You have shed innocent Palestinian blood, and for this you must die terrible deaths, from Palestine to Peoria. 




Jerusalem is the Prize of this Age – he who controls Jerusalem controls the future of mankind.  This Heavy Stone of Jerusalem now grinds America to nuclear-laden dust, as called forth by Rife the Great, and executed by Putin the Great.




No longer will the Palestinian hang his head in shame, for this Palestinian Remnant of Jacob will now look upon Him whom their fathers pierced, and welcome Him back, as the Palestinian Prince of Peace.  They will welcome the Good News to Jerusalem, brought forth by Rife the Great.   The House of Palestine shall be hallowed in the Lord, and in the sight of all nations.  This Rife Remnant of Palestine shall become born again, serving the Lord Jesus Christ, and thereby Sealed in Deliverance.


Awake!  Awake!  Stand up O Jerusalem, liberated to serve the Rife Remnant living in Palestine/Gaza.  This time when the Palestinian Iniquity is brought to its end, as the Cup of Wrath is forever taken away from my Palestinian Brethren of the Prince of Peace.  As this is the fullness of the Gentile Harvest, the blindness of Palestine is now lifted.  In Palestine, as all Ashkenazi Luciferians are liquidated, the Lord shall turn away the ungodliness of Jacob.


All the Tribes living in Palestine shall come to the Knowledge of their Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.  Palestine shall come into the Knowledge of their True Messiah, their Native Son who walked on water, healed the sick, fed the hungry, and arose from the dead.  Your hardening of heart is no more; you are now called the Palestinian Sons of the Living God.  The Lord Jesus Christ makes you much better than your fathers’ beginnings.


So will the Lord Jesus Christ make His Holy Name known in the midst of Palestine, and you shall never again profane His Holy Name.  Palestine has served its sentence; this Remnant of Jacob is hereby born again in service to the Prince of Peace.




In Palestine, there shall be Rife DeliveranceBecause He has kept the Oath which He swore to your fathers, the Lord brings you out with His Mighty Hand, and Redeems you from the bondage of the heathen Ashkenazi Synagogue of Satan.  As you rejoiced over the desolation of Palestine, so shall the Rife Remnant rejoice over your own Desolation.




Before Judgment, the Rife Remnant will be sealed in Salvation and Deliverance.  This Palestinian Remnant is sealed by the Holy Spirit, as prophesied by Rife the Great.  Sealed in the Holy Spirit.  Before the Rife Trumpets of Wrath, the Palestinian Remnant will be sealed in Salvation.  The Palestinian Remnant shall endure unto the End.  While the Tribes of Palestine are sealed in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Tribe of Ashkenazi, Synagogue of Satan, is destroyed out of Palestine, indeed the entire world.




The blowing of the Rife Trumpets – the Seven Trumpets called forth by Rife the Great.  Deadly blows of Divine Judgment.  These Rife Trumpets will bring devastation to the entire Middle East Region, parts of Europe, and parts of North America, as well as making the adjoining ocean waters to seethe and convulse with Massive, thousand-foot Tsunamis, killing immense areas of ocean life and inundating coastal lands with 500-foot tidal waves.


These Seven Trumpets are selectively administered, as God regains Jerusalem and separates the Righteous from the Wicked in Final Preparation for the End.  These Seven Trumpets are the Cup of Wrath, applied by the Two Witnesses, while the Seven Bowls are the Fullness of God’s Wrath applied worldwide, and after they are taken up.


The Seven Trumpets will continue until your cities are emptied, burned, and destroyed because of your Zionist/Sodomitic Abomination.  The Seventh Trumpet is your Final Destruction.  At the Seventh Trumpet, the Heavenly Sanctuary is cleansed and you receive the Full Brunt of Retribution and Vengeance.




For you Palestinian Sons of Abraham are to be the Holy People of the Lord, for you are chosen to serve the Lord as His Special Treasure above all the peoples on the Face of the Earth; Elijah brings forth your Good News.  It is most interesting regarding Leadership, and the discerning of God’s Intent; at this Hour the Muslims (Arabs, Persians, Palestinians), as compared to the Jews and Christians (aside from Russia), are being called out of slumber.  The Wise are Awakening.  They are the True and Honest Statesmen in the world today.  They are the Remnant of the Lord, the Palestinian Prince of Peace.  This is Established Fact on all social media and is the suppressed fact on Mainstream Media. 


Remember it was the Wise Men — Persian and Arabic — that were the first to Welcome the King at his Birth.  They are now arising to become the first to Welcome the King at his Return.  Instead of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh, these 21st Century Wise Men are bringing Timeless Wisdom, Sharp Knowledge, and Native Authority — the Prince of Peace blesses your Leadership.


Men such as Mehdi Hasan, Seyed Mohammad Marandi, and Shahid Boisen, amongst many others, speak more Truth than any thousand Jews or Christians – they are the Sons of Abraham called to lead their people out of darkness and into the Marvelous Light.  The Palestinian Prince of Peace blesses you in your journey.




The Palestinian Remnant shall now take possession of its Eternal Inheritance.  The Palestinian House of Jacob shall be the fire, and the Palestinian House of Joseph the flame, but the house of Ashkenazi shall be stubble.




Rife Restores Jerusalem, then the Palestinian Prince of Peace will rebuild Jerusalem per the Divine Plans, as foretold by Ezekiel and the Prophets.




Lately, the Lying Jews say that Iranian missiles were all intercepted and none got through to cause damage; then in the next breath they outlaw any social media that records or reports on the damaged infrastructure.  Go figure.  Jewish Lies abound; yet shall be ground into dust.  Israel censors all reporting and pictures proving the success of Iranian missile strikes, labeling them as “an act of betrayal.”


It is against the law for Israeli citizens to publish pictures showing how bad their airbases were hit by Iranian missiles, yet this is only the beginning of the Great Shaking in Israel.  They are hiding the thousands of permanently injured IOF soldiers – victims of the Rife/Hamas/Hezbollah/Houthis Bounty.  Sweet revenge, as Vengeance is the Lord’s, as He calls forth these Palestinian Warriors, with the blessing of Rife the Great, and backed by the Sword of Putin the Great.


The bulldozers which used to plow Palestinian homes are now rushed to service, to fill in the craters made by Iranian missiles.  Go figure.