This is War, Rife Peace vs Jewish Evil.  The Rife Plowshares rely on the Sword of the Lord to Rectify all Jewish Injustice, Jewish Pretense, and Jewish Conspiracy/Intrigue.  On your Campuses, you are countering the Warlock Warfare against the Rife Restoration of all things.  Your time has come, your Ashkenazi Demons are now Tormented by Rife the Great; you Globalist Jews, and your Children of Wrath, will now die by the millions.


Accordingly, Rife Christianity is not a spectator sport.  With the Crowning of Rife the Great, and the Bride, the Lord has opened His Armory, and has brought forth His Weapons of Indignation, first to the Beloved Students of Conscience.  Humbly, we command Social Brilliance, even in a chaotic, tense encounter.  As Light slays the Vampire, Rife Truth slays all Jews and their Children of Wrath.




Regarding Israel’s ancient history, Jews were never more than the Husk, Christians, knowing the Lamb of God, are the Fruit.  That’s why they killed the prophets, the Messiah, and the Apostles, and now plot worldwide genocide of all Believers – they have always warred against God, from the Day of the Golden Calf, to this, latter-day Zionist Abomination.  And now, by Rife Prophecy, given days and weeks before October 7, the Kosher Poison has Risen to the Top – to now be removed by RTG, during this Rife Court, Palestine/Gaza Hearing.


Time for RTG to drain this Ashkenazi Swamp.  This Jewish Takedown of the World now becomes the Rife Takedown of Ashkenazi Jewry.  My Oath before God is to see to the destruction of every Ashkenazi Luciferian on this Planet. I am Commissioned to demolish the Jewish Strongholds of their Kingdom of Darkness.  As Jehu destroyed baal from Israel (fulfilling Elijah’s prophecy), so does RTG destroy Zionism from America, beginning in New Texas.


Rife’s Armor is Righteous Indignation leading the Forces of Good against the Jewish Forces of Evil.  There is no Jewish Impunity from the Sword of RTG.  Note to you Holdup Jews – that fraudulent Balfour Declaration, you British Freemasons gave to the teller, stating that God gave you this money (land), is no longer going to deceive all Truthers, beginning on the College Campuses; hence, your arrest by Rife the Great.  Your bank heist is now arrested, during this Victory of Humanity over Jewish Barbarity.  Rife drives the Final Nail in this Zionist Coffin, emblazed with the Star of Satan.  Remember, ALL JEWS are to be buried face down, facing Hell.




Jews are not worthy of debate or decency; rather, only worthy of Destruction and Damnation.  You are cast into Great Tribulation and your children shall all die untimely deaths, because you refused your time of Rife Visitation.  You that resist Rife the Great shall be given to the power of the Wicked One.  The Destroyer now Arrives.  Rife Holiness does not tolerate the Jewish Wickedness, Treachery, and Treason.  Rife now calls forth the Destruction of all nations that fight against Jerusalem’s Eternal Destiny. Like unto Herod’s Temple, this Rife Temple has been 46 years in the making.




The Captain of the Lord of Host has awarded me, RTG, with the Sword which will consume worldwide Jewry/Luciferianism.  From this time forward, when you draw your bow, your arrows are blunted.  In this Ministry of RTG, Christ’s Counsel shall stand, and He will do all His Pleasure.  The Rife Testimony is Overcoming and altogether Prevailing – nothing can touch these Two Witnesses.


The Lord said to RTG, All my people shall be ruled according to your word.  Your Zionist-occupied America is the Whore of Confusion and RTG is God’s Vice Officer; this won’t end well for you.  You will rue the day that I stop preaching.  This Luciferian Nemesis of Mankind is now Purged by Rife the Great.




Because this is the Time of the End, Rife Unseals the Prophecies for your Advantage unto Deliverance, and onto World Government in the CNWO.  The Rife Saints are Wise to Understand, Prepare, and Follow Prophet Rife, keeping us OUT of the Hour of Trouble.  Follow Prophet Rife, that you will be accounted worthy to escape the coming Day of Wrath.  Rife announces the Resurrection of the Righteous, Come up hither!




As reported earlier, the combo to the Eternal Safe is Rife the Great, after 10,000 Laodicean Zeros.  Welcome to this Rife Correctional Mandate, this Rife Restitution of all things pertaining to the Lord.  Like Refiner’s Fire and Fullers’ soap, God uses RTG to prepare Palestine for her Prince of Peace.




He who controls Mt. Zion, controls Eternity.  The Old Covenant Levitical System was temporary; the Melchizedek Priesthood New Covenant is Eternal.  This is the Rife Commission, appointed by the Lord Jesus Christ, sitting at the Right Hand of Power.  Rife Rules now prevail, unto the coming of the Prince of Peace.  Rife brings the Restitution of all Godly Institutions, then shall the Prince of Peace Return.




All who war against Rife the Great are burned in the Fire of the Spirit.  These are the Rife Coals of Fire, touching your lips on every College Campus in America, before the Angels of Death begin their Harvest of the Wicked.  Coals of Fire over Texas; Missiles of Fire over your Blue Cities.  You will die trying to silence Rife Truth.  God has appointed New Texas as our Place of Refuge, Rock of Salvation, and Den of Deliverance.  Without Rife Consent, no man may lift his hand or foot in all the Land of Palestine.




I the Lord, search the heart; I test the mind; I am the SWIFT WITNESS to my enemies. 


The Lord arises to execute Punishment upon Israel and Vengeance upon the Wicked Jew – to bring forth the Judgment as decreed by RTG.  In one hour, your judgment has come.  The Trinity of False Prophets, Hal Lindsey, Tim Lahaye, and John Hagee – and now Lindsey Graham, Tom Cotton, and Genocide Joe – will now be severely exposed for their wicked teachings regarding Lucifer’s Ashkenazi Jews.


The Lord destroys the Lying Jew.  The Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful Jew.  Tribulation, Anguish, and Death to every Ashkenazi Jew that even thinks of crossing the shadow of RTG.




Rejoice!  This is THE APPOINTED TIME of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Listen up!  This is the END GAME of the Almighty.  Pray for the Palestinian Prince of Peace to End this Jewish Madness.  Align with the Lord for Victory over these Zionist Fascists, Jewish Warlocks, and Jewish Mafiosi who believe they can deny your Inalienable Rights to Speak the Truth on your College Campuses.  It’s no more than the Golden Calf Fascism, extorting your Constitution.


Do not be corrupted by the simplicity that is in Jesus Christ.  This is NOT the End of the World – rather it’s the End of Ashkenazi Luciferians and their Children of Wrath, while this Rife Gospel ANNOUNCES the Return of the Prince of Peace.  The Rife Kingdom, welcoming the Prince of Peace, is now cut out of the Mountain without hands, to break in pieces this Jewish Conspiracy and align all nations into Peace, which will stand forever.  Join this Rife (Campus) Crusade Conquering and to Conquer.


I have been commanded to rise and measure the Temple of God, to build it up for the Reign of the Prince of Peace.  Ashkenazi Jerusalem is the Illegal Pretext against the Earth’s Deed of Trust; while, Rife Jerusalem welcomes back the Lamb of God, our True Kinsman Redeemer, the Mighty Palestinian Prince.


The Divine Time – the Kairos – is NOW.  RTG prepares Palestine for the Prince of Peace Administration.  We are transitioning to the Ashkenazi-free Palestine – made ready for the Prince of Peace.  Rife is the Forerunner of the coming Equity, Blessing, and Peace Complex.  Rife the Great announces a thousand years of Peace.  The Prince of Peace orders the Expulsion of all Ashkenazi Jews from Palestine; you have FORTY DAYS before the