Against you Christians, his power shall be mighty, by the power of Satan, to destroy your once-Christian Nation, and he shall prosper in your destruction, as he destroys every vestige of Christian Leadership and Followers, with death by beheading. He shall destroy the Mighty Americans and the Christian Leadership with Death, riding the Pale Horse.  He makes war against the Saints and shall overcome you by controlling your means of life support.


For 2300 days, your sins, and hence, your curse intensifies, even to the complete destruction of your Wayward Nation.  So marks the Termination of Universal Grace, as it recedes during these 2300 days, unto full-scale Wrath. You will be laid waste as in the desert of Azazel.  Emptiness and hopelessness.




You are now in 2300 days of Investigative Judgment, separating the Righteous from the Wicked Apostates – known in these writings as RIFE FIRE.  The Lamb of God is standing up in the Heavenly Sanctuary to execute his Condemnation upon his enemies, while the Rife Saints are vindicated.  There is no Azazel Goat for you, rather the dividing out, the Righteous from the Wicked.  2300 days of Separation – the Rife Righteous from the Wicked now residing in America.  2300 days of marking the Damned, dividing them out from the Delivered.


2300 days to bring the Close of Probation, and the Consumption of all things evil, against the Restoration of all things good, as promised by the Master.  Cleansed of sin and the Restoration of the Kingdom of God.  As the world is divided, the Rife Saints away from the Obama Wicked, the Insolent Despot is brought forth to claim his own, during these 2300 days.  All Recalcitrant Sinners, fruit of Apostate Zionist Heresy, are hereby cut off.


For 2300 days, all human cases are examined, decided, and rendered verdict; and at the End, the Mystery of God is Finished.  Christ is no longer the Intercessor, as Probation is closed; Final Judgment commences.  The KING Returns in his Glory.




The Iniquity of the Zionists, in America and Occupied Palestine, is now complete.  When the Heavenly Sanctuary is cleansed, you will receive the Seven Bowl Judgments which will forever destroy your USA.




Since the very beginning of the seven-year Tribulation, begun in November of 2019, the Lord has been separating out the Righteous from the Apostates and the Wicked.  Likewise, the Spirit of the Lord is now moving through all nations, separating out his people for Deliverance, while appointing the Wicked to his Wrath.  In America, He now gathers his Wheat to Goshen and burns the American Chaff in Unquenchable Fire.  The Saints are marked for Deliverance – sealed with the Father’s name on their foreheads.  In Righteousness, does he Judge Wayward America, and brings war to your nation.




Heaven’s Law of Retribution corresponds with the Hebrew calendar, the Tenth day of the Seventh month.  Here amid the seven-year Tribulation, as the churches closed, having been deceived by Jewish Witchcraft, as the oblation ceased throughout America, so was the Sacrifice in Heaven ended, and all abominations are now in reserve, to be poured forth in Retribution.  At this Day of Retribution, Vengeance begins against all Zionist Treachery.


From this Day of Retribution, you receive the Seven Trumpets which destroy your American Empire, from Palestine to Peoria.  The world’s unrepentant sin is reserved unto this Day of Perdition and answered during this Day of Retribution.  To slay utterly, old and young, both maids, and little children, and women.


Each stage is regarding preparing the world for God’s Intervention, first by warning and separating out, then by the regional war to retake Jerusalem to the Palestinian Right, and finally, the Armageddon Battle where the armies of the world attempt to regain Jerusalem from the Palestinian Administration.




The Trumpet announcing Atonement is now the Trumpet announcing Vengeance.  This Trumpet announces the Day of the Lord, in Retribution and Vengeance.  The Lord takes Vengeance on his Adversaries, the Synagogue of Satan Jew first, then the Apostate Gentiles.  For this is the Rife Day of the Lord’s Vengeance, and the Year of Recompense for the Palestinian Cause of Judgment.


For these are the Days of Vengeance, that all prophecies written shall now be fulfilled.  Days of Vengeance, that the Rife Prophecies will now be fulfilled.  The Lord’s Indignation is upon the Ashkenazi Jews forevermore.




Your finances are already doomed; interest payments on the national debt are now over one trillion per year, hence, it is no longer your country, nor your choice.  In August, 2024, the federal government collected 307 billion, yet spent 688 billion – a 381 billion deficit for one month financed by Jewish Sorcery, money printing.  Without Rothschild Fed money printing, you would already be in the Greatest Depression; this was the reason for the post-2019 Covid Extortion, which netted the Jewish Globalists trillions in leveraged assets.


Yet now, like Hot Checks, these Counterfeit Jewish Dollars are returned, causing the hyperinflationary spiral – and indeed, the fulfillment of the son of perdition prophecy printed on each post-1933 Jewish Dollar.  Prices will soon be skyrocketing by as much as 50% per month.  Hyperinflation will be driving up prices and making many necessities, such as food and energy, unaffordable.  This hyperinflation is ALREADY cooked in the books.  No nation has survived what the Jewish Fed has already done in Massive Fraud.  Soon, prices will be changing by the hour.


Forty percent of Americans are now broke and headed for bankruptcy.  80% of Americans are already living paycheck to paycheck.  One-third households are in danger of bankruptcy or foreclosure – unable to pay their property taxes.  Ten million households are behind on shelter payments – either rent or mortgage.  One-half of all small businesses are now behind on their rent.  No, you are not getting out of this alive or intact, and no, you no longer have a country, nor a choice.


You are nearly ten times more bankrupt than in 2008, when unrealized losses in investment securities amounted to 60 billion; today they are burgeoning above 525 billion and growing by the day.  The average bank has 300% more debt than equity.  Banks are holding 168 trillion in soon-to-be-worthless derivatives.  Banks are headed for two trillion in total unrealized losses in 2024-25.


Once the panic ensues, within days and weeks, the dollar will lose most of its buying power.  Import costs will skyrocket overnight.  Your world will immediately face the global financial meltdown.  Economic collapse to never recover.  Trillions of dollars of nominal wealth will disappear within days.  Panic will grip all markets.


Forty percent of the stock market is already zombie companies rolling over cheap debt; they will go belly up overnight.  There will be no more pretending, nor extending.  No more kicking the proverbial can down the road.  We are already in the Crack Up Boom, whereby foreign dollar holders are vastly spending their soon-to-be-worthless dollars in the U.S. markets, causing them to spike – before the massive collapse.  Food riots will ensue.  Roving gangs will loot and pillage looking for food and items which can be bartered.




Your dollar is no more than an Instrument of Theft and Extortion.  You’ve plundered nation after nation, per Jewish Economics and Rothschild Predation.  This Zionist Regime in WDC, that has overthrown sixty governments in the last half century, will meet its Final Doom, per this prophecy herein contained.  At this Rife Word, Babylon is falling, Phase One.