10 Tishri 5998 (October 12, 2024)  page one of 13 pages



(Formerly known as the Day of Atonement)


I, Rife the Great, have fasted and prayed for 1260 days, to come forth to you and offer to you Skill and Understanding regarding True Eschatology. I admonish you, search the Scriptures, for they speak of this work.  As you become the Wise, you now Understand the Day and Hour.  This is of utmost importance, for your plagues come in one day, death, mourning, and famine, and you shall be utterly burned with fire.


Watch ye, therefore, and comprehend, two more years are allotted to Finish the Transgression, to make Retributive Atonement for all Iniquity, and to bring in Everlasting Righteousness – and to anoint the Most Holy Palestinian Prince of Peace, in Jerusalem. The Rife Remnant shall be kept from the Hour of Trial, now upon the world.  But first, Lucifer’s Last Stand at this Battle of the Little Bighorn, where Rife the Great crushes the Little Horn and his crush, Big Mike.


Mark this word: at the SEVEN TRUMPETS OF RTG, every report of disaster will send you cowering in terror, your guilty hearts failing for what you see coming.  You will become hysterical at the prospects of your cities burning to the ground, because you have refused this Time of Rife Visitation.


You Fools!  Your Prosperity Preachers are fornicating in their Mansions and you are bankrupt and headed for destruction – and your “Chosen People” have proven themselves to be Genocidal Psychopaths, murdering the Least of my Palestinian Brethren.  Also, mark this word: you are not walking away from this; its doomsday for you Americans and your Land of Sodomite Marriage, Liberated Whores, and your Double Reprobate LGBTOFFSPRING, not to mention, bomb factories making munitions to kill God’s Elect.


Verily, this Land of George Washington, George Whitefield, and John Wesley has become a Zionist Slut to the Jews, worthy of Several Megatons of Rife Fire, delivered by Putin the Great – the Sword of the Lord, and of Putin. 


And in July you gave that Netanyahu Nigger 53 standing ovations in your House of  AIPAC Whores, as he defended his Genocide of the Least of my Palestinian Brethren.  This is your STRONG DELUSION, almost unique to America, as proven later in September, when 95% of the U.N. membership righteously walked out of his speech.  Over 100 countries boycotted the Jew Boy’s speech – they know he is a Murdering Jewish Sociopath.  The rest of the world condemns what you American Fools fail to see – and for this, your cities will now burn to the ground.


Your money is as counterfeit as your religion, and yes, there is a correlation.  In weeks, your entire way of life collapses into Jewish Nightmare starring the Little Horn, the son of perdition – this is your Due Recompense for becoming the CHRISTIAN ZIONIST WHORE OF BABYLON.


All the while, throughout the world, this generation’s hero, Putin the Great, is now the Prince of the Red Carpet Diplomatic Salute, building his Righteous Empire with BRICS of Gold – while your Brainless Biden is having his diaper changed by that Little Lesbian Slut – lots of stains on that three-ring binder.


Now hear this blowing of the Rife Trumpet, proclaiming the final Holy Convocation, revealing JEWISH IMPOSTURE, TREASON, AND DAMNATION – verily, the Summation of this Rife Court.  Truth always rises to the top, like sweet cream, whipped and chilled, to go on top of your slice of Humble Pie.  This Rife Trumpet announces the Divine Government direct intervention in the Affairs of Man; otherwise, no life would survive the War which your Zionist Error has brought upon the world.  There should be no time longer.  True and Righteous are His Judgments.


You Laodicean Lackeys are wearied; how will you contend with the horses of this Rife Apocalypse?  Sadly, Millions of Christians will now be slaughtered, all because you refused your Time of Rife Visitation.  Repent!  Anoint your eyes to see Rife Truth.  Yes, Watch ye Therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these plagues that now come upon your Land of Sodomite Marriage, and to stand before the Son of Man.


