Worldwide Leverage
Today, Joni’s Whorehouse is Satan’s key Death Star against America and the world. The Devil’s Primary Channel of Strong Delusion to the world. This is Prey TV, rather than Pray TV. False Teachers preying upon the Ignorance of Foolish men. Beguiling many unstable souls with this Death Star Venom.
Hypocrites and Sinners love the Daystar Darkness. As preamble to the Pale Horse, the Daystar audience tunes in to hear Smooth Deceit which is contrary to Holy Doctrine. The menu is no more than flattering words designed to rob the Simple. Heresy designed to deceive the hearts of the Naive. Everyday features Prosperity Pimps, vexing the poor and needy and robbing them of their money. Headline Extortion, as proclaimed by Michael Koulinos, Benny Hinn’s son-in-law: “People who refuse to give suffer for it.”
The Deceitfulness of Riches have choked out the Word of God. The world has been poisoned by this selling rotten-fruit pies.
You Faithful have been tried by the heresies of these False Teachers. You have been vexed by this Stone of Stumbling/Rock of Offense, presented to the world by the Dallas False Prophets. Yes, in Cunning Craftiness, they work to deceive the very Elect. The Flock of the Lord has become prey to every Daystar False Teacher. Such False Teachings tend to shipwreck the Elect. Through your multitude of merchandise, you have filled the world with Zionist Violence. Bringing the Pale Horse of Death upon your world of ungodliness – Hell follows in Judgment.
Dallas Capital
As it was in Noah’s day, so is it now in Dallas/Fort Worth, the False Prophet Capital of the World, now full of Drugstore Cowboys, Midnight Cowboys, and Sodom’s Homeboys. The Dallas suburb, Colleyville, is home of the world’s largest concentration of mansions, owned by False Prophets. This is the Notorious Dallas Stronghold of Thieves and Robbers. This Dallas Generation of Vipers. Dallas is full of false apostles, deceitful workers. This Gospel of Dallas is NOT the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Furthermore, at this Day of Retribution, you’ve been weighed and found wanting. You are in Strong Delusion because your Deceitfulness of Riches has choked out the Truth of the Word. You now perish in your own corruption. Dallas is overthrown for its wickedness. Indeed, the inhabitants of Dallas commit a horrible abomination; the Christians commit adultery and strengthen the hands of Evil Ministers, and none return from your wickedness.
And now at this Time of the End, Dallas, which is exalted to Heaven, shall be thrust down to Hell. Your Glory is Shame, and your End is Destruction. Your vine is as Sodom and your fields are as Gomorrah, and thus, your grapes are of gall, and your clusters are bitter; henceforth, your Harvest is cast into the Great Winepress of the Wrath of God.
Cursed is Dallas, unto the Pale Horse Visitation. Your Dallas/Fort Worth shall become known as the Valley of Achor, until the Last Day.
Here at the End of this Epoch of Rebellion, the time to harvest the Wicked and Apostates has now arrived. During this Texas Preamble to the Zionist Tribulation, the White Horse, nicknamed S.P. Kraken, precedes the Pale Horse bringing Universal Death upon the Wicked living in the Texas Key. The Plummet in the Hand of RTG, measuring the Temple, ensures the Smooth Plain Foundation for constructing Goshen, TX, which withstands the Red Horse and mitigates the Black Horse. Comprehende?
During this War against Zionist Heresy, He will not let you pollute his Holy Name any longer, hence, the Destruction of your Death Star and its Cast of Criminals against the Almighty. To wage this Rife Conquest unto Righteousness, the End has come for the Texas Key; He shall not again pass by you anymore.
I can assure you, it is Joy to command this Judgment, while Destruction is upon the Texas Key Apostates. You have provoked the Lord to anger through your false teachings, and now, during this Day of Retribution, you will suffer the Wrath of the Holy God, as Vengeance is reserved for the Lord Jesus Christ, whose name you have polluted, as you have extorted the weak and vulnerable.
