Blessed are you when you watch, prepare, and become proactive to your personal Deliverance from Wrath.  Rife calls you out of the Rife Kill Zone, and to Goshen, that you be not partaker of sins, and you receive not of her plagues.  Those whose names are written in the Book of Life shall join the Migration of the Righteous unto Rife Texas; none shall be left behind.


The 20% of Americans, all Truthers, who are unvaccinated, are welcome in Goshen.  Time to run from this American Whore, due to receive hundreds of megatons of destructive force upon your cities.




You now learn discernment between the Righteous and the Wicked, and armed with the Spirit of the Lord, you Austin Saints will do The Mighty Exploits, as foretold by Daniel.




Once RTG has finished this Ministry of Good, then this Mystery of God shall be finished.  Like the buzzer at the end of the game, the Rapturous Seventh Trumpet Blast, with the voice of the Archangel, and the Trump of God, will call this Age of Rebellion to its End.  At this Seventh Trumpet, the kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.


We who are alive shall be caught up, before the universal destruction of the last 75 days.  Indeed, at this Last Trump, we Overcomers shall be taken to the Wedding Feast/Awards Banquet.  At the Last Trump, for the Trump shall sound, and we shall be changed.  At this end of these 2300 days, the Trumpet shall sound, and the Full-Scale Retribution begins.


It is done, at the Seventh Angel pouring out his Vail of Wrath.  This closes your time of Probation and finishes the Plan for Salvation.




For we Saints must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ, that each of us receive what is due us for the things done while in this body, whether good or bad.  This is the 75-day Investigative Judgment of the Saints, before the Judgment Seat of Christ.




When Christ arises from the Intercessory Throne, all unreconciled humans have nothing to longer the stay, regarding the Bowls of Judgment which fall upon the Wicked of the World.  What immediately follows is the pouring out of these Bowls which are filled up with his Indignation.  At the opening of the Holy Sanctuary in Heaven, the Seven Angels come out of the Temple having the Seven Final Plagues, representing the Full Wrath of God against the Wicked.


In the Temple, the Seven Plagues of the final Seven Angels, purge Heaven of all unrepentant sin.  The son of perdition becoming the Final Azazel Goat, to be cast into the Lake of Fire.  This Purging of Heaven brings forth the Final Wrath of God, terminating this Epoch of Rebellion on the Earth, and marking the end of sin of all mankind.  This Cleansing of the Sanctuary is the Cleansing of the Whole Earth, per this Rife Word.


These Seven Angels carry with them the Seven Golden Vails, full of the Wrath of God.  This Finishing Work on Earth corresponds to the Cleansing of the Heavenly Temple, loading the Cup of Retribution, even to the double.  These Seven Bowls are Wrath with no mixture of Mercy.


Now, the Controversy between sinful man and Holy God is ended.  It is done.


At the Bowl Judgments, the Earth is made empty and waste, and turned upside down in a massive polar shift of the tectonic plates, revolving around the immotile Mount of Zion in Jerusalem, and thereby cleansing the world of the effects of nuclear war.  Land masses will sink while the ocean bottoms will arise, creating the New Earth, wherein dwells nothing but Righteousness.




Henceforth, by Rife Time, your Ashkenazi Overthrow is as the Overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah.  No survivor shall remain of this Luciferian Tribe of Ashkenazi.  The Pathological Terror of the Ashkenazi Jews shall be no more.  Yes!  The Terror of the Ashkenazi Jews shall be no more.  There shall be NO SURVIVOR of the House of Ashkenazi; they shall all be destroyed in the Wrath of the Lamb.  The world shall rejoice, as the Ashkenazi Tribe of Fake Jews are erased from the face of the planet.




As He left his Palestinian Brethren, so He Returns to his Palestinian Brethren.




At the Valley of Jehoshaphat, He will defend the Remnant of Palestine, as He judges all invading armies, even with the Breath of his Mouth.




At this Final Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary the Priesthood of Christ, in Heaven, gives way to the Kingship of Christ, in Jerusalem. As Priest, the Lord has gathered out his Repentant Christians; as King, He Returns to Rule us from Jerusalem.  Once that final soul is saved, the Priest finishes his Business in Heaven, then Returns to Jerusalem to rule as KING of Kings – the Palestinian Prince of Peace.


Christ closes forever his Service as Priest and Returns to Jerusalem as King.  The King stabilizes Mount Zion, while the rest of the globe is cleansed in a tectonic shift which removes all islands, mountains, and cities, making way for the Rife Christian New World Order.




As you are accounted Worthy, Search the Scriptures, for they speak of this work.  I, Rife the Great, have written all these things at thy Word.  Judicially, it is now fulfilled, that which was spoken by the prophets.  You who acknowledge this Rife Condemnation of Israel, you who seek the Lord’s Justice, you who seek Righteousness, you who seek Humility, come to Goshen, that you may be hidden in this Day of the Lord’s Anger; Arise and join the Migration of the Righteous unto Goshen.


And of Lucifer’s original Rebellion, nothing remains but the Solemn Lesson of sin and its fearful results – to be inscribed at the Throne of Justice, for the Admonishment of the Saints, forevermore.  Amen, and amen.