Having replaced the San Francisco Whore, Ms. Silly Cones, House Speaker Johnson is also a Whore to the Jews, in bed with another San Francisco Whore, Ho Harris, Willy’s Whore, while shamefully sucking the Rothschild Phallus on live TV, to earn his million-dollar bonus.  The Netanyahu Speech confirmed, your Congress is an AIPAC-bribed Whorehouse of Feminist Madams and Phallus-sucking Zionist Prostitutes.  The Bend-Over-Johnson Doll is now available for sale at your local Synagogue of Satan.


Might I say, you have provoked the Lord Jesus Christ to Anger – while, under blackmail, in-closet Lindsey Graham, known as “Lady G” in the Homo Community, provokes Weather Wrath on the Carolinas, where you can see his office from space.  Yep, for whom much is given, much is demanded.  Those who elected this Queer, time and again, now call forth the Curse, welcoming the Storm Curse.  He will in no way leave your Zionist Abomination unpunished.  It’s too late for national renewal; rather, your Condemnation as High-Handed unrepentant sinners.


Nothing awaits you but Doom, as Recompense for your Zionist Treachery against the Lord Jesus Christ.  Your Israel is the Number One Terrorist Entity in the World, hands down.  And because all Israeli Terrorism is funded by the USA – whore Israel couldn’t exist without your yearly subsidy – the Curse devours your Land of Sodomite Abomination.  Israel’s policies breech every principle of International Law, offend human decency, and are backed by the USA – while you Reprobate Christians praise Israel. 


Likewise, your wages for your Feminist/LGBT Sin, is death to your nation.  You Americans commit willful and flagrant sins, while spurning True Repentance.  Your Seven-fold sins demand Seven-fold Judgments.  Henceforth, your Zionism marks you for the Slaughter.  Like a pile of dry brush soaked with gasoline, you Zionists go up in Flames.


By this Rife Word, all of America is now primed for Destruction.  Your Jewish-controlled America is punished for exporting Jewish LGBTQREPROBATION throughout the world.  The Word of God commands Zionist False Prophets to be slain, therefore no Zionist walks away from this alive.




I serve the Higher Authority.  My Mission is to destroy the Jews who destroy the Earth.  Accordingly, I, Rife the Great, have set myself against Gog and the land of Rainbow Magog.  Henceforth, the Rife Shofar is heard around the globe.  God has pronounced, Death to America.  Call this the Elijah Indictment of Wayward America, while the Justice of Rife Judgment invalidates all criticism.


And unto Palestine, it is now preached, search the Scriptures to prove Rife the Great and his Good News to you.  Rife the Great proves the validity of the Holy Bible.  Surely the Lord God does nothing, but first He reveals His Secret to His servants the prophets.  His Rife Counsel stands, per His Good Pleasure.


Call this, The Times of Restitution of all things.  So Marvelous is the Establishment of New Texas and New Palestine.  The Seventy Weeks now come to their End; time for Rife the Great to bring Deliverance to the Remnant of the Lord, both in America, Palestine, and even Worldwide – as well as Deliverance to Jerusalem, the City of the Great King.


Fire falls upon all souls who oppose Rife the Great, while this Rife Judgment exposes your Folly.  Hence, this Offering, made by Rife Fire, unto the Lord Jesus Christ.  Rife treads down the Wicked.  Additionally, the Rife Judgment is not cruel, rather a display of God’s Loving Justice.  The Highest Love is to preach Judgment, when it is due. Justice for Palestine; Judgment upon America.  Seek the Lord Jesus Christ, you Meek of the Earth, that you may be hidden in the Day of His Anger.




For, I, Rife the Great, am commanded to take the Wine Cup of God’s Wrath and force all Wayward nations to drink.  Drink ye, be drunken, spew and fall, never to rise again.  For low, the Lord has brought the documented Judgment upon his own City, and should you Americans go unpunished?  Surely, this was Exemplary Vengeance, as recorded by Josephus, spanning two thousand years, to serve as solid warning to this wayward generation of the last days.


