You are Moral Cowards, your women are Feminist Whores, and your children are LGBTQDOUBLEREPROBATES.  The Little Horn of the Synagogue of Satan locked down your churches, while spinning Trump the Chump like a dizzy top, and you complied as the Craven Cowards that you Americans have become.  Living in Fear of Covid, with a 99.8% survival rate, rather than in Fear of the Lord.  This Fauci Conspiracy, in LOCKSTEP, was accomplished to scatter the power of the Holy Christians by denying your Plumbline opportunity to gather to worship.


The Little Horn Pencil Neck reared himself against the Prince of Peace and took away daily Grace, and locked down the churches due to Worldwide Transgression, casting Covid Truth to the ground, practicing Jewish Witchcraft and prospering to the destruction of your Republic.  Now the Little Horn will wax Exceedingly Great, to the destruction of every Unwise Christian in America.


For 2300 days, you are under the heel of oppression – as conspired by the Little Horn and Big Mike, whose main benefactor is the Ashkenazi Synagogue of Satan.




The Beast arises out of the Bottomless Pit, to claim his own as he becomes the latter-day Goat of Azazel, taking the sins of the world into the Lake of Fire.  Yes, the latter-day Goat of Azazel is Satan, in the form of the son of perdition.  The proper Scape Goat is the son of perdition – the reason that Nimrod has been resurrected: to become the final Azazel Goat as the son of Satan, cast into the Lake of Fire, thereby forever cleansing the universe of Lucifer’s sin.


In the resurrected son of perdition, out of the Bottomless Pit, Nimrod, as the son of Satan, becomes the Final Azazel Goat.  The author of sin becomes the legal Scapegoat for sin, once and for all time, thereby cleansing Creation from Lucifer’s Sinful Rebellion.  The Sequel is the Obama Beast, showing himself in the Temple of God – Pontifix Maximus Returned over your latter-day Tower of Babylon Confusion.  Reader, take note.


The Spirit of Apollyon will enter the son of perdition, with Deadly Terror against the Saints.  There is no Azazel Goat for you, rather the son of perdition to carry your sins to the Lake of Fire.  He gains control over you and your means of life.  Your sins are no longer transferred to the Goat of Azazel, rather to the son of perdition, as he gains despotic terror over you.  You will follow the son of perdition, as the Goat of Azazel – banishment and death upon the Zionist Apostates of America.


The son of perdition is here to take on your noxious load of abominations – to the Lake of Fire.  Henceforth, Sin’s Originator becomes Sin’s Final Trustee on Judgment Day.  This Ancient Serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan – the Deceiver in the Garden, and of the Whole World – receives back the sins of the Whole World, as the latter-day Goat of Azazel, condemned to the Lake of Fire.


Here is the sending away, forever, of the antitypical scape-goat.  The devil, as the flesh and blood son of perdition – Nimrod resurrected – becomes the Final Scapegoat. In the body of the son of perdition, sin, which Satan himself is the author, comes to its end in his destruction in the Lake of Fire.  And of Lucifer’s original Rebellion, nothing remains but the Solemn Lesson of sin and its fearful results – to be recorded for the Admonishment of the Saints, for all Eternity.  None will dare to stumble into such transgression, ever again.  Let all of Creation give to God the Glory.


Your Day of Atonement is henceforth, your Day of Retribution, as you stumble into the Obama Snare.  Now you know the Little Horn, as spoken by Daniel.




The Jewish Witchcraft Plot and Scheme has shut down your churches, bankrupted your businesses, and brought you to slavery – the CBDC Chip Implant Electronic System of Slavery. It is no longer your country, nor your choice.  You have been sold by your Zionist Masters, into slavery.  The Jewish Spoil is your slavery to the CBDC Chip Implant.  The Great Reset involves the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) chip implants – the biblical Mark of the Beast – to be enforced upon all Americans.


Cash transactions, Crypto, and even gold and silver transactions will be outlawed, forcing all Americans to take the CBDC Chip Implant to work, own, buy, or sell.  This CBDC Chip will allow the government to control all rationing of food and necessities, as they will be in scarce supply.  This will allow the U.S. Government to know the when, where, how, and why of every dollar transaction.  The Total Surveillance State will emerge as the Rothschild Slave Empire 2.0, as it successfully makes war on the Saints.




During this Greatest Depression, as the dollar falls, Anarchy and Violence breaks out in your cities and towns.  The Obama Snare, as the Mobs – Illegal Immigrants purposely imported to replace and/or kill you – shall deliver you up and murder you.  As in Jerusalem of old, your houses will be rifled and your women shall be ravished. 


Your famous Liberated Women, whores all, will be humiliated by the Marauding Rapists unleashed by the Jews.  These Illegal Criminals will lay hands on you to murder you and your children, as per the Jewish Protocol Plot to finally destroy America.  You will lose everything – houses, money, possessions, and lands – to the Jews and their roving gangs.  As I have said, No Country; No Choice.




Take the prophets of Zionism and destroy them all, let none escape.  These imported Criminals become the Vultures circling over God’s People, as the Obama Beast will make war with all Laodicean Christians and overcome them.  It is the Talmud which enlists decapitation as the punishment against you unruly Goyim, and as plotted by the Jewish Protocols of Zion.


You will be beheaded because of your witness of Jesus Christ.  All Christians, worldwide, will become the target of Jewish-imposed Genocide.  As you refuse to worship the Obama Beast, you will be murdered.  You will be slain for your testimony of Jesus Christ.




This Man, after He had offered One Sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the Right Hand of God.  Christ’s offering was general, for all the world that chooses to accept it; but the Atonement is specific and only for those who seek the benefit of his Redeeming Work.  Today, He is the Christ, the Melchizedek High Priest entered the Heavenly Sanctuary.  The New Covenant is with the Heavenly Sanctuary.  This is the New Testament, New Covenant.  Contrary to Jewish/Zionist lies, none other exists.


Christ, the Melchizedek High Priest has ascended to Heaven, there to minister on the behalf of all repentant sinners who call upon his Name.  As High Priest of the Heavenly Sanctuary, He is the Sole Mediator between God and man.  Jesus Christ is the Eternal High Priest, Who is set on the Right Hand of the Throne of the Majesty, as the Minister of the Sanctuary, the True Tabernacle.  Christ, the Eternal Priest and King, after the Order of Melchizedec.


And now, at the Trumpet of God, the Lamb of God is standing up in the Heavenly Sanctuary to execute his Condemnation upon his enemies, while the Rife Saints are vindicated.  Jesus is at the same time the High Priest and Atoning Sacrifice.  The Lord of Judgment opens where no man can shut, and shuts where no man can open.  His decisions are FINAL.


During these 2300 days, the Lord Who passed within the Veil of the Heavenly Sanctuary, to shed his Blood in the Service of Consecration, now withholds the Daily Offering from your American Church of Apostasy.  For as America sins willfully and flagrantly after having received the Foremost Knowledge of the Truth, there remains no more Sacrifice/Grace for your sins, rather Judgment, Retribution, and Vengeance, in Fiery Indignation.


For it is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the Word of God and the powers of the coming age – and have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance.  To your loss, you are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting Him to public disgrace.