Black Wednesday, 2024









Ode to Jewish Travesty


Jews keep pounding Lies into your brain, La de da de de, la de da de da…

By such Strong Delusion you’ve been spiritually slain, La de da de de, la de da de da…

Jews keep extorting politicians into the profane, La de da de de, la de da de da…

Bribing them off during every political campaign, La de da de de, la de da de da…

Washington was once the Lord’s Domain, La de da de de, la de da de da…

Now the Jews have rendered it into the Insane, La de da de de, la de da de da…

The City will now bow to the Rife Campaign, La de da de de, la de da de da…

After this Fire only the Righteous will remain, La de da de de, la de da de da…

The Lone Star State now takes on the Shofar Mandate, La de da de de, la de da de da…

While Austin’s Prophecy will now Dominate, Culminate, and never Deviate, La de da de de, la de da de da…

And the beat goes on, and the beat goes on…


Used to be, before the Jews stole the 2020 Election, you could walk into the People’s House with admiration – those doors!  What knockers!  Of course, that was while Ms. Silly Cones, the San Francisco Witch, was yet in charge.  Now we suffer little Mikey, the molested choir boy, Speaker of the AIPAC Whorehouse; abused, not by Catholic priests, rather by Zionism.  Seems Mikey has been drinking the Zionist Kool-Aid since youth – believing the LIE that these Ashkenazi Psychopaths are the “Chosen of God.”  And with Jewish Vasoline/Benjamins, Mikey likes it!  What Bullsh*t!


And on the Senate side, Ole Chucky Schumer – I married my daughter to a woman carrying a Jewish Dildo, La de da de de, la de da de da… – is to be replaced by a Tall Gangster of War Crimes named Thune, who is just another bribed, Zionist Goon, La de da de de, la de da de da…. 


Short or tall, the Rife Gallows hang all…

Snap, Crackle, Pop, britches filled with Koshered Slop…

Yes, Koshered Rope for this Cabal…

Now you know the Rife Protocol, La de da de de, la de da de da…

And the beat goes on, and the beat goes on…


And now, over this Dump, there comes again Trump, the Covid Chump, married an Epstein Whore, screwed a Porno Whore, and sought out that Spiritual Whore, Paula White, for advice.  Seems your MAGA President-to-be, with his recent cabinet picks, extorted by Jewish Bribes, will continue to be the Zionist Whore he always was, making him the President of this Babylon Whore, due to become the Curse against America – that is, he is subject to Death at any time the son of perdition makes his move.  He will NOT have a four-year term.  More news to follow, as the Jews make him swallow.  All because the Genocide Obscene is now your American Routine. And the beat goes on, and the beat goes on, La de da de de, la de da de da…


The Synagogue of Satan now owns Washington, D.C., the Whore of the Potomac now practicing Lunacy, La de da de de, la de da de da…


Therefore, Woe to this Crown of Hubris!  Woe unto these Drunkards on the Potomac!


Behold, Rife the Great is the Mighty and Strong One, the Destroying Storm, the Overflowing Judgment, and shall cast your Zionist Whore down to the Earth, by the Sword of the Lord, and of Putin the Great.  Your Crown of Criminal Pride, the Drunkards of Potomac, shall be trodden under my Preaching Boots, size 12.  And your cities shall burn at temperatures hotter than the sun.  Forty days from Sunday, Chuck, forty ways to Make my Day, you Jewish Punk, the Sudden Impact is now on your Kike Domain.  One Jew over the Cuckoo’s Nest; now you Jewish Punks put those guns down, or you die by the Words of Rife the Great, and the Guns of Putin the Great.


In this day, the Crown of the Lord shall be Austin, Texas, for the Diadem of Beauty, calling forth your Judgment, and for the Strength of the Palestinians, as we turn the battle, behind the Sword of Rife the Great, and his Partner in Justice, Putin the Great.


You Americans have erred through Zionist Heresy, by this Ashkenazi Poison you are out of the Divine Purpose; your preachers and prophets have errored the FATAL BLUNDER, you error in vision, and now you stumble in Rife Judgment.  All tables are full of Ashkenazi Vomit and Jewish Lewdness, so that there is no Church of Righteousness, as established at the Great Awakening at our nation’s birth.


To whom shall I teach Knowledge?  Who shall be made to understand Rife Doctrine?  Them that are weaned from the Jewish Media and drawn away from the Jewish Academia, not to mention Zionist Mythology.  For in True Eschatology, precept must be upon Rife Precept, line upon Rife Line, line upon Rife Line, here a little Truth, and there a little Judgment.


For with stammering lips and another tongue will Rife the Great speak to the Remnant of the Lord, even in Palestine, Russia, Iran, and the rest of the Righteous Nations.  To Palestine do I say, this Covenant Reversal is the Rest wherewith you may now find rest, and this Rife Reversal is the Refreshing, yet none would hear – Dying ain’t much of a living, so listen to Rife the Great.


Your Forefathers made the Fatal Mistake, that they rejected the Son, fell backward, were wrecked, and for two thousand years, snared and broken.  Wherefore, hear this Rife Word of the Lord, ye scornful men, that rule this people which are in Jerusalem!


Because you have said, We have made a covenant with Death, and with Hell are we in agreement, as this Overflowing Rife Scourge passes through, your refuge of lies and falsehood no more will deliver you from the Synagogue of Satan stealing your Holy Land.


Therefore, thus saith Rife the Great, Behold, I lay in Palestine for a foundation a Precious Stone, even the Headstone, the Foundation Stone, and the Capstone – all in this Rife Gospel to Palestine.  You that convert will not make haste.  Judgment against your enemies will I lay to the Line, and the righteousness of all Christians to the Plummet; and I will sweep away this Refuge of Zionist Lies and shall overthrow every Hiding Place living in sin and rebellion.


And your Palestinian Covenant with Death is now Reversed – the cup is now against your enemies, even all Zionists worldwide.  Henceforth, the 404-year-old American Covenant, celebrating Thanksgiving, is now ended; tomorrow will be your final free and joyous Thanksgiving Feast, for next year there will be no Thanksgiving unless you have taken the Mark of the Jewish Beast.  You’ve adopted the two-tier Jewish Talmud to run/corrupt your government, so now God will no longer honor your Constitutional Covenant – all men created equal – which you have abandoned. The Rectitude of your Intentions has fallen to Criminal Degradations. In Judgment, the son of perdition arises to destroy your Bill of Rights; it will go the way of Trump the Chump, at the time in which God delights.


And to all Rife Saints, your Covenant with Death is disannulled, and your Agreement with Hell shall not stand, when this Overflowing Rife Scourge shall pass through your religion, government,  and throughout the land, and you shall be trodden down by it, even to your destruction by the Sword in Putin’s Hand.


For from the time that this Rife Report goes forth worldwide, it shall take you, for morning by morning shall this Rife Sword pass over, by day, Texas time, and by night throughout the globe; and it shall be your Vexation as I, Rife the Great, make you to understand this Day of Retribution.


For the bed is shorter than that you have imagined, and the covering narrower than any comfort hoped for, lest you repent.  For the Lord shall rise over the Potomac, and shall be wroth throughout your heartland, that He shall destroy your Eastern Cities, and his Strange Work shifting the West Coast, and to bring to pass the Great Shaking throughout your Heartland, and his Strange Act, whereby Mar-a-Lago will be awash under a hundred feet of water.  This prophesy is what I could write on the back of an envelope, much more description shall follow.





DECEMBER 19, 2024



JANUARY 5, 2025