We are filled with Indignation; therefore, it’s time to stretch the necks of these who stretch the Truth. The Rife Tribunals await all Charismatic Criminals of Daystar Fame, quickly becoming the Eradication of the worst criminal element operating in this country. The Dallas Tower of Babylon, operating the Death Star, shall be no more, as the Pale Horse gallops throughout the Texas Key, full of your Zionist Criminals listed on the Rife Kill List.
By the hand of Rife the Great, the Lord has set his Plumbline amid Texas. Your Judgment is ALEADY begun, as we take the whip to your tables full of Zionist Vomit, upchucked from your Dallas Drunkards. Rife fulfills the Divine Mandate to blow the Trumpet of War, though your ears have been dulled by a generation of Foolish Watchmen, who have sold their soul to the Synagogue of Satan Warlocks.
You do not hearken unto RTG because you do not hearken unto the Almighty; nonetheless, Indictment, Justice, Warning, and Judgment are served, according to Divine Adjudication. You have become the Incredulous Fools awaiting a pre-Trib Rapture. Such Clowns you have become, callous to the Seven Eyes dividing you out and preparing you for Death, riding the Pale Horse. Your Judgment comes to destroy all Christian Hypocrites and your Loony Leaders of Zany Zionism.
Rife represents the Higher Court – the Judgment of the Almighty. Not a hired gun, rather a sired gun. The Voice of the Day of the Lord. The Handwriting now on the wall. Your Zionists are as blind as Nebuchadnezzar’s soothsayers and wizards, and equally as wicked. Your Universal Strong Delusion is Ashkenazi Zionism, which now brings America to the Red Horse Destruction.
But first, I am here to avenge your larceny and prepare Goshen for the True Saints. Yes, RTG teaches you the GOOD and RIGHT WAY, declaring the Testimony of God, in True Prophetic Indictment, Prosecution, and now, Execution. I have not troubled Texas, but you have by forsaking the Commandments of the Lord, following Baalism/Zionism/Prosperity Witchcraft.
I have Warrants for the arrest of all Fraudulent Ministers featured in this Death Star Insurrection. Your notorious Pastors and Preachers are outlaws, thieving, stealing, raping criminals, and I am here to make the arrest, beginning in the Texas Key. God has put a bounty on your celebrated outlaws, and I am here to collect.
Your Hangman rides the Pale Horse. God is now cleaning this Texas House. Details of this Rife Indictment are herein published as your Last Warning – the Trumpet of War. Woe unto your Famous False Teachers, False Pastors, and False Prophets. Welcome to this Rife Crusade to uproot these “Christian” Thieves. You are arrested to stand Trial before the King Whom you have robbed. Oh, the Terror of falling into the Hands of the Living God, for He is The Consuming Fire – RIFE FIRE.
There will be no more delay. Thine End has come, by thy Measure of Covetousness. As in the Days of Noah, Judgment comes first to take away the Wicked and Apostates. Where your carcass lies, the vultures will gather; four million body bags are only the beginning of your Pale Horse Judgment.
By the hand of Rife the Great, He will now cause these Prophets and the Unclean Spirit to pass out of New Texas. His Wrath now falls on your Texas Children of Disobedience. Your lives are given over to The Pestilence, because when He called, you refused; you would have none of His Reproof. So now, He laughs at YOUR CALAMITY, He mocks as your fear comes as a Desolation and your Destruction as the Whirlwind, as distress and anguish come upon you.
THEN shall you call upon Him, but He will not answer; you will at last seek Him out, but you will NOT find Him. For, by your Daystar Fraud you hated Knowledge, and refused to fear the Lord, even during these 1260 days of Indictment and Separation. You would have none of this Rife Counsel, and despised the Rife Reproof, and now you are filled with your own Strong Delusion.
For your turning away from the Rife Trumpet shall now slay you, and the prosperity of your Daystar Fools shall destroy you. But whoso hearkens to Rife the Great shall yet find safety in Goshen and shall become quieted from the fear of evil – the Red and Black Horses of Judgment. Comprehende?