Justice demands your recompense.  Accordingly, Zionist False Teachers will now suffer SWIFT DESTRUCTION (think Nadab, Abihu, Ananias, Sapphira), at the hand of Rife the Great.  What you have done to Gaza will now be brought upon your city and your house.




Quiz time: Which prophet of the Bible prophesied the deadliest judgment recorded in history?  Why, it was your Lord Jesus Christ; He prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem, which resulted in the deaths of over TWO MILLION JEWS.  The Two Witnesses of Revelation shall do the same, as herein contained.  Indeed, as the New Year (Trumpet of War) is heralded by Two Witnesses, so is the Tribulation Judgment heralded by the Two Witnesses of Revelation.


Ms. Suri’s followers will be stricken dead in this Tribulation Judgment.  This Tribulation is for the burning of all Christian wood, hay, and stubble.  Yes, Tribulation Fire will burn away the dross of your Zionist Idolatry.  But first the Obama Snare, where the Soros Mobs will lay hands on you to rape, pillage, and torture.  Your lives will be sacrificed for the Word of God.


You are rejected because you love your Lies of Zionism and hate the Rife Truth of God.  Your willful Zionist Delusion now enters Tribulation Judgment. The followers of Ms. Suri/Mr. Robertson are they which will suffer in the Great Tribulation.  Yes, these Tribulation Christians, as led by the likes of Ms. Suri, are those who will be slain for the word of God and for the testimony which you hold, because you didn’t honor your time of Rife Visitation.


You will be killed for preaching the Word of God and for testifying of Jesus; many of you are ALREADY on Kill Lists – the CIA/Mossad/Facebook/Unit 8200 Project has identified you because of your posts (the reason as to why God always has kept me off social media).  You will be beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the Word of God.  In this carnage, brother shall betray brother to death; children shall revolt against their parents and cause them to be put to death.  You Laodicean Christians shall be hated by all.  Beautiful women such as Ms. Suri will be trafficked as favors to the Jews, as they are now using your daughters on Only Fans, etc.




By Beautiful Deception, Lucifer is the God of Zionist America.  Your Zionist Genocide against Palestine prepares you for your own Genocide at the hand of the son of perdition.  You refused to rebuke this Netanyahu Psychopath, so now you will suffer the rampage of the son of perdition.  Throughout backslidden America, the son of perdition will make war with the Saints, as led by Ms. Suri, to overcome you with another Plandemic, more False Flag Terror, assassinations, lockdowns, chip implants, terror, rape, and famine.




Regarding Ms. Suri, she has graduated from being Arm Candy for the Adulterous Prosperity Preachers, as they infamously extorted millions of dollars from gullible Laodicean Christians.  She now is the favorite Arm Candy, by her own admission, to the FBI, Military, and the DHS.  Yes, they hire this born-again Christian to sing God Bless America at their events; she sings for these Treasonist Institutions – usually wearing a sexy, skin-tight gown – which are presently working to destroy the nation.  Yes, God Bless America, land of Jewish Sodomite Marriage, Jewish Feminism raising Double LGBTQ Reprobates, and schools which castrate, both physically and with drugs, the youth of America.


She sings God’s blessing on the FBI, which lied to the FISA Court 17 times to spy on then candidate Trump.  She is Arm Candy for the Generals in the military who have sent over 500 planeloads of bombs to murder and conduct Genocide against the least of the Palestinian brethren.  They have ordered, with Warlock Netanyahu, over 55,000 airstrikes on Gaza, delivering six times the explosive power that was detonated over Hiroshima – all with Ms. Suri’s Zionist Blessing.


Then there is the Department of Homeland Security, which by her own admission, welcomes her regularly to sing God’s Blessing upon this Treasonist Institution.  Yes, this is the DHS which is presently building detention facilities in all 50 states, to house the Christians who refuse the CBDC chip implant.  Yes, the DHS which is currently the largest child/adult sex trafficking operation of all history.  Nice job, Yasmeen.


