The Faithful Land of your Forefathers, that drank in the rain often falling on it and that produced a crop useful to those for whom it was farmed, received the blessing of God.  But your Boomer Generation of America, that has produced no more than Jewish-taught thorns and thistles, is worthless, and is cursed – your end is to be burned.


You Americans had escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but you were again entangled in the world, deceived in Zionist Strong Delusion, and overcome by the Synagogue of Satan, therefore you are far worse off at this End, than was the Founding Generation, even prior to the First Great Awakening during the 1700s.


For you Americans, it would have been better for you not to have known the way of righteousness, then to have known it, and then turn your backs on the Sacred Command that has been passed down from that First Generation to this Terminal Generation.  Of you Americans, the proverbs are true: A dog returns to its vomit, and a sow that was washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud.


There is no more Graceful Mediation for this Sodom Generation of America.  There is no more Blotting Out of your National Sin.  As you fail to take opportunity to repent, you stand at last unforgiven and no atonement is registered on your behalf.  Rather than the Blessing of the Founders, you have chosen the Curse of the Reprobate Jews, who have beguiled you with Hollywood Curses dressed up in Seductive Allurements.


Henceforth, during these 2300 days, your yearly cleansing of sin is no more.  The Sanctuary in Heaven must be cleansed of the Sins of America/Mankind, and rather than the Goat of Azazel, yours is the Curse of the son of perdition.  Rather than atonement, retribution.  The Cup of Wrath, for you, filled to the Double. Likewise, the Greater Sanctuary is the Earth, and the Final Cleansing is by Fire – Rife Fire called forth by the latter-day Elijah, Chief Advocate for the Lord Jesus Christ, to your captured generation of Zionist Dullards.


2300 DAYS


For 2300 days, your Church in America is in complete Apostasy.  2300 days to finish the transgression.  2300 days of Judgment upon America, beginning at the House of God.  2300 days of worsening Trial and deadly Tribulation.  2300 days of Investigation regarding your Sodomitic Crimes, documenting your Damnation.  2300 days of Exam Time – Professor Rife providing you the Skill and Knowledge to seek out Final Deliverance.


This period of 2300 days of Examination is the longest prophetic period given in the Bible, as a subset to the Full Seven years of Tribulation Judgment.  2300 days to wear down the Saints of the Highest One.  2300 “evenings and mornings” with no national blessing, rather the national curse, ever-worsening curse.


The daily sacrifice – the morning and evening offering – the foundation of faith, is no more for your Sodomitic Generation.  The Little Horn shall wear out the Saints, to finish the transgression and make an end of sins.  2300 days to bring in everlasting Righteousness and to anoint the Most Holy, to make an end to sin and bring in Everlasting Righteousness.


Henceforth, in your American Sodom, there is no more national transfer of sins; rather they are now accumulating unto your Day of Retribution, building up the power of the Little Horn, as he rules over your Sodom.  During these 2300 days, the Synagogue of Satan has overcome the Mighty Americans and the power of the Holy People.  During these 2300 days, no further Intercession is available to redeem America.


2300 days before the final outpouring of God’s Cup of Wrath upon all of America.  Your Brazen and Un-repented Offenses pollute the outer altar – not to be atoned for, rather to fill your Cup of Wrath, to the uttermost.  The Cups and Bowls are filled from the Altar where the sins of these last 2300 days amass for Just Retribution.  Unto 2300 days, then shall the Heavenly Sanctuary be cleansed.  2300 days before you are consumed in Fire, at the Lord’s Return.


Woe unto you Wayward Zionists, who covet the Day of the Lord!  As these 2300 days end, to you will come your Universal Retribution, unto your complete burning!  After 2300 days, the world shall be cleansed and the Rife CNWO will commence, as the KING takes his Throne, in Rife Jerusalem.




