Rife Plagues begin.





All Zionists commit Treason against Jesus Christ, whereas this Israel is truly the GREATEST CRIME OF ALL HISTORY. Ashkenazi Jews are no more than Vessels of Wrath/Vessels of Dishonor to try the Saints – not to be needed in the Rife CNWO.  Abraham’s Seed is, and has always been, faith in Jesus Christ, the Lamb slain since the Foundation of the World – He now Returns as the Prince of Peace, initially to HIS OWN PALESTINIAN PEOPLE.


This Synagogue of Satan has Plotted and Schemed (via the Protocols/Communist Manifesto/Basel Congress/Balfour Declaration) for centuries in GRAND CONSPIRACY to steal Zion and block the Return of the Prince of Peace.  In Retaliation, Rife cleans out the Ashkenazi Wickedness so that the Temple Foundation can now be laid.  The Peace and Harmony of the Rife-proposed CNWO by far justifies the total expungement of all Ashkenazi Luciferians.


Ashkenazi Jews have no place in the CNWO.  Yes, this Ashkenazi Gadfly will NOT enter the Rife CNWO.  With Violence, you are thrown down, and shall not be found in the CNWO.  The Only Path to Peace demands the Total and Final Expulsion of Ashkenazi Luciferians from the planet.  Initially, it is time to expel these Luciferian Jews from Rife Palestine, to make way for the Prince of Peace.  Per the Prince of Peace, Leftist Jews are the Goats, who shall hear these words, even from RTG: Depart from me, ye cursed, into Everlasting Fire.  RTG is currently building the scaffolding, even on College Campuses, from which you will Hang.  Yep, it’s time to Flush these Ashkenazi Turds into Hell.


He spares Palestine, as a man spares his own son.  Until Palestine is Cleansed, the world cannot be Cleansed in preparation for the Return of the Prince of Peace.  The labor pains have already begun. The Christian Equality vs Jewish Supremacy.  The vast majority of the World now supports the Establishment of this Palestinian State – soon to have the Palestinian Prince of Peace as KING, in Jerusalem.


Worry not, the Lord has been, is, and will continue to convert you to serve the Prince of Peace.  Ignore any religious prejudice, encourage the readings of John, Preach the Word, be instant, in season and out.  Speaking the Truth in Love, that the Rife Saints will now Establish Righteous Government, serving the Prince of Peace, as we beat swords into plowshares.  He pours out his Spirit upon all Palestinians, confirming Rife Truth.  New Austin, New Texas, and New Palestine will now grow to the Measure of the Stature of the Fullness of Christ.


Israel is the Devil’s Occupation of Palestine.  The Knesset is Lucifer’s Boardroom.  And now, Divine Justice demands the Return to 1947.  Yes, this Rife Peace Plan, inspired by the Prince of Peace, sends all these Ashkenazi Land Thieves back to their native Ukraine.  This Prospect of World Peace Justifies the End of Ashkenazi Israel. The Prince of Peace orders your End to this Illegal Occupation of Palestine.  Whether South Africa or Palestine, Apartheid is Jewish Supremacists over Inferior Goy; we will have none of this in the Rife CNWO.


The Rife Dictates, as inspired by the Coming Prince of Peace: The Only Just Resolution is the Complete Banishment of all Ashkenazi Jews and the Lawful Return of Homes and Lands to the Rightful Palestinian Owners.  Israel’s God is Satan; hence Jesus Christ calls them the Synagogue of Satan – to be liberated by RTG, Forerunner for the Prince of Peace.  The King Returns, as the Prince of Peace, over his Bride Government, made ready to rule the Millennium.


The Lord Jesus Christ shall reign in Jerusalem, gloriously.  You Generation Z Saints will enjoy Jesus Christ ruling the world from Jerusalem.  This Christian New Covenant is Superior and Eternal; the Jewish Old Covenant is Superseded and Damned.  Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, is the Guarantor of the Better Covenant.  Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth our Prince of Peace shall now reign!


Your Generation Z will form Godly Government, that rids the world of Jewish Evil and Sanctions Divine Law and Rule for the good of the CNWO.  By your Leadership, all peoples, nations, and languages shall serve the Prince of Peace.  The Lord’s Rod of Iron is the Sepulture of the Reigning Prince of Peace.  Melchizedek Jesus is the Temple, High Priest, Sacrifice, and returning Prince of Peace; therefore, Rife introduces the Divine Peace Plan, to be governed by the Prince of Peace.


