Feast of Trumpets 5998 (2024) page one of five.






Welcome to the New Year, 5998, two years to the day until the Most Holy is anointed in Jerusalem, establishing the Eternal Kingdom, which now consumes the nations in Moral Judgment.  Known in these writings as the Christian New World Order, this Rife Conquest declares war on the International Jewish Conspiracy which presently occupies WDC, Palestine, and Jerusalem.  As the Primary Warrior for the Lord Jesus Christ, I shall not rest until Jerusalem is liberated from this Ashkenazi Synagogue of Satan, and all of Palestine is Restored to the Palestinian Remnant of True Semites.


Until now, the Ashkenazi JNWO has prevailed, destroying the American Church, the American Government, and thus, the Very Moral Strength of Western Civilization.  In America and throughout the West, this Synagogue of Satan has deluded and usurped every Primary Institution supporting Moral Civilization, as reported to you in the Rife Books and the mali456.com website.


As these are the Days of Vengeance, that all prophecies shall now be fulfilled, THE FAITHFUL AND TRUE, LORD JESUS CHIRST now presses Judgment and makes War against this Synagogue of Satan.  As we are now in the final two years of this SEVEN YEAR RIFE CONQUEST, as the Lord judges and makes war, this Ashkenazi Zionism shall now enter Tribulation Judgment.


Because the American Church now enters Tribulation Judgment, it is now time to separate out the Rife Righteous from this Christian Zionist Whore of Babylon.  Only the Rife Remnant shall survive the destruction which is now upon the United States of America.  The deluded, blind, and hypocritical Zionist Church shall now enter the Hour of Temptation, to try all who dwell on the North American continent, for to whom much is given, much is now demanded, even unto your untimely death.


Being a True Prophet of the Lord, when I was saved and called in 1977, the Lord immediately called me OUT of the church.  Yes, I attended church until the day I was born again and my eyes were opened; from that day forward the Lord has instructed me by the 1John 2:27 Anointing.  As becoming the outside observer, viewing this Contemporary Zionist Folly destroying America, I have Overcome the Intrigues which have destroyed the Evangelical Church in America.


Last year, as the Lord inspired me to announce the Trumpet of Warning (New Year, 5997), he schooled me to track the response to this message by opening a dialogue with a popular Christian Influencer, Ms. Yasmeen SuriShe has a weekly podcast on You Tube, as well as being a self-promoted Influencer on Facebook and other social media.  My instruction was to learn as to why this Apostate, Laodicean Church will now enter the Tribulation Judgment, which begins at the House of God.


To give you distinction regarding this Church Judgment, I shall contrast Ms. Suri’s testimony with that of Ms. Candace Owens, who has made Huge Controversy of late, by calling out the Crimes of the Jews, fingering them as the Synagogue of Satan, as called out by our Lord Jesus Christ, in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. While Ms. Suri sleeps and slumbers under the Strong Delusion of Ashkenazi Zionism, Ms. Owens has been fully awakened, fully armored, and fully anointed to call out the Jewish Crimes against Moral Civilization.


Interestingly, Ms. Suri sees herself as a Foremost Christian Leader, yet her pretext covers the fact that she entertains the Jezebel Spirit, seducing Christians, as a False Teacher, promising them that they are exempt from the coming Moral Judgment.  When viewing the works of Ms. Owens, in contrast, she makes no outlandish claims regarding her Christian Ministry, other than being an awakened Truther of Moral Fortitude, who stands in the power and might of the Lord.  While Ms. Suri slumbers into Judgment, Ms. Owens is fully Awakened as a genuine Warrior, a Virtual Overcomer who shall inherit the safety of Rife Goshen, which is now offered to her.


This study is most important at this hour because it depicts and defines the paradox contained in the prophetic Scriptures – contrasting those Deluded, Zionist Christians who shall now enter Tribulation Judgment, against the Rife Saints who shall Overcome, and thus, are accounted worthy to escape all these Plague Judgments which shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of God.


