Hear the Words of the Master: For the days shall come upon you, that your enemies shall cast a trench about you, and surround you, and keep you in on every side; and they shall leave you even with the ground; and shall not leave in you one stone upon another, BECAUSE YOU DID NOT KNOW YOUR TIME OF VISITATION.


Every part of Judea and surrounding nations was scourged and laid waste by the Romans, who plundered the towns, not sparing either women or children.  Up north, in Damascus, ten thousand Jews were slain in one hour; thirteen thousand in one night.  Down south, at Alexandra, fifty thousand mostly Jews were slain.  At Jopata, forty thousand Jews perished.  In Galilee, the Romans slew at least 150,000 Jews.


Twice, the Romans threatened Jerusalem, then retreated, prior to the third, destructive siege – the Lord using these occasions to give the Righteous opportunity to seek Deliverance.  History records that God granted the same double opportunity to escape Nebuchadnezzar’s rampage 600 years earlier.  (Hopefully you see the Pattern here.)


Prior to the Third Bloody Siege, intelligence arrived that the Roman army was approaching the City – there was no time for counsel, no hope for pacification, and no means of flight.  Titus’ army of 60,000 bloodthirsty warriors were primed, as the Sword of the Lord’s Prophetic Word, to perform with deadly accuracy every Word spoken by the Master, in Judgment.  This day on which Titus encompassed Jerusalem was the Feast of Passover, FORTY YEARS to the day, from the Master’s Prophecy.


Soon, an unrelenting black and deadly night overspread the City, consumed in famine.  The dead were too numerous to be interred.  During the siege, as this famine raged, the tops of houses were covered with the carcasses of women, children, and aged men.  Amongst the starving Jews, tortures were inflicted for the discovery of even a handful of food.  Infants were roasted for food.  Even as more than 750,000 Jews starved to death during the siege, they were obstinate to fight on against the Romans, claiming it as God’s Own City, which could never be taken.




Every Devastating Prophecy was literally fulfilled, as the Master had foretold.  The Romans had full license to ravage and destroy.  Titus became the instrument of Divine Vengeance; as a snare, it fell upon Jerusalem, the scene of the most dreadful plunder and conflagration.  In Divine Concordance, Jerusalem was decimated in the same month and on the same day of the month, as had formerly been accomplished by Nebuchadnezzar’s army.  The Echo of Divine Justice, all per the Father’s Timing/Rhyming.


In Deadly Fulfillment, every vestige of Sinful Israel was obliterated from the face of the Earth.  The Prized Temple became one large body of Fire.  Every house in Jerusalem was plundered, while the Romans ravished the women and then slew every militant Jew yet standing.  These Men of Wrath ranged through the streets with drawn swords in their hands, murdering every Jew who dared to confront their superior weapons. 


The history of the world does not record that a parallel instance of unnatural barbarity ever occurred during the siege of any other place, in any other age or nation, whatsoever.  This was Unique Divine Vengeance, dutifully and providentially recorded by Flavius Josephus, personal Jewish aid to Titus, as the Premonition to Final Judgment, now coming upon your Land of Sodomite Marriage.


The Cup of Divine Wrath, which had been so long pouring out upon this sinful city, was now emptying, and Jerusalem sunk into utter ruin and desolation.  This FINAL DEMOLITION of the Holy City presented the Awful and Signal Example – even as the city was leveled and the Temple laid in ruins.  The once faithful City, now full of Sodomitic Sin, was no more.  Verily, this became the Day of the Lord’s Vengeance against the sins of Jerusalem – prelude to what is now upon Wayward America, full of Feminist Whores parading on the View. 


Woe unto you Zionists who want the Temple rebuilt on the Mount!




Jerusalem was destroyed – all per the Infallible Prophecies contained in the Holy Bible.  Yes, these were the Days of Vengeance, that all things which are written, especially by Moses, Joel, and Daniel – and spoken by Jesus – were now fulfilled, to the prophetic letter, jot upon jot, line upon line, here a little and there a little.  Theirs was the Deciphering of the Divine Vengeance, prerecorded by the Prophets serving the Master.


As said by the Master, to them who killed the prophets, Fill up the measure of your fathers’ guilt.  They spilled the Blood of Christ, so He scattered them as a nation.  Their house was left to them, desolate.  Yes, He had forewarned, as they mocked his Candor, Behold!  Your house is left to you desolate!  For I say unto you, you shall not see me henceforth, till you shall say, Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord!  Yes, blessed is Rife the Great, before the Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord, now upon your Land of LGBTQREPROBATION.


When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh!


The city, filled with Passover attendees, suffered the death of over TWO MILLION Jews.  As foretold by Isaiah, this second time, the cities were without inhabitant, the houses without a man, and the land was utterly desolate, and the Lord removed men far away, and there was a great forsaking amid the land.  The population of Jerusalem was either slain or made captive as prostitutes and slaves.


The Alerted Christians, recollecting the warnings of the Master, retired to Pella, to survive the Roman Onslaught.  History does not record that even one Christian perished in the Siege of Jerusalem.


The healthiest of the Jews were captured and sold into slavery.  Of those remaining, the young men above age seventeen were sent in chains into Egypt, to be employed there as slaves.  Thus, was the Judgment of God brought upon this rebellious and apostate people.  The Kingdom was taken away from the Palestinians, until now, in the Latter Days, and the Ministry of Rife the Great, prior to the Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord upon Wayward America.


Blindness in part has happened to Palestine, until the Fullness of the Gentiles is ready for the Harvest – the process now in force during this Rife Court, the Gaza Genocide being Exhibit “A” confirming your Zionist Condemnation.  Palestine has borne the shame of the nations, yet its Greatest Day is yet to arrive, in the Gospel of Rife the Great.




Once the carnage was finally ended, only the lowly class of Palestinian farmers were left in the land, to continue tilling their crops – which were then used to feed the Roman armies.  Lately, this Remnant of Palestine has become a plunder and mockery to the Illuminati Zionists of America and Europe.  This Remnant of Palestinians are taken up by the lying lips of the Ashkenazi Jews, who control the world’s media and academia, to slander this Remnant of the Lord.  These Jews of the Synagogue of Satan are not natives of the Land, rather the Impious Fraud out of the Khazarian Mafia, known today of Rothschild/Gog, headquartered in the City of London, due to receive several hundred megatons of Rife Fire.


Against this Ashkenazi Fraud known as “Israel,” Rife the Great announces, Unto the Palestinian Seed has the Lord Jesus Christ given this Land.  Accordingly, by the prophecy herein contained, and the Sword of Putin the Great, the Lord Jesus Christ now Restores the Fortunes of Palestine.  Yes, this Palestinian Remnant is brought through the Fire, to be refined and made ready to call upon the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ – and He will hear your prayers.  This Rife Remnant will grow up in Palestine to become the Mighty People of the Lord.




Jerusalem, during the two-thousand-year Times of the Gentiles, has been trodden down by the Romans, Arabic Saracens, Franks, Mamalucs, Turks, and presently, by the Gentile Ashkenazi – the Synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews, but do lie, for they are Khazarians from the Ukraine/Steppes Region of northern Europe.  DNA science proves this fact beyond dispute.


Yes, by Trump the Chump’s seven-year Abraham Accords, Jerusalem is currently under the foot of the Gentiles – Fake Jews of the Synagogue of Satan.  Lucifer exults in the Ashkenazi capture of Jerusalem, which Rife the Great now reverses.  This Racist Regime in Jerusalem, which you Zionists support, must now be removed from power, and all military and munitions factories in North America must be obliterated in Divine Justice.  Just sayin.