Author is the Exclusive Teacher, while the Spirit of Truth updates all Understanding. Truth is your Key to the Kingdom, that you may learn Judicial Discernment, righteously condemning the Wicked (Jew), while exonerating the Righteous (Christian) – between him that serves God/Jesus Christ, and the Jews and their Children of Wrath, who serve Him not.
We affirm, True and Righteous are his Judgments, even as Your Day of the Lord will come as a Destruction from the Almighty.
These Ashkenazi are NOT Semites, were never Semites, and shall never be Semites. The True Israelite DNA, from Adam, to Noah, to Abraham, and on to Joseph and Mary, is in the Native Palestinian Family Tree. Yes, Abraham’s Genetic Remnant is among the Rife Palestinians, who will now be honored by the Return of Our Lord, the PALESTINAIN PRINCE OF PEACE.
Your Gordian Knot is now untied by RTG. The Hal Lindsey Deceived Generation of Boomers is now cursed, impoverished, and bankrupt; now, it is the Rife Generation that receives the Truth, initially on College Campuses, where the students have NO FUTURE in this Zionist Charade, which is now morally, socially, and economically bankrupt.
Christian Cowardice – while Ardent Truthers have emerged (on college campuses) in Honor, Veracity, and Courage, regardless of cost to education, career, family, or fortune, and almost to a Hero, few if any, make wild claims about being Christian. This is the Rife Remnant being Redeemed via Stalwart Conviction, which pleases God. Preach this Rife Good News to Palestine.
Masha’Allah, Rife Justice for Palestine. And regarding your Zionist Hoax, the Entire New Testament is REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY. Modern Israel has absolutely no Biblical significance – rather is the Counterfeit constructed by the Synagogue of Satan.
Warlock Netanyahu, Commander over 9-11 Terror, now fittingly sports an army helmet and bomb vest – he knows that RTG now stalks him for Death. The Rife Hamas Freedom Fighters are Legal, under International Law, and shall now make Jerusalem to become the Praise in all the Earth. At the close of this Age, each Family Tree blossoms forth for Harvest; this is the Terminal Time, the moment where, like concrete, you are forever cast by the mold that you hold dear. We are at the Close of Probation, when the Wicked are slain Terminally, and the Righteous gain Tenure, to serve the Lord in his Administration of Justice, as the Palestinian Prince of Peace, sitting on his Throne in Rife Jerusalem.
Make no mistake, the Jews are the PROBLEM; Rife has the SOLUTION. Regarding the Rife Remnant in Palestine, your two-thousand-year banishment from the Kingdom is now foreclosed; while the 75-year Cleansing of Inequity is now complete. Likewise, it has been forty years since I walked Palestine and claimed it for Jesus Christ; now, since Gaza, the Jewish Iniquity is FULL.
I’m going back to Jerusalem, to Finish this Job, and give the Rife Answer to Al Nakbah – the catastrophe. It’s time to Mow the JEWISH LAWN? No, it’s Time to Plow it Underground, and drive it into Hell, to await the Rife Tribunals.
Dear Palestine, Abraham’s God has never forgotten you; neither has your Native Son, Jesus Christ forgotten you. Here in the eye of the Gaza Storm, this Trial of your Faith is more precious than Gold. Our Lord blesses Palestinian Arabs, who pursue righteousness, whose hearts are turned toward Him. God is working in your lives, blessing you, guiding you, and revealing Himself to you; He has already made atonement for your sins. Let REVIVAL break out in Rife Palestine, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace.
Henceforth, Rife Truth prevails over Jewish Deceit. Rife is all about Peace, Love, and Reconciliation – Jesus Christ makes Peace in Palestine. Love does not rejoice in evil but rejoices in the Truth. At this hour, Rife has the blueprints for the True Palestinian Temple, to be built in Melchizedek Jerusalem. You must pray for discernment, because no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation. You will discover Rife Truth over Jewish/Zionist Infidelity. We don’t hate the Jews, rather in love, and for the sake of Righteous Humanity, we hate the Crimes of the Jews. The Jews are destroyed, not for who they are, but for what they do; their crimes are now beyond reconciliation and must be answered by Wrath.
Dear Palestine Remnant, your eyes are now opened and your ears unstopped. Your Native Son, Jesus Christ, walked on water, healed the sick, raised the dead, cast out demons, calmed the sea, opened the eyes of the blind, not to mention arising from the dead. He sits at the Right Hand of the Father, awaiting your conversion to become born again.
Therefore, Beloved Palestine, Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove the perfect Will of God. The Law of the Lord is Perfect, converting the soul; and this Rife Testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. Rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
Your Credentials are Impeccable! Palestinian Believers have both, Heart Circumcision/Born-again Rights, and also, Biological/Geographical Rights, to the Promised Land – all in alignment with Prophetic Scripture (God’s Plan). Blessed is the Prophet Elijah, who comes in the Name of Jesus Christ. Rife teaches what you don’t yet understand. Palestinian Christianity is the thousand-year future, while your Christian/Ashkenazi Zionism will burn in Hell.
Faith, repentance, salvation, and sanctification are your KEY into the Rife Kingdom of God. As you are sanctified during these thousand days, you are made ready to help sanctify the next thousand years, whereby the Jews and Lucifer, their god, will be locked up in Rife Prison.
Notice to all Displaced Palestinians, get your papers in order, as we will work to put you either in your stolen home (if yet standing) or we shall arrange suitable lodgings in the thousands of abandoned apartments, condos, and homes, once RTG drives out the Land Thieves. Now that we are in the Fourth Generation of Palestinians holding on to their House Key – Vengeance comes forth to devour all Jewish Adversaries who refuse to flee.
Oh, Palestine, Today is Your Day of Salvation; Tomorrow is your Day of Solicitude.
Oh, Palestinian Remnant, the Lord Jesus Christ is no longer your Master, rather your Husband, enjoying your Fidelity. As Jerusalem is judged by Rife the Great, so is the entire world judged by Jesus Christ. The Handwriting is on the Wall – Rife Romps; Jews Lose. The answer to 2023-24 is 1947.
This Rife Peace Plan, endorsed by the Prince of Peace – RETURN TO 1947.
Yes, this Rife Peace Plan – titled: Return to 1947 – is put forth by the Prince of Peace. This Rife Peace Plan is very simple: 1) The unconditional Return of all Ashkenazi Jews to Ukraine; 2) The Return of Palestine to the 1947 Status Quo. End of discussion. As I have previously stated, Rife does not debate Jews, rather destroys Jews. You have FORTY DAYS to comply.
This is the 75-year Echo known as Divine Justice. Rife is the Forerunner; Listen Up! Jesus Christ Returns to the Land of his Birth, Life, Death, and Resurrection. Now that his Bride Government is Credentialed and Instated in Austin, as the temporary pre-millennial Headquarters for Tactical Warfare, King Jesus is about to take his throne in Jerusalem. Thanks for the applause. |