This is Divine Intervention, not human manipulation.  Follow Justice and Justice alone, so that you will now live and possess your New Nation, serving World Peace via the Prince of Peace.  Only He can destroy all Evil and banish it for a thousand years.  Beginning on College Campuses, we beat Swords into Plowshares.  We preach the Counsel of Peace, as the Prince of Peace initiates World Government.  We establish Godly Government that rids the world of Jewish Evil and Sanctions Divine Law and Rule for the good of the CNWO.


Once Rife is Finished, there will be no more bullets, bombs, missiles, drones, fighter planes, and the sort.  They will all be forgotten remnants of this Violent Past.  Thanks be to the Generation Z Saints promoting this Rife Crusade of World Peace, raising up and building the Palestinian Temple of the Lord.  Your Prince of Peace promotes the Highest Interest of Humanity. 


This Rife Mandate brings the Restitution of Divine Government, via the Prince of Peace – while announcing the International Christian Capital of the World: RIFE JERUSALEM.  Here at the 6K End, Resounding Victory!  Christian Victory in Palestine!  Our Prince of Peace is the PERFECT MAN, returned to Rule the Christian New World Order.  Praise his Name and Honor his Ways.






God’s answer to this, the Worst Massacre of civilians in Modern History?  Divine Justice: The Blacks of South Africa suing the Slave Masters of all Time.  Watch the Jews perjure themselves, as South African Truth is called Evil, while Israeli Evil is called Good.  When cursing South Africa, Netanyahu rattled his 9-11 Skulls.


Another Casualty to the Truth, former Israeli Chief Liar, Eylon Levy, truly a Most Racist Jewish Supremacist, smeared South Africa as the “Advocate for the Devil.” (although it is the Jews who have been driven from 109 countries, for similar criminality).  Racists, with the world’s most moral army (in his lying words), notwithstanding what you see with your own eyes.  We will sort out your challenge during the Rife 7K Tribunals.


South Africa’s Brief, 100 days in, was masterly composed on irrefutable facts proving Israeli Genocide against the Rife Remnant.  This Brief is unassailable; the only question is enforcement – will it be the U.N. or the Throne of God?  I am not insulting you, rather legally describing you as part of your Indictment.  You, Israel are now in Manifest Violation of the Genocide Convention, and it is time for RTG to Flip the Script – you have no immunity, impunity, or continuity.  You are toast.  Your future ain’t what it used to be – too many wrong mistakes, as Yogi would say.  And now, in your upside down Jewish Matrix:




Yep, catch a Jew in his lies, and corner him/her, and what then happens?  Well, Truth must bow to Jewish Supremacist Lies.  Jews are Fascist Demagogues because they are wrong and can’t defend themselves in Honest Debate.  In this Apartheid State, Journalists doing work to expose Truth are targeted and murdered.  You Murderous Bastards can kill hundreds of journalists and cameramen, but you will never kill the Rife Truth.


Truth, Justice, and the Future, are the reasons for this Rife Court, serving the Prince of Peace.  I convened this Court on October 4-7, and within 100 days, Israel is sued for Genocide in the U.N. Court.  Yes, at the Hundredth Day of Rife Trial (ICJ), this Testimony: “Israel actions are crimes against humanity and war crimes.”


Alan Dershowitz, author of dozens of books defending Israel, is Zionism’s Greatest Defender.  He is a Pedophile Partner with Jeffery Epstein, who, with A.D. raped hundreds of young girls, then Alan extorted their silence with hush money and Silence Agreements.  That’s the Morality of your Zionism.  The Israelis were going to use this Mile-High Pedophile™®, to represent them in the U.N. Court.  Yes, Harvard’s Leading Pedophile, Alan Dershowitz, child rapist and Star of Faux News, was the likely choice, until, well until, until it was realized that Alan’s Cabal has raped far more young girls than were raped on October 7. Bad Optics – having the world’s leading Pedophile defend you in World Court (outside the JMM Iron Curtain).


America, how you have fallen – the Senior Professor at Harvard Law School is a Pedophile working for Mossad to Blackmail the U.S. Government.  Dershowitz got Epstein out of prison and years earlier, got the Dancing Israeli Bomb Techs freely sent back to Israel.  Dershowitz, the self-proclaimed Defender of Israel, is no more than a Pedophile raping your girls.  Should Pedo Dershowitz defend Israel at the U.N. Court?  Probably not a good idea, seeing how he has raped more girls than were raped on October 7.  Bad Optics for Pedo Dershowitz to lead the Defense of Genocide.