Your Land is now brazen in your Sodomitic Depravity, as you flaunt your sins like degenerate Sodom.  By your Hollywood/NYC Media Axis of Evil, the whole world has been made to suffer your Manifold Sins.  Investigative Judgment examines and condemns your foolhardy drive to become the American Sisters of Sodom.  As America has turned away from the Commandments and now enjoys Sodomitic Abomination, there remains no more Atonement or National Forgiveness for your nation’s iniquities.


For these 2300 days, you have trodden underfoot the Sacrifice provided by the Son of God.  You are judged by the Testimony of the Heavenly Sanctuary, which contains the Ark enlisting the Law – which condemns all American Sodomitic Abomination.  The Law in Heaven’s Ark/Sanctuary condemns this Generation of America letter for letter, jot for jot, little for little.


You American Christians have trodden underfoot the Son of God, counting his Blood as an Unholy Thing and doing despite to the Spirit of Grace.  Your Treading Underfoot the Son of God now forces the nation to worship the son of perdition.  Your defiance cuts you off from the Benefits of Atonement which have sustained this once faithful land.  Putting man’s law in place of God’s Law.  The Transgression of Desolation.  The abomination that makes desolate.  The Obama-nation you have become.


There is no more atonement for the sins of Babylon/America.  The Sacrifice no longer atones for your Abomination of Desolation in America.  Your Sodomite Marriage Abomination has trodden underfoot the Christ Sacrifice, crucifying Him again, put to an Open Shame.  You have brought your Abomination of Sodomite Marriage Desolation – into your churches.  Your Manifold Sins – Abomination of Sodomite Marriage Desolation – now fill the Golden Censer with MUCH INSENCE.


Your American Transgressors have come to the Full Abomination – even inviting the Abomination of Desolation into your Temples/Churches.  The Lord now judges you Apostate/Zionist Americans.  For 2300 days, you trod underfoot the Son of God, and have counted the Blood of the Covenant, wherewith America was once sanctified, an unholy thing, and have done this despite unto the Spirit of Grace.  How much more severe punishment awaits you, America, for Vengeance belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ.  For whom much is given, much is demanded.  Equity Justice demands Due Expectation.


2300 days of Backslidden America, taken over by the Synagogue of Satan, and thus, committing the TRANSGRESSION OF DESOLATION.  For because you have willfully persisted in sin, bringing your Sodomitic Abomination into the House of God, there remains no more sacrifice for your American sins – your once national blessing is now your national curse, even unto your death.


Your acclaimed blessing of Genesis 12:3 is now fashioned as your Curse – you who have supported this Abomination in Palestine are now yourselves the Abomination that makes the world Desolate, even unto the End of this Age of Rebellion.  Your Sodomitic sins of Abomination mount up to God’s Day of Vengeance.  You will now pay for your LGBTQREPROBATION.  Your Sodom America will be torn to pieces, ripped and ravaged by God’s Anger. 


Should have kept the Ten Commandments in your schools, just sayin.




You now suffer 2300 days whereby all religion and business progressively falls to the Curse.  From worse to worse, with no letup from Unrelenting Judgment.  For 2300 days America is under the Curse of God.  2300 days of progressively Cursive Judgment.  As there is no more Atonement for America’s Manifold Sin, the 2300 days are the period of the Progressive Curse, unto complete Destruction of the Wayward Nation.


Your Wayward Generation no longer enjoys the Benefits of Atonement – no more blessing, only the Curse.  The progression of Judgment is Escalation of Impact, Realization of Damnation, and Ramification of Destruction – while the Righteous are Delivered from Wrath.  The progression is from Introduction (Seal Judgments), to regional destruction (Trumpet Judgments), and then to Universal Destruction (Bowl Judgments).


2300 days whereas the Obama Beast is wearing out the Saints of the Most High.  The Little Horn, making war against the Saints and prevailing against them by trampling down the Truth and the Atonement available in the Heavenly Sanctuary.  For 2300 days, the Obama Beast is warring against the Saints, to wear you out and prevail over you, and shatter your faith.