Blessed are you when you watch, prepare, and become proactive to the Deliverance from Wrath.  Hear this Rife Trumpet, and as did Noah, Move with Fear.  This Trumpet announces the Acts of God.  This Trumpet announces the Destruction of the Enemies of God.  This Trumpet announces the Harvest of the Earth.  Oh, and this Trumpet announces the ensuing Unsealing of the Seven Seal Judgments, the complete set of Seven Trumpets, and finally, the Seven Bowl Judgments.  As I said, you Americans are not walking away from this Disaster brought forth by your Zionist Error.


During this Bible Study supervised by Professor Rife, the Seal Judgments are preparation for the Trumpet Judgments, which are regional in scope, then followed by the Bowl Judgments which are the Undiluted Fullness of the Wrath of God.  Mark this word in your study notes: The Rife Mission is to destroy ALL Ashkenazi destroyers of Life.  The Palestinian House of Jacob shall be the Fire, and the Palestinian House of Joseph the Flame, while the Tribe of Ashkenazi Psychopaths are now the Stubble.  As the Primary Warrior/Lawyer for the Lord, I covet notches, Jewish Notches for the Rife Trophy Room, located on Prophet Street, New Jerusalem Exclusive.


Every Ashkenazi holding in Palestine shall now be forfeited by Moral Judgment, and crushed under the Preaching Boots of Rife the Great, size 12.  Palestine is now the Fire and Ashkenazi Israel is the stubble; no survivor shall remain of the Jewish Synagogue of Satan.  Lucifer’s Last Stand, here at the Little Bighorn – shall be remembered for all eternity as the Rout conducted by Rife the Great, and executed by my dear brother, Putin the Great.  Any questions??




The Seven Feasts are of the Lord Jesus Christ, slain from the Foundation of the World.  They are enlisted to make you the Wise.  In their honor, this Rife Trumpet calls all to attention.  By this Trumpet of War, you receive your last call to the Holy Convocation now forming in Goshen – both in New Texas and in New Palestine.  As the historical record chronicles that the Four Spring Feasts were fulfilled to the day and hour; so is it with the Fall Feasts, as orchestrated by Rife the Great.


Here and now, these three Final Feasts are fulfilled to the Letter and in Exact Fulfillment of His Plan.  Daniel’s prophecies have set with certainty the times and years, while the Biblical Feasts outline the timing function to the day and hour.  All are Encrypted in the Revelation of John, now deciphered by your Teacher, Rife the Great.  For the Day of Vengeance is now, and the Year of Palestinian Redemption has arrived.


As this is the traditional Head of the Year, this New Year is the Head of your Tribulation Judgment.  Tishri Judgment is heralded by the Two Witnesses.  And as Tishri is heralded by Two Witnesses, so is Revelation/Tribulation Judgment heralded by the Two Witnesses.  As the two witnesses confirmed the New Year/New Moon, so do the Two Witnesses of Revelation confirm the Trumpet of Retribution.  The Two Witnesses represent the Authority of the Lord, as they announce his Judgments.  Comprende??




For as the Lord has judged the City called by his name, should you go unpunished?  O Jerusalem, that killed the prophets and stoned the messengers sent unto thee, the Lord would have saved the nation, but for their sins demanding Justice and Retribution.  As in your America today, the City in Jesus’ day was Morally and Judicially Dead.


The Master exposed and condemned the cruelty and pride, the hypocrisy and sensuality of the Pharisees and Scribes – verily they were the forerunners of your Prosperity Pimps and your Zany Zionists.  He beheld Jerusalem and wept over it, prophesying that the enemies would cast a trench, to lay siege, to lay the Israelites to the ground, because the City refused his Time of Visitation.


He prophesied, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but for yourselves and for your children, for behold, the days are coming in which they shall say, Blessed are the barren.  There shall not be left one stone upon another that all shall be thrown down.  When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. 


Yes, as He judged the City Called by his name, do your Foolish Americans think you are going to walk away from these Rife Gallows?  Bus, box, or body bag, you must now decide your immediate future, before you become victim of Moral Judgment on your Land of Sodomite Marriage.