Low, I bring destruction upon the City called by My Name, and should you go unpunished?  Your Cup of Wine is the fierceness of God’s Wrath.  This Cup of the Wine of the Fierceness of God’s Wrath upon Wayward America. 


For behold, after two millennia, the Lord has now REMOVED the Cup of Wrath from his Palestinian Remnant, even the Cup of Trembling, and thou Palestine, shall never drink of it again.  But it is now put into the hand of all Zionist Enemies of Palestine and the Enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ, which have said to Gaza, Bow down, that we may go over, and thou hast laid thy body as the ground, to these Murderous Psychopaths out of the House of Khazar, as they have criminally wielded the desolation, the destruction, the famine, and the sword.  By Rife the Great, Palestine is now comforted.


You Wayward Americans will now drink the Wine of the Wrath of God, the cup of his anger against your sinful ways.  Likewise, you Ashkenazi shall drink of the Rife Cup of Wrath; you shall swallow and it shall now be as thought you never were.  Take this Rife Cup of Wrath and drink, be drunken, spew and rise no more.  During this Day of Retribution, there is no Azazel Goat for you, rather your sins are filling your Cup of Wrath, to be returned in Divine Vengeance.


Your drinking is now from the Cup of Wrath.  You see the Cup of Drunkenness displayed by the Insane Warmongering being accomplished by the Zany Zionists in the USA, Europe, and Occupied Palestine.  Your Brazen, Unatoned Transgressions fill you Cup of Vengeance.  The Cup of Wrath is bringing Final Consummation upon the now-desolate landscape of North America.




The Holy Spirit now guides, comforts, and rebukes the Church – 2300 days of Measuring the Temple, separating the Righteous from the Apostates.  This Measuring brings Deliverance to the Righteous, while condemning the Wicked to Wrath.




As Chief Prosecutor, I represent the Case for the Lord Jesus Christ, before Whom I stand.  In this Rife Courtroom, Justice is the measure and Righteousness is the Plumb Line.  All your American Sodom is now put on Trial, Rife being the Chief Prosecuting Attorney.  In this Rife Court, the Worldwide Jury has hereby heard the Rife Case, forever condemning Zionist-occupied Palestine and Zionist-occupied America to God’s Wrath.


By this Gaza Show Trial, your guilt is proven before the World Jury – the 100 nations that walked out of Netanyahu’s Raging Speech.  The Cry for Justice has been heard by the Righteous, praying for our Brethren in Palestine – to be answered by the Sword of Vengeance.  Yes, this is the Time Appointed, to end the Indignation, by casting America into the Court of Heaven, Rife the Great being Heaven’s Chief Prosecutor.


God now enters the Courtroom, to render Justice to the Earth, thereby forever rebalancing the Scales of Eternal Justice.  Yes, even the Lord now arises to testify against you in this Rife Courtroom.  Your Case in Heaven will close with the verdict of National Guilt worthy of Destruction.


The Rife Fire, separating the Righteous from the Wicked in preparation for Destruction, is now complete.  The Rife Court has hereby proven your Primary Dissimulation, Perverse Deceit, and Pretentious Delusion. The Rife Court has affirmed the Evil, Vile Wickedness of Ashkenazi Israel and Wayward America, now worthy of Wrath.  Megatons of Fire is your punishment.


In this Rife Court, your Zionist sin has found you out.  You Zionists are exposed as Fools in Folly.  Your Zionism has rotted out your own soul, and rendered your wisdom, as you applaud the Mastermind of 9-11-2001.  Henceforth, you Zionists have been given over to a Reprobate Mind.  You Christian Zionists are turncoats who keep company with the Synagogue of Satan Genocidal Monsters – Netanyahu’s Niggers occupying Palestine.


It is affirmed, you Christian Zionists are all Murderers and Criminals worthy of Severe Punishment.  You are arrested, brought to court, and now found guilty; yours is the Death Penalty.  Your Exceeding Guilt is proven by your complete lack of repentance regarding this Zionist Genocide against the least of my Palestinian Brethren.  As Exhibit “A”, Israel has discredited itself and you Americans.