In Providential Judgment, the Little Horn has arisen from the Bottomless Pit, to be tried in the Rife Court, where Judgment now sits, as it is given to the Saints of the Most High, who now possess the Everlasting Kingdom.  Your “Chosen People” are now to be eradicated from Rife Palestine and all the world, while you Christian Hypocrites are cast into Tribulation Judgment. 




All Zionists are now sued for Malpractice; the penalty is Eternal Death unless you take clemency during the Zionist Tribulation.  Bottom line is this: you Zionists have been conned by the Ashkenazi Jews and your result is Tribulation Judgment – your last opportunity to burn away the Zionist Dross, before the Final Burning of America.  By this Trumpet of RTG, this Feminist/Jezebel Church is now cast into Great Tribulation.


You are cast into Zionist Tribulation, whereby you will suffer the Greatest Depression, initially, one in four humans dying because of disease and famine, war which consumes many nations and their capitals, and the wholesale slaughter of all Laodicean Christians who refuse this Time of Rife Visitation.  All Unrepentant Laodicean Christians will be slaughtered during this Zionist Tribulation.  For there shall be Great Tribulation upon all North America, outside of New Texas.




Upon his Throne, the Lamb slain from the Foundation of the World opens the Scroll of your Retribution.  The Lamb of God that bears away the sin of the world has now removed Grace from your Land of Sodomite Abomination.  The Sealed Scroll is now opened and Judgment has commenced.  This Judicial Reckoning entails the Redemption of the Righteous followers of the Lamb, versus the Judgment of the Wicked followers of the Beast.  Surely you are beginning to understand.




Behold, the Trumpet Voice of the Lord.  This Day of Retribution is known as the Day of the Lord, to destroy the sinners out of this world, in preparation for the Rife CNWO.  This is the Day of which God has spoken – the Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord.  For by this Rife Word, thy Judgments are now made manifest.


God is now the Swift Witness against your sins of Zionism, Hypocrisy, and Apostasy.  He is the Master Who now intervenes with Justice, Retribution, and Wrath.  It’s God alone at front and center, when He assumes his Full Stature on Earth, towering and terrifying.  Fear God and give Him glory, for the Hour of his Judgment has come.  His Judgments are True and Just.  Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Bankruptcies, and then the Sword of the Lord and Putin the Great.  Surely you are beginning to understand.




All Ashkenazi are the Territory of Wickedness; these Ashkenazi Jews are contrary to all Good Men.  Because of your ancient hatred against Palestine, you shall now suffer your own calamity.




It is Lucifer who gives Great Authority to the City of London/Gog/Synagogue of Satan House of Rothschild.  All the WDC/City of London/Tel Aviv Axis of Evil is now under the sway of Lucifer, the Great Red Dragon.  Israel is not a state, rather a Racist, Ethno-Supremacist Colony of the Rothschild/Gog Cult, now to be effaced from the Earth.  Warlock Netanyahu has greater power than Whore Biden.  Judge Nap, now you know.




You have forsaken the Commandments of the Lord to follow Jewish Infidels.  Your America is destroyed by the Protocols of Zion Plan to destroy your nation.  Your teachers are Jewish Infidels in academia, Liars in media, Reprobates in Hollywood, and Whores in government.  Your churches and cities are all conquered by the Synagogue of Satan Psyops, without even lifting a sword (other than 9-11).


You are slain by the Talmudic Witchcraft promoting Pedophilia, Murder, and Theft.  You thought you knew it all, but in truth, you Boomers are Fools to the Jews, who prey on you to the destruction of your church, government, and now, country.  American politics are no more than a prison yard gang riot – reds vs blues – surrounded by the Walls of Deceit/Debt/Bankruptcy/Slavery. 


Your immediate problem is this: your prison is owned by the Rothschild Cult, which is going into debt-ridden bankruptcy.  Severe rationing, energy shortages, and homelessness are your immediate future.  It is no longer your country and you no longer have a choice; the Jews have sold you into CBDC Slavery.  The Little Lesbian is only good for the twice-a-day Diaper Change.




I see the Little Horn protruding out from the Synagogue of Satan – the pencil-neck White House Nigger of the Soros/Globalist Jews; the Chicago Bathhouse Boy, discovered by Rahm Emanuel, son of the Mossad Terrorists, who have taken over America with their Covid Plandemic Lockdown of your churches. He “practices” Jewish Witchcraft, as prescribed in the Synagogue of Satan’s Protocols of Zion, Jewish Witch Valerie Jarrett being his Chief Handler, taking direction from Rothschild on High.


This little horn, via Covid Craft, has corrupted government, destroyed mighty men, and compromised the Holy People.  When the Little Horn goes back to Rome, it will be Nimrod returning to re-receive his office of Pontifix Maximus, Ruler of the World.




The Jews, with their Golden Calf/Federal Reserve counterfeit money skimming/printing Idolatry, have robbed you blind.  The Jewish Bounty is America at ten cents on the dollar, to be bought up by the likes of Blackrock Jews.  These Globalist Jews are Locust Predators, buying out your land at ten cents on the dollar.  And talk about Jewish Extortion and Covid Larceny, while 160 million people were pushed into poverty since the bank failure of 2019, the One Percent Jews netted over FIVE TRILLION in combined, increased personal net worth during that Plandemic.


Since then, the 1% Jews have taken over 50 TRILLION from the middle and lower classes.  This Covid Extortion netted the One Percent Jews a DOUBLING of their net worth.  The top One Percent Jews now own more than does the bottom 90% of Americans, hence, you have no country and no choice.  Warlock Soros netted an increase in net worth of nearly THREE HUNDRED MILLION during the Covid Extortion – much of it now used to import the slaves who will replace you Christians who refuse the Jew Chip.




Your prior Holy Places are now Zionist Hellholes.  You have the Heavenly Sanctuary and the American Sanctuary – their Plumb Function has been severed by the Witchcraft of the Little Horn and his benefactor, the Ashkenazi Synagogue of Satan.  Now, your churches are filled with Zionist Witchcraft and Prosperity Hocus-Pocus.  You have been fleeced of your faith and fortune by Illuminati Infiltrators serving Occultic Jews of the Synagogue of Satan.


The Little Horn: You have been given into the hand of the Obama/Synagogue of Satan Beast.  The Wicked Jews have you Americans living in fear, and you cowards fall to ever greater threats, intimidations, and banishments.  Through his political policy pushing Gaslighting, Jewish Witchcraft now prospers over your Apostate Nation, that he shall now magnify himself, and by pseudo peace destroy many that remain.  He shall magnify himself even against the Lord Jesus Christ, but shall be devoured by the Breath of the Lord’s Lips, even as spoken by Rife the Great.