The DHS Trafficking Pipeline stretches from Panama, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, and into Mexico, to the U.S. border.  As the Primary Whore for the Jews, Brainless Biden has spent over ONE TRILLION DOLLARS, to bring in the workers which will replace you Laodicean Christians, when you refuse the Chip Implant/Obama Mark.  Venezuelan prison gangs are presently being mobilized and stationed for the coming riots, looting, raping, and mayhem, to be accomplished at the Soros Bell.


Ms. Suri, your beauty is become Prideful Idolatry.  Your Zionism is Witchcraft.  You are Arm Candy to the Grievous Wolves of Christian Zionism – 80% of all pastors – preying on the Lukewarm and Credulous Christians.  False Prophet Pat Robertson made merchandise of Sexy Ms. Suri; she made lots of Illuminati Money promoting the Zionist Heresy.


While Zionist Ms. Suri is enslaved and depraved to Jewish Pretense, Ms. Owens is saved and braved against Jewish Pretense.  Ms. Owens calls out the Jewish Conspirators within the Deep State, while Ms. Suri blesses their Zionist Criminality.  Chief importer of Illegals is Super Jew, DHS Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, working in conspiracy with the Super Jews in the Soros-funded NGOs.  The Jewish Deep State refuses to help the millions of homeless Americans, while sending hundreds of billions to Ukraine and the Middle East to fight Jewish wars against Russia and Palestine.




The Mystery is solved!  The Globalist Jews are importing the Illegals to replace you Laodicean Christians.  Globalist Jews use the Illegal Immigration as a weapon against the Christian Church.  This Jewish-conspired Mass Invasion of Illegal Aliens is the product of the Protocols of Zion Conspiracy against America.


Every Immigration Policy has a nefarious angle built in.  The Jews in the Deep State are conspiring with the Mexican Drug Cartels – no one crosses the border without the Cartel’s approval and/or payment.  Jewish-controlled NGOs pay billions of dollars to the Drug Cartels to facilitate this invasion.  Jewish Conspiracy keeps the border open and undefended, while financing the worldwide invasion into America.


The Soros Network has advertised, encouraged, enticed, and facilitated the millions of Illegal Aliens who will burn down your cities.  Treasonist Biden has overseen the importation of over twenty million illegal aliens, entering the country through fraudulent channels.  The Jewish Army of Illegals is fully funded while homeless Americans go hungry and are without shelter.


This is the Soros/Obama/Mayorkas intentional destruction of the American Immigration System, all with Ms. Suri’s Blessing.  The Jews have built huge Migrant Camps in Panama as collection bases, to then be bused directly to the U.S. border.  The large caravans coming up Central America are all Jewish funded and directed.  The Jewish Deep State runs dozens of buses continually making the loop from Panama to the U.S. border, each fully loaded to capacity.  They are bringing in the Illegal Aliens who will kill, plunder, and rape Americans, at the drop of the Soros Bell on all Jewish-controlled Media.




Daily crossings now number as many as twenty thousand Illegals.  New York City has Illegals living in over 180 hotels, paid for by your tax dollars.  There are now over fifty million foreign-born residents living in America, who will shoot and loot Americans at the ringing of the Soros Bell.  This complete demographic change will facilitate the JNWO Slave System 2.0 – the Rothschild Slave System 2.0.  Yes, the new Slave Class of workers comprising the Rothschild Slave System 2.0.




This Jewish Endgame is the Elimination of every Christian living in America.  Illegal Aliens get the maximum allowed from SSI, food stamps, WIC, Section 8 housing, Medicare, free school, cell phones, and on and on – while you Americans are brought to the Greatest Depression, where you will work all day for a handful of food.  You Laodicean Christians are being targeted by Jews, while Ms. Suri sings God’s Blessing upon their Treason.


Your enemy is the Globalist Jews who are replacing you with illegal aliens.  Thirty million Illegal Aliens are living in America, made ready to replace you Christians who refuse the CBDC Chip Implants.  These non-citizens will, when hungry, go on the planned rampage, and will murder Americans, and gladly take the Mark of the Jewish Beast Implant.