It’s all about them Benjamins.  Yes, a Very Wise Young Woman said recently, Congress bows to the Jewish Benjamins.  Sadly, the Most Powerful Hand is the Invisible Jewish Hand bribing your lawmakers.  It is reported, the Jews have set aside $100 million to unseat any congressman who may have voted against this Genocide of Palestine.


Jewish AIPAC: Jewish Americans In Plot Against Christianity.


Between AIPAC Extortion, Epstein/Dershowitz Honey Traps, and outright Jewish Bribery, your congressmen are owned by the Jews.  This Jewish Tribe is your War Party – having bribed, blackmailed, and extorted congress after having stolen the 2020 Presidential Election.  Hence, the U.S. Congress is Bribed, Extorted, and Controlled by Jewish Luciferians. This Satanic Tribe now occupies the White House, State Department, and the Pentagon – not to mention, has bribed, blackmailed, and extorted Congress.


Former U.S. Diplomat, MATT HOH: The problem is we have a legal system that has legalized bribery.


COL MACGREGOR: Secretary of State “Blinken has to be dismissed out of hand as simply a liar, whose so-called facts are fantasies.”


When Secretary of State Blinken visits the Netanyahu Government, this is merely a Tribal Meeting for the cameras.  I COME BEFORE YOU AS A JEW.  First words out of Super Jew Anthony Blinken’s mouth when he landed in Israel, on October 12: “I come to you as a Jew.”  This is the Blinken, Sullivan, Netanyahu, et al Tribe of War Criminals.


Yes, when National Security Advisor, Super Jew, Jake Sullivan meets with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, this is an intra-Tribe War Council of Lucifer’s Synagogue of Satan – and one that loathes the will of the American People.  All is sealed by the Netanyahu/Hagee Freemason Handshake.


Total War Bill for America, per year: probably north of $1.5 TRILLION.  Billions of your Tax Dollars support this Terrorist State.  Since the Israeli9-11 Extortion, you have spent over Fourteen Trillion Dollars to fight these Jewish Wars for Greater Israel.  The U.S. Senate now approves, arms, and finances the Mass Murder of the Rife Remnant.  Lindsey Graham and his band of Congressional War Criminals now control congress.


Ohio Congressman, (R) Max Miller: We are going to turn Gaza into a “Parking Lot.”


All who support Netanyahu and his Niggers are yourselves, War Criminals.  Here’s YOUR HYPOCRISY: Senator Van Holland of Maryland, speech on the Senate Floor, “This is Textbook Genocide.”  He then voted to send more bombs and bullets to these War Criminals, thereby garnering his Jewish Payoff.


Your Zionist War Party — the London, WDC, Tel Aviv Axis — is now the World’s Foremost Terrorist Organization.  The Jewish War Tribe drags you into World War III.  Israelis Murder even the Negotiators working for a diplomatic solution, while the U.S. Senate and House are both guilty of supporting War Crimes. 


Regarding this new House Speaker, Johnson – your Christianity, supporting Ashkenazi Luciferians and murdering Palestinians, is Evil and Unforgiveable.  You are NOT a Christian, rather a Judaizer posing as a Christian, as you take the bribes of the Jews; for your Criminality, you will Hang in the Rife Gallows.  Yes, this is legalized Jewish Bribery: The New House Speaker Johnson receiving $100,000 in four months, late 2023, for his support for GENOCIDE. 


The ONE PERCET JEWS run your War Industries – which God will now destroy.  Yes, the U.S. War Industries are largely Jewish-owned and managed.  This U.S./City of London/Tel Aviv Axis of Terror flooding the skies with C-17s, full of bombs to murder the Rife Remnant.


You are NOT a star on the American Flag, rather a Star on Satan’s Flag.  Interestingly, the idea of Israel becoming the 51st State was dropped, because then, it would have only two senators.  Isn’t it so telling, how the Israeli and American members of this War Tribe always display the Star of Satan at their Media Events.