Regarding Ms. Suri, I was instructed by the Lord to faithfully and patiently offer her the opportunity to repent of her Zionist, Pre-Trib Rapture orientation.  At this she scoffed, even as I wrote nearly two dozen emails to her during the year and invited her to respond with an even-handed interview.  As the weeks went by, it became obvious as to why she is living in the Strong Delusion, as written by Paul in 2Thessalonians 2.  She tells her tragic life story almost weekly, depicting her Christian walk as a prima donna Influencer, attending one adulterous church after another, and unwilling to receive the Truth, that she might be delivered from the Wrath to come.


As it was on Mount Carmel, when the Jews were admonished by the prophet Elijah, she answered “not a word.”  So sad, for this Rife Gospel calls her out of this Christian Whore Church, that she repents of her False Doctrine, and that she receive not the Plagues now coming upon Apostate America.  At this she scoffed, because she is a disciple of Christian Zionism, initially serving under Pat Robertson some thirty years ago, when he received millions of dollars in Illuminati money, to establish the 700 Club/CBN Network, laying the groundwork for America’s Falling Away/Apostasy.


Per her own testimony, she served him and traveled with most of the popular prosperity preachers of the 80s and 90s, from Benny Hinn, Jesse Duplantis, and the rest of the gang of false preachers.  Being a most beautiful and accomplished singer, she was sought after by this adulterous group, and while traveling, was propositioned almost daily, per her story.  She rightfully retains a disparaging view of these modern-day shysters, yet her dilemma is that she has been fully indoctrinated by the lies of Cyrus Scofield, Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church.


She is emblematic of today’s Apostate Church, serving the Strong Delusion of Ashkenazi Zionism, which promises to all gullible Christians a counterfeit ticket out of the Tribulation.  Because of her blindness, she refused my message; yet now, at this New Year, time is up, and as America goes into Moral Judgment, so goes the Apostate Church into Great Tribulation – all because it resists the Rife Truth.


She has seduced her followers with this pre-Trib Heresy, as it has been preached/merchandized by the False Teachers during the last forty years.  Because of her/their blindness, and hardened heart, they have missed the Rife Call to come out of this Christian Whore, that she receives not the plagues now coming upon America.  During this Tribulation, all Christian Empires of wood, hay, and stubble will burn in Rife Judgment – their hands are soaked with the blood of those they have deluded with their false teachings. 


And now, these Zionist Dullards have the blood of Palestine on their hands; this is the final transgression which condemns all American Zionists to Tribulation Judgment.  Many will never awaken, and thus will become horrified as the Soros/Obama mobs come up their street to pillage, steal, rape, and ruin.  As prophesied by Zechariah, the mobs will rifle houses looking for food and bounty, while “ravishing the women.” 


The most beautiful Ms. Suri will then be trafficked to the mob, as a Trophy of Ravishment, suffering humility beyond savagery.  So sad, for she had the opportunity to repent of her false doctrine and become delivered from the plagues now coming upon this latter-day Sodom.  Detroit, where she resides, has well over 75 gangs which will terrorize all neighborhoods, looting, pillaging, and raping – being deployed by the Soros/Obama Gangsters.




These Fall Feasts of the Lord are to prepare the world for the Return of the KING of Kings.  Hence, the blowing of the Rife Trumpets, while the Rife Plumbline divides the Christian Damned from the Christian Delivered.  As with Ms. Suri, you have refused the Trumpet of Warning, so now you will face the Trumpet of War.


God now rejects your Zionist Leadership over this World.  Because it has been the Christian Zionist False Watchmen who have allowed this Jewish Conspiracy to prosper, all Christian Zionists are cast into the Tribulation.  While politics are usually defined as the Left vs the Right, in this Cosmic War it is the Babylonian Talmud vs the Holy Bible/New Testament.  And as stated by Daniel, this becomes your test to refine and purify.


In Genuine Eschatology, there are two groups of Christians at this last hour: 1) Those who repent of Zionist Idolatry and Sinful Habits shall inherit Deliverance; 2) In Contraposition, those Zionists and Sinners will inherit Tribulation Judgment.  Yep, you Zionists are the Unwise Virgins, destined for Tribulation Judgment, while the Wise Virgins inherit Deliverance in Goshen.  As this is the beginning of the Year, 5998, so is it the beginning of the Tribulation Judgment – welcome to this, THE ZIONIST TRIBULATION.