Israel’s credit rating is tied to the USA; you the American taxpayer underwrite this entire Zionist Atrocity, which must be removed from Palestine.  Your America is the GREAT SATAN, while this Israel is the LITTLE SATAN — both are controlled by the Synagogue of  Satan.  As the Little Whore, Israel is judged and destroyed, so must the Big Satan, America, be judged and destroyed.


The U.S. has over 50,000 personnel in the Middle East Region – the tripwire for WWIII.  Disaster will quickly spread from the Middle East to North America, land of High Tech Death Factories.




Soon, the Lord sends Fire on Rainbow Magog and those who dwell carelessly, worldwide.  These Russian Hypersonic Missiles, because of their precision-guided accuracy, are equally destructive as nuclear weapons, yet without the nuclear radiation and without breaking the Nuclear Taboo; you Foolish Americans should take note.  Your American Homeland will be hit by projectiles traveling at 20,000 miles per hour.  These Russian Hypersonic Missiles cannot be intercepted.




When this disaster happens, you will be crushed by it.  To the world’s Astonishment and Horror, America, Drunken Benefactor to Whore Israel, will be burned to the ground. Throughout the Middle East countries and the adjoining oceans and seas – and all the way to North America – there shall be destruction, tumult, and war.  As did Netanyahu and his Niggers during September, 2024, you will hide yourselves in underground fortifications from the Day of God’s Wrath upon North America.


Huge forest fires will burn uncontrollably while your cities will suffer a staggering scale of casualties.  As the dogs ate Jezebel, the ravens will eat your corpses — buzzards got to eat, as well as worms.  What your enemies fail to destroy, God shall destroy with earthquakes, pestilence, flooding rains, great hailstones, fire, and brimstone – as called forth by the Sword of Rife the Great. 




The Lord Jesus Christ destroys you with Fire and Brimstone.  Your cities will now resemble what you have allowed to happen to Gaza.  As you have done to the least of my Palestinian Brethren, so is it now done unto you and your cities.  Your country is laid waste and your cities are burned down, leaving landscapes of debris and ruin.


In the blink of an eye, whole metro areas will suffer burning flesh from the intense heat.  Whole cities will burn down.  Thermal radiation will set ablaze all combustibles, causing firestorms over outlying areas.  Charred landscape will encircle targeted cities.  You will suffer the destructive explosions destroying your cities, while severe radiation exposure will poison the outlying areas.  Any remaining hospitals will be overwhelmed – like unto what you inflicted on my Palestinian Brethren in Gaza.  Your dead will be coast to coast, border to border, only Rife Goshen will be spared.




When this Counterfeit Israel and American Whore are cut off by the Slaughter, smoke and soot will begin to scatter over the face of the globe, choking out sunlight at midday.  Weather systems worldwide will begin to spread the poisons globally.  This radiation poison will enter the food chain, rendering food crops and stores unhealthy and deadly.  The entire ecosystem will collapse over as much as a third of the globe.


Ultraviolet radiation will bring death to as much as a third part of the planet.  Global temperature drops will portend towards nuclear winter, causing lakes and fresh water resources to freeze several feet thick, thereby starving populations, while devastating crop yields.  The entire world will face severe famine, as nuclear pollution will poison rivers, lakes, and the oceans.


Ionizing radiation will be poisoning fresh water streams and lakes, as well as ocean waters.  Radiation sickness will begin to kill millions within weeks.  Populations will suffer acute sickness and skyrocketing cancer rates.  The poison will induce nausea, vomiting, headaches, and death.




Since my prophecy of November, 2021 (main page, the Seven Eyes of Judgment have been upon Texas – known as RIFE FIRE – marking the Righteous for Deliverance, while marking the Wicked for Harvest.  Henceforth, the Capstone over New Texas is Deliverance; the Capstone over Wayward America is Damnation.  Yes, the HEADSTONE is now over Austin, Texas, Firstfruits of the Christian New World Order.


Texas is made the Smooth Plain to build the Eternal Temple of the Righteous.  In Judgment, He sweeps Texas clean of all that offends his Kingdom.  Your Zionist Abomination is now severed, beginning in Rife Texas.  By the work of Rife the Great, all of Texas becomes the Level Plain, made ready for the construction of the Lord’s Temple.  The famed Texas Rangers, founded by Steven F. Austin, are now the Circumspect Department of Public Safety; we shall ensure the success of New Austin, City of Truth, and Beacon to the World.




As it was in the Days of Noah, the Wicked are now swept away in Divine Judgment, and where the corpse lies, the vultures gather.  Henceforth, this Rife Trumpet announces the Harvest of the Earth.  Time to Harvest your putrid Zionist Grapes and put them into the Winepress of God’s Wrath.  This Bipartite Harvest has Two Phases: first the Harvest of the Tares/Wicked and the processes involved; and later, the Harvest of the Wheat/Righteous, first by gathering us into the Deliverance Barn here in Goshen, TX, and later, via the Catching Up, gathering us to the Judgment Seat of Christ, at the Seventh Trumpet, after the Tribulation.


The First Sickle Harvest is the Pale Horse upon the Zionists and Sinners who have refused to repent of your sins – Death and Hell are your destination.  In this Initial Harvest, the Tares are bundled for the burning, while the Wheat is gathered unto Goshen, in Deliverance.  All the Wicked are rounded up like prisoners in jail, corralled and locked up to await the Rife Tribunals.


By this Rife Sword, Texas is reaped of the Wicked.  The Angel of Death shall cut the Wicked asunder.  The Sickle shall reach far, wide, and deep throughout the State of Texas, removing the Wicked in Massive Judgment. This Harvest of the Wicked is the throwing them into the Wine Press of the Wrath of God.  This Harvest of the Wicked will be swift and overnight, bringing death to all who have refused the Rife Deliverance of the Lord.


Your parties become funerals, then your funerals become mass burial sites for the multitude of rotting corpses.  On the night of August 10, 2024, I alerted the DPS to prepare for the Slaughter, as this was to become the Final Provocation igniting God’s Wrath.  Never again will the Lord allow Austin to suffer such Wicked Provocation.  DPS Troopers were told by me, RTG, to procure 400,000 body bags, dozens of refer trucks, and an array of refer warehouses.  This will become the initial Harvest of the Wicked, now that we have arrived at this, THE DAY OF RETRIBUTION.


Should have kept the Ten Commandments in your schools, just sayin.




This Rife Remnant is strong with Mighty Exploits.




God spares His Own, in Goshen Safety.