As it is written, there should be no time longer. Introducing, Rife the Great, Forerunner to the Prince of Peace. Rife brings the Times of the Gentiles to the End, during this Rife Restoration of Jerusalem. Unto now, you are mistaken, because you do not know the Scriptures nor the Power of God. Your god of Christian Zionism is NOT the God of RTG.
This Rife Blessing is to advance God’s Perfect Plan, even as the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one. This is the Climax of this Six-Thousand-Year Thriller – spoiler alert: Rife the Great wins every Battle. Another spoiler alert: This Rife Channel, through Ministry, enlarges to become the Rapture Channel.
Call this, The Restoration of All Things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all his Holy Prophets since the world began. You must eat this “Little Book” of Ten, to understand the message in Eleven. Likewise, this Rife Report gives to you Skill and Understanding. The Totality of Revelation is in this Ministry of Rife the Great and the Bride Administration, now Summoned and Convening in Austin, as temporary Military Headquarters for the Prince of Peace Legions. Soon we invade Palestine with Love, Peace, and Justice.
The Keys to the Kingdom, before the Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord. If you can, receive this Blessing: Rife is the Primary Epistle of Christ, written in the heart, to be known and read of all men. God’s Pump uses this Rife Primer. And like unto Herod’s Temple, this Rife Temple has been 46 years in the making.
As Elijah was the skunk at Ahab’s Victory Party, celebrating his theft of Naboth’s Vineyard; so is Rife the Great the skunk at Netanyahu’s LGBTQ Party, celebrating the theft of Palestine, and the skunk in America, fingering the Jews who stole the 2020 Election. With the arrival of RTG, the proper Seder table is now complete. In Concord, the Destroyer now Arrives.
When I left Israel in 1981, God said to me, You will be back!
This Prophesied Conquest of Rife the Great is right, just, moral, and humane. Time for RTG to drain this Ashkenazi Swamp. And as the Old Covenant Levitical System was temporary; the Melchizedek Priesthood New Covenant is Eternal.
Welcome to the Rife Channel, where the angels of the Lord ascend and descend, now being celebrated by Righteous Students on the College Campuses. For your GENERATION Z, Rife represents the Divine Demarche. You are the Post-Israeli9-11 Generation, which must now be awakened, sanctified, instructed, and made ready for the Palestinian Prince of Peace. God delegates authority to execute Vengeance, not by swords, but by plowshares. Yours is the Peace Generation which shall call froth the Sword of Justice, in prayer, fasting, and demonstration, regardless of the Zionist Fascism destroying your Bill of Rights.
And here are your heads up: Texas will become your Refuge, once the Spartan State is Confirmed by RTG. To the Globalist Jews, their shills, and lackeys, as they want to Murder you, as they are murdering the Rife Remnant in Palestine, all I, Sam Houston the Second, can say is this: Molon Labe – come and take it!
Via Rife the Great, God Speaks to you in his Wrath, even pre-Wrath. Rife delivers analytical, rational prophetic reasoning for the Wise Man; and the Sword for the Wayward Jew and his Children of Wrath – all according to this Rife Comprehensive Analysis. Your blessing is to be taught by Prophet Rife, called by God according to the Order of Melchizedek.
Beginning on the College Campuses, we are Speaking Truth into this Reprobate Generation. Rife Intervenes and cuts your Jewish Conspiracy short, to save Life on Earth, even as the Monster of the Carolinas throws a temper tantrum, beckoning the Missiles of Jeremiah 25.
Hear the Word of Truth! The Anointing of the Holy Spirit rebukes your Zionist Heresy. Once the Prophet speaks in Obedience, the Gabriel Legions are dispatched accordingly.
Rife is Reasoned and Seasoned. Greater Love tells the Truth, rather than Jewish Lies. By Rife Prophecy, his Judgments are made manifest. You must pray for Divine Revelation and Rife Illumination, for your works, even Generation Z, will be equally Truculent and Revolutionary. Many prophecies must be spoken years before their fulfillment, because many works of God, in Judgment, separating the Righteous from the Wicked, take many months, even years, and sometimes decades of PROVIDENTIAL GUIDANCE.
Case in Point: The Rife Epistle to Palestine was written in 1998, 25 years ago. Why? For my edification, but also because God Creates by his Word, when Spoken. His Plan necessitates solid faith in his Prophetic Word. You must understand the Spiritual Warfare, centering on Jerusalem, because Salem must be redeemed by Melchizedek, serving the Master. That time in my life was filled with warfare, and within two years I lost everything dear to me, except my calling. I have paid the price, and so shall you, as you repent of this Zionist Nightmare, come out of this Jewish Whore, and are Delivered from the Plagues of Wrath.
Once a Prophet speaks in Obedience, the Gabriel Legions are dispatched accordingly. In 1984, the Captain of the Lord of Host awarded me, RTG, with the Sword which will consume worldwide Jewry/Luciferianism. That sword was utilized within minutes. First Battle: as I walked out of my prayer room, after receiving the sword, in my living room was a snake crawling along the carpet, of our second-floor flat. Hours later, I was attacked by a knife wielding assailant who tried to scar up my face and puncture my chest. This Testimony to you is genuine, believe it or not; I am being honest with you.
In God’s Timing, Rife is God’s Answer to this Second Nakba. Jewish Hubris meets Rife the Great, initially via Generation Z. It’s not that RTG is anti-Israel, rather that RTG is pro-Truth and pro-Justice. Rife the Great Rights the Wrongs. Accordingly, the Rife/Hamas Charter rightfully calls for the destruction of this Synagogue of Satan, located in Jerusalem.
Rife endorses this Palestinian Identity as Authentic and Timeless, without restriction. Prophet Rife now accomplishes what is Requisite to Divine Law. This Rife Counsel of Peace demands Divine Intervention in this latter course of the world. Unto Worldwide Zionism, under the Rife Torch of Prosecution, your story melts like snow on a spring afternoon, maybe at Harvard, or Columbia, or UT Austin, which shall become the Epicenter for World Revolution serving the Return of the Prince of Peace – initially to Palestine/Jerusalem. Zionist Abbott be Damned.
Your Legal Treatise is the Book of Revelation, the Holy Prophets, this website (mali456.com), the Rife Books (R.L. Rife) on Amazon.com, and this ongoing Prosecution of all that offends the Rife Kingdom of God. Let the Students Arise! Come and get it!
As the New Testament is REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY, RTG is Supersessionist; the (Palestinian) Church has Superseded National Israel. The Judgment is set against this background of Rife the Great. Rife judges all things, but he himself is judged of no man. Rather than debate Jews, Rife destroys Jews. Likewise, the American Church is judged by Rife the Great. Rife calls for Religious War, against all Ashkenazi Jews, worldwide. Warning: Jews have put WDC on the Shifting Sands of Hell, and subject to the Rife Rebuke. For starters, the Rife Battle Plan includes the Destruction of the Jewish Capitals: NYC, WDC, City of London, and Tel Aviv, coordinates to follow.
Why RTG? For this is the Day of Vengeance, from God’s Heart, and accordingly, His Thousand Days of Sanctification, purposely for the Rife Redeemed, has arrived. You are to be sanctified to serve the Palestinian Prince of Peace and his thousand-year Reign. The Eyes of the Lord finish their Separation, the Righteous from the Wicked, via the Ministry of RTG. |