This is the importation of Obama’s Riot Gangs, his Brown Shirts.  By Jewish Conspiracy, every Illegal Alien is told when, where, and what to do after they come to America.  These Illegal Gangs are being dispatched to the major cities per the Jewish Plan to burn down, pillage, and murder Americans.  This Obama/Mayorkas/Soros Deep State now has millions of terrorists here, awaiting their orders.  When the dollar falls, the Illegals will be sent into the streets.




Foreign nations, like Venezuela, are emptying their prisons and insane asylums, forcing these criminals to come to America, in preparation for the coming Civil War.  This is to become the Final Takedown of America.  These Alien Gangs are being strategically placed for the coming Civil War.  At the correct time, the Soros Dog Whistle will bring thirty million Illegals into the streets to riot, pillage, and destroy your Laodicean America.  And as in the summer of 2020, the Deep State Jews/Democrats will force law enforcement to stand down.  Now you know.




Regarding Ms. Suri, representing this Boomer Generation, I am reminded of the story of the wealthy man whose son was soon to graduate from college.  Being a proud father of his only son, he asked him what gift he would prefer, to which his son listed a top line sports car. 


At the graduation party his gift was waiting and the son was presented with a box, yet to his chagrin, it contained a Holy Bible.  The son was furious, thrusting the Bible back into the box and storming off in disgust.  Many years past, and finally the Lord called the father home, to help run the Kingdom in Heaven.  At the funeral, the son, being the sole inheritor, couldn’t wait for the following day, when the father’s will would be announced to the world.


At the meeting, the father’s will was read as follows: the entire business enterprise, worth several hundred million dollars, was to be auctioned off, and the proceeds to be given to charity.  The son was livid, and couldn’t wait to destroy every vestige of his father.  While going through the closet and throwing out everything that reminded him of his father, he ran across that box that contained that graduation present, the Holy Bible.  In livid frustration, he grabbed that Bible with the intent to rip it to shreds; yet he noticed something which he never bothered to seek out on graduation day.


There in the Book of John, Chapter Three, was an envelope which was surely there on graduation day.  Being perplexed, he opened the envelope to discover a letter to him.  It read, son, I am most proud of your accomplishments and wish to bless you with this Bible.  Running a large business requires sound character.  As you grow in maturity and follow the instructions of this Book, the day will arrive in which you will inherit the entire enterprise.  This is my promise to you as you take this Bible as your guide in business and your personal life.  Tears were running down his face.


Then his eyes affixed to the bottom of the page – there was a key attached to the letter, taped on, with the note: your new sports car is down at the dealership and awaiting your arrival.  Happy Graduation Day.


I will leave it to your own prayer and understanding to glean the message here, as your Boomer Generation has sold out America to the Synagogue of Satan, and your watchmen have made merchandise out of you, and now, instead of inheriting a Stronger America, you will be forced into slavery, Mark of the Jewish Beast, and will suffer Tribulation Judgment, all because you refused your Rife Time of Visitation.


Forty days of Common Grace remain – time to repent and get to Goshen – before the Obama Snare is brought down on your head.  Choose wisely.




Regarding Ms. Owens, I must admit, you Candace remind me of my Mother.  During the late 60s and early 70s she was president of the chapter of a group known as BPW – Business and Professional Women.  When the Jewish Propaganda Campaign for women’s liberation (NOW) swept through Kansas City, the group was confronted and enticed to accept the entire Women’s Lib Plank, which included abortion on demand.


The controversy was, must I say, Rife with Contention, and finally my conservative mom scheduled a meeting for debate, then the membership would vote, straight up, as to whether they would accept the plank.  As the votes were counted, the Liberal Plank was adopted.  At this, my mom stood up and announced that they needed to conduct one more vote, for she was immediately resigning as President and relinquishing her membership.  She gathered her possessions, and gracefully left the meeting, never to return.  Thank you, Candace, for reminding me of her courage, by demonstrating your own courage.


The story continues, as she famously told it through the years, of Jonnie Mae.  My mom was working for the Poverty Program, when one day Jonnie Mae, probably in her 40s, came into her office looking for work.  After a few minutes of interview, it was certain that this strong Black Lady was qualified to clean homes.  My mom immediately, offered her a start, at cleaning our residence, once a week.  She was given a house key and arrived every Friday morning – a gig which lasted several years.  She soon had more work than she could take on, cleaning homes throughout town.


I had the opportunity to view her whirlwind through the house on many occasions, and by her, I learned Solid Work Ethic, from this descendant of Black Slavery.  Seriously, she became the friend of our family, and often my mom would admonish me not to get in her way as she swept through, often whistling to the tune of Amazing Grace – and not to eat any of the baked goodies which my mom would often leave on the kitchen table for her to take home.  Yes, she was most impressive in her work ethic, as you, Ms. Candace are most impressive in your  Service to the Lord and his Truth.  Thank you, Candace!  Goshen awaits your leadership, once you and your husband receive the call.


Regarding Ms. Suri, for whom the Lord loves, He rebukes and chastens.  Remember Abraham’s near-sacrifice of Isaac; as you repent of your false teaching regarding Ashkenazi Zionism, surely the Lord will open your eyes to these Rife Truths.  Take the Rife Little Book and eat it up, for you shall prophesy these truths before all nations, once you repent.






(Formerly known as the Day of Atonement)