Now therefore, be ye not mockers, lest your bands of hatred, sin, and transgression be made to abide, for I, Rife the Great have heard from the Lord Jesus Christ a CONSUMPTION, even determined upon this entire generation, worldwide.  Give ye ear, and hear my voice; hearken, and hear my speech, you that have ears to hear and eyes to see must now come to Goshen, that you suffer not the plagues coming against this MAGA Folly.


And speaking of God’s Vengeance, you will now learn that God’s Justice is NOT Antisemitic Hatred – because your Zionism is nothing but Satanism.  You have rejected my Final offer for Just Arbitration; therefore Megatons of Fire will now destroy your Zionist Military Complex throughout this nation...


One megaton, two megatons, three megatons, four

You’re going to burn as the Zionist Whore.

Five megatons, six megatons, seven megatons, even eight,

All along, Zionism has been no more than Satan’s Bait.

Nine megatons, ten megatons, eleven megatons, a full dozen or more,

You will burn once Rife the Great knocks you to the floor.


Study your Bible and do the math, you will acknowledge Rife the Great calling forth God’s Wrath.

As you have ears to hear and eyes to see, come to Goshen to celebrate Jubilee.

Come to Austin from all points far and wide, to administer God’s Justice as his Heavenly Bride.


And seeing foreign prophets agree with Rife the Ruthless: Confirmation to the Truthers.

Seeing Trump smashed and toothless: Controversial to the Idolators.

Seeing Cindy Jacobs exposed as the Fraudulent Clown, so clueless: PRICELESS!


Rife is the Proud Supporter of the Wrath of God.  Game, set, match, this game is now played by Rife Rules because, well, Rife Rules! 

Rejoice!  For the Plummet is now in the hand of Rife the Great, with those seven, dividing out the deluded and damned from the Children of Heaven.  Making New Texas as the Smooth Plane, while destroying this Zionist domain. 


I, Rife the Great, approve this message.


Just one more thing, the name is Rife, Rife the Great, in the Master’s Secret Service.

All Jews must call me Mr. Antisemite, and heavy on the MISTER, or I’ll punch your early ticket to Hell – 40 ways from Sunday, Chuck, 40 ways from Sunday.


Oh, just one more thing, on August 10, I told you to get 400,000 body bags ready.  My mistake, make that 4,000,000 body bags.

Once the Angel of Death begins his work, I shall update you later.  Such are the beginnings of your Sorrows.  Any Questions??


Rife the Great

Liberator of Palestine/Jerusalem

Chief Proctor preparing the world for the Return of our Lord Jesus Christ

Chief Proctor bringing in the Christian New World Order

New Austin, New Texas

Conquest date: 1260+17




December 19, 2024 — 1260 Days since July 8. 2021


Woe Unto the Texas Key


For as it was in the Days of Noah,

So is it now in Dallas, Texas…

For as Jerusalem was filled with False Prophets in Jeremiah’s Day,

So is Dallas Texas filled with False Teachers in this day…

Indeed, the Dallas False Teachers have brought in Damnable Heresies,

Even denying the Lord that bought them…

Yet, now, by the hand of Rife the Great,

Have brought upon themselves SWIFT DESTRUCTION.


And multitudes now follow their pernicious ways, by reason of whom the Way of Truth is now evil spoken of.  And through covetousness and feigned words they have Made Merchandise of you; yet now, in this DAY OF RETRIBUTION, their Judgment lingers not, and their Damnation slumbers not.

For in this Day does the Lord come forth in Judgment, as the Swift Witness against these Texas Sorcerers, and against these Adulterers, and these who oppress the widow and the fatherless with their Prosperity Perversion and Word of Faith Witchcraft.


And the Lord spoke to me, Rife the Great, saying, If these False Teachers refuse to take this Cup of Fury at my Hand to drink, say unto them, You shall certainly drink, for lo, I begin to bring evil on the city called by my name, and should you Prosperity Pimps go unpunished?  You shall not go unpunished, for I will call for the Rife Sword against all Hypocrites and Adulterers in the Texas Key, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet, in this Day of Retribution, saith the Lord Jesus Christ.



Who art thou, O Great Texas? 


Before Rife the Great thou shall become a Level Plain, for the Righteous shall rejoice when you shall see the Plummet in the hand of Rife the Great, with the Seven Eyes of the Holy Spirit, working your Judgment for these 1260 days.  For as the Foundation was laid long ago, RTG shall bring forth the Headstone, with shouting, crying Grace, grace unto the Texas Key.  RTG shall now finish the construction, and then thou shall acknowledge that the Lord has sent me unto Texas, as one of the anointed ones.


Yes indeed, He now finishes his Work in Texas, cutting it short in Righteousness, for the Time of your Harvest is now come.  By the Texas False Prophets, the Harvest is Ripe, for your Wickedness is Great, here at the End of this Age of Rebellion.  This is the Judgment by which upon hearing of it, your ears shall tingle – burned by this Revelation of the Righteous Judgment of God.


Think it not strange, the Lord exposing, indicting, and condemning this Dallas Whorehouse, for only the Rife Righteous inherit the Kingdom to arise in New Texas.  This is FIRST STAGE (exposure) fulfillment of the Prophet’s Prayer, given last June, 2024.


Who is the Wise Man that shall understand?


The Lord now uses Rife the Great to purify unto Himself a Peculiar People, zealous for Good Works.  Likewise, now you shall learn to discern between the Righteous and the Wicked, regardless of Christian Pretense – between those who genuinely serve God, and those who are Sorcerers, Hypocrites, and Apostates.


The Day has come; the Day on which the Almighty visits you in Final Judgment, shattering your Prophetic Pretense and Zany Zionism.  If you can receive this, know that Joni Lamb, the Daystar Whore, is the Herodias of this Adulterous Generation, and Rife the Great is the servant of Jesus Christ sent to warn.  This Daystar Sin must be rebuked before all the world, that others may fear.


And unto the Texas Key, yours is the Greater Damnation.  For whom much is given, much is demanded. Rife is sent forth to destroy the Destroyers of the Gospel and those who use this Prosperity Perversion to rob the needy and the fatherless.  Your Cup is filled to the DOUBLE.       


As it was in Jeremiah’s day, Woe unto the Crown of Pride, Texas, and to the Drunkards of Dallas!  Woe unto these Greedy Dogs of Dallas!