Your Jewish-owned and managed U.S. War Complex – the embers yet producing in this bankrupt economic system needing hyperinflation to stay afloat – will now be targeted for destruction.  How’s that Red Sea Patrol going for you?  Oh, yes, another retreat and billions of dollars wasted on aircraft carriers.  Every dollar you give to this Israel Abomination will be exchanged, by RTG, into more Megatons of Rife Fire on your Blue Cities; you can keep the change, as you are transported to Hell.




Ninety percent of the “terrorism” in the Middle East, since 9-11, has been financed, recruited, and coordinated by the Mossad, CIA, and the Soros/Nuland/McCain/Lindsey Graham Axis of Evil destabilizing the region to make way for Greater Israel.  Al Qaeda, ISIS, and even Hamas, and other “terror” groups were originally created by Mossad/CIA, and many elements yet receive American money.


This is U.S.-Israeli State-sanctioned Terror undermining legitimate Arab governments.  The Syrian “rebels” are the (McCain/Graham) terrorists supported by the U.S.  Senator John McCain secretly organized and funded several terror groups that systematically killed Christians and Muslims, in strategy with Mossad Directives.  Jews fund the very terrorists they claim to be fighting against; many of them, once wounded, are clandestinely flown to Israeli hospitals for best treatment.  You read that right; wounded ISIS Terrorists are flown to Israel for hospital treatment.


It is this CIA/Mossad that hires these Jihadists to destabilize recalcitrant governments that stand in the way of Greater Israel.  The Ashkenazi Jews are using their “terror gangs” to upturn the Middle East, to rid the region of Christianity and Islam.  The Oldest Christian communities in the world, many in Iraq and Syria, have been destroyed by McCain’s CIA/Mossad Terrorist Squads; now Israel proposes the same for Palestine.  Terror is their Occupation.


Yes, Militant Islam is a Proxy of the Jews; it is little more than the CIA/Mossad/ISIS/False Flag Cunning.  ISIS – Israeli State Intel Service, is directly led, funded, and equipped by the Mossad and CIA.  It was the Russians, who called out this ISIS/Mossad/CIA False Flag Terror Group, and put an end to its free-wheeling involvement, in 2015.  At Putin’s Command, this terrorism was exposed as Israeli Conspiracy, and was confronted on the battlefield by Russian presence.  This Putin Intervention put an end to Netanyahu’s Greater Israel Plan, via False Flag Terror.  Therefore, Putin the Great, the most popular leader in the world, is hated by the Jews.




U.S. Weapons are being used to break both Divine Law and International Law, fueling this Genocidal War Machine.  Under U.S. Law, all weapons transfers to Israel are ILLEGAL – stemming from the fact that this Rogue Nation has a Clandestine Nuclear Weapons Program.  Yes, the Israeli Nuclear Weapons Program is Illegal by both U.S. Law and International Law.  Israel is a Nuclear-Armed outlaw state.  It is Illegal for the U.S. to supply weapons to this Apartheid State which has unlawful nuclear weapons and has never opened up to international inspection.


Because Israel is an Outlaw Nuclear Power, every dollar of military support from the U.S. is against U.S. law.  Israel has received hundreds of billions of dollars of illegal support.  Because Israel is a Rogue, Outlaw, Nuclear Power, hence, by U.S. LAW, every arms shipment to Israel is in violation of Federal Statute, and both the Executive and Legislative branches are subject to Rife Prosecution.


The Rife Remnant being murdered by U.S.-made bombs.  Gaza’s Bombs – Made in America.  Russian Charity prepares homes for Gazans, while American Harlotry sends bombs for Gazans.  For 75 years, the Rife Remnant in Palestine has been hunted, blasted, and burned – and with U.S.-made weapons.  Late 2024 saw 14,000 tank shells sent to Israel without congressional approval, and therefore, in double violation of the Law.


The Massive U.S. Airlift, using dozens of C-17s: Food, Medical Supplies, Tents?  No.  Bombs, Bullets, and Missiles.  Over $160 billion in U.S. Military Aid to Israel, total.  In this investment, the ONE PERCET JEWS run your War Industries – which God will now destroy.  The U.S. sells more weapons per year than agricultural products.  Jews have always been the world’s primary, indeed nearly-exclusive, arms dealers.  During 2023-24, the value/income of these Global Arms Companies are up 25%.