Candace rightfully describes her Mafia-style persecution as coming from Jewish Conspiracy.  Yes, she correctly describes these Jewish Mobsters as Freedom-hating “Communists.”  She labels this as being, Jewish “Psychological Terrorism.”  By experience, reason, and research, she knows this is “a pattern with Zionists.”  This is “Financial Terrorism as a strategy.”


“We have the right – no, the obligation, to think for ourselves.  I very much believe in myself.  Once you discover the incredible power of realizing that you are answerable only to yourself and God and that no politician owns you.”


Standing up to Jewish Supremacy.  “There is no circumstance in the entire world that I will be compelled to submit myself to evil.  I realized that I am the living embodiment of all that my ancestors had sung for…and hung on for – in a word, Providence.”  She rails against the “mental slavery” of the Jewish Left.


Christian Zionists have attacked Candace for her stand against the Israeli Genocide against Palestine.  “When I see Christians supporting the Genocide in Gaza, I ask myself, do these Christians actually believe in God?”


Zionist Christians, such as Ms. Suri, are subjugating themselves to lies.  Retorts Candace, "I am a walking testament to what happens if you dare to make an escape, once again, from the Democrat Plantations.” While Ms. Suri entertains the Jezebel spirit, and forces her followers to eat lies sacrificed to the Zionist Altar, Ms. Owens is strong, doing mighty exploits and instructing many, as prophesied by Daniel.  No Suri Pretense here, only Truth and nothing but the Rife Truth.




This is the Times of Restitution of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of the prophets since the world began – the Master stating that Elijah shall restore all things.  This is the Rife Times of Restitution of all things.  In America, you receive Tribulation Shaking; in Goshen, we shall Reign with Christ over this Terminal Generation.  Oh, and the proper Slavery Reparations are in the London Banks’ Equity, as well as the Jewish Mansions in Knightsbridge, West Brompton, and Kensington, et al.




Remember, the parable of the Banquet where the invitees refused to come; those who spurn the Invitation to Deliverance are the Zionist Christians, as led by Jezebel Suri.  Those who gladly attend are the unpretentious Truthers, such as Ms. Owens, who will never deny the Truth, as presented in this Rife Court.  While Ms. Suri is confused, and deluded, Ms. Owens is transfused and included – alerted to become proactive to the saving of her household.


Yes, the Narrow Path leads to Goshen.  Only clean hands and a pure heart will inherit the Deliverance of the Lord.  Goshen is protected by the Rife/Gabriel Legions.  Goshen stands while your Zionist America shakes and burns.  Ms. Suri is now consigned to Tribulation Judgment, because she refused her time of Rife Visitation. 




You Zionists mock Truth, Justice, and Mercy.  As with Ms. Suri, she heard the Rife Trumpet and took not warning, therefore the blood of her followers is yet upon her head and hands.  All her righteousness shall not be remembered, for her Zionist Iniquity which she has committed, she shall be cast into Great Tribulation, to burn away her Facebook Empire of wood, hay, and stubble.  For when the Righteous turns away from righteousness, supporting the Genocide in Gaza, she shall surely die thereby.  God took out her Zionist business manager, and shall not spare her, unless she repents.




Immediately after this time of Tribulation Judgment, there shall be the sound of the Seventh Trumpet, to gather together the elect from the four winds.  This is the blowing of the Rife Trumpets, the Seven Trumpets of Judgment.  The Catching Up is at the Last Trump, for the Trump shall sound.


At the Trump of God, the Seventh Trump, the kingdoms of the world become the Kingdoms of the Lord, and He shall reign forever.  Contrary to the Seductive Lies of Ms. Suri, the Rapture is at the Last Trump, AFTER THE TRIBULATION. Contrary to 2Thessalonians 2, every week she preaches the Pre-Trib Rapture – before the revealing of the son of perdition, attempting to deceive the very elect.




Throughout Zionist America, False Christs and False Prophets have arisen to deceive the elect, as depicted by Ms. Suri.  Christian Zionism is after the work of Satan, beguiling the followers of Ms. Suri, because they receive not the love of the Rife Truth.  Your destroying sins are sexual rebellion and witchcraft.


Your Zionism is the seed of Witchcraft in your churches.  Everywhere in America, Jewish Witchcraft rules over you in rebellion and perversion.  Ms. Suri can’t find a Man of God simply because True Men of God are not attracted to the popular Jezebels now operating in this Laodicean/Zionist Church.  She seeks a disciple of Jesus driving up in a Mercedes convertible, while the true men of God are in Sackcloth Fast, standing the gap for this Deceived Generation.  We prefer a Proverbs 31 woman of Strength and Honor, as depicted by Ms. Owens, rather than an Isaiah 3 Seductress, wearing ankle charms and inordinate trinkets, as depicted by Ms. Suri – Nebuchadnezzar’s troops devoured such haughty women.




Even though you lost your stonewalling business manager to horrible early death, you are unwilling to repent of Zionist Delusion.  Your lack of repentance curses you to Stronger Delusion, as you blindly go into Tribulation Judgment, because you didn’t honor your time of Rife Visitation.




American Zionists do not endure Sound Doctrine; you have turned away your ears from the Rife Truth.  Yours is the Rebellious House of Zionist Folly and Jezebel/Suri Seduction.  You worship the Idol of Zionism and its Genocide against the Remnant of the Lord. Your Zionist Idolatry has destroyed your church, your government, your nation, and indeed, Western Civilization.


Your Zionism is Witchcraft – Beautiful Deception.  Likewise, your Zionism if False Authority.  Yes, your Zionism is Dishonest Authority, based on your perversion of Genesis 12:3.  Indeed, the word “Jew” appears NOWHERE in the Book of Genesis.  Based on your Jezebel Witchcraft, you Christian Zionists have attacked Candace for her stand against the Israeli Genocide against Palestine.  Exhibit “A” in Rife Court is hereby registered at the White Throne, in ready for the Rife 7K Tribunals, while you Zionists are wretchedly deceived, miserably poor, blind to the Tribulation, and naked in your sins. 


All your Righteousness shall not be remembered, because you support the Genocide against the Lord’s Palestinian 144,000.  It shall be said to you in that day, Depart from me you cursed workers of Zionism, into everlasting Fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.  For verily I say unto you, since you have done this unto the least of my Palestinian Brethren, you have done it unto the Palestinian Prince of Peace.




You are blinded by Zionist Strong Delusion because you refuse the Rife Truth.  As with Ms. Suri, you foolishly call Zionist Delusion as being Truth.  Rather than Deliverance, you are sealed in Delusion.  Ms. Suri is under the Strong Delusion and remains so, even into the Tribulation Judgment.




Your Wicked Eyes are blinded to Genocide.  You Zionist Apostates call murderous Genocide as being “good.”  Your Zionist hands are full of Palestinian Blood, and you refuse to wash them clean.  Your Bloody Hands will now be cut off, to prevent you from destroying the Remnant of the Lord.  Yes, your Bloody Hands, making the munitions which are murdering Palestinians and Russians, are now destroyed, as are your weapons factories where you work.