Dividing Out


You who fear the Lord, watch with Prayer without ceasing.  Witness this New Testament Wisdom, versus New Age Witchcraft.  Do as did Noah, who by faith, being warned of God, moved with fear.  You are to avoid these Daystar Adulterers – come out from amongst them, that you receive not her plagues.  The Prudent foresee this Daystar Evil and seek the Lord’s Protection, while the Simple receive the lies of Strong Delusion, and are divided out.


As the Wise, seek Sound Doctrine; forsake these Deceitful Teachers.  As the Lord’s Flock, refuse to become prey to these Brute Beasts.  All that welcome this Daystar Abomination, are accursed.  And know this: True Men of God, who preach the Biblical Truth concerning Honest Repentance from this Synagogue of Satan, are not welcome on the Death Star Program.


By this Daystar Folly, the Lord has set forth his Plumbline, dividing out the Sinners and Hypocrites.  Daystar is used as a magnet, to draw out all that offend the Kingdom and to mark you for Destruction, made ready for the First Harvest.  By Prophetic Wisdom, the Lord now delivers his Flock from this Daystar Curse. 


Forsake this Daystar Folly and live; go the way of Understanding.  Have NO FELLOWSHIP with this Daystar Abomination.  Come out from among this Daystar Scandal and be ye separate, that you do not suffer the Plague of the Pale Horse.  This Folly is plain to all with eyes to see.


Does your heart break because of these False Ministers?


You should NOT fellowship with these Extortionists.  Blessed is the man that rebukes this Daystar Abomination.  The Lord lifts the Meek, while casting the Wicked to the ground.


It is time to gather out all that offend the New Texas Kingdom.  The Lord now thoroughly purges the Texas Church, to separate the Wheat from the Chaff which now is removed by his Unquenchable Fire – even RIFE FIRE.  Every Hypocrite shall now be rooted up and sent into the Fire.


The Lord now casts you profane out of the Mountain of God.  He now severs out the Wicked Apostates from the Righteous Saints.  For God has not called us to uncleanness, but unto Holiness.  Acknowledge this: Daystar has released Curses of Banishment from the Kingdom of God.


Such heretics are to be rejected.  For if the Righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the Wicked and Apostate appear?  For the Sword shall come down upon all of Texas unto Judgment.  Become the Wise, before this Pale Horse Judgment.


Strong Delusion


These Daystar Prophets are Blind Guides leading Texas into Great Tribulation.  In the Greatness of your Folly, you have gone astray.  Fallen into Temptation and the Snare.  You return, but not to the Most High.  You have shut your eyes that you cannot see, and your hearts that you cannot understand.


Your Prophets deceive you; with cunning – fair words and easy speeches – they seduce you.  Bringing the Careless, due to receive the Fire prophesied by Ezekiel, into bondage.  By such Daystar Delusion, if it were possible, even the Elect would be deceived.  Yet, through covetousness and feigned words they have made merchandise of this adulterous generation.


The Hypocrites have fallen into the Condemnation of the Devil.  God has given you up to Vile Affections.  The Brutish man knows not; neither does the Fool understand.  As the Blind leading the Blind, you now fall into the Ditch, now that you are at the End.


By Daystar seducing spirits, doctrines of devils, and lies in hypocrisy, you do not endure Sound Doctrine.  You have been led away by the error of the Wicked.  Corrupted from the Simplicity that is in Christ.  Puffed up by the Fleshly Mind.  Henceforth, your soul is cut off because of your presumption.  You tempt the Lord’s People to transgress.  He now comes at the Time that you are not aware, to cut you asunder, and appoint your portion with the Wicked Unbelievers.


1260 Days


In the spring of 1984, I received the Angel of the Lord, standing in my Prayer Room, and his Sword thrust out before him – the Holy Spirit telling me to receive this Sword into my outstretched hand.  For the ensuing forty years I have prepared for this Day of Retribution – the heart of the Righteous studies to answer.  And since July 8, 2021, it has been 1260 days of Measuring the Temple, here in the Texas Key.




As seven (years) is the number of God, 1260 (days) equals 3 ½, signifying the partnership between God, Who sees all, and the prophet, who is taught of God, knowing that God cannot lie.  As Legal Inquest, know this Rife Quarry against this Daystar Criminal Entity.  For 1260 days, the Lord has been Dividing Out.  Now, it’s time to make the arrest.  It is the time to mark those who are Hypocrites against the Holy Doctrine and prepare you for Early Death, during this Day of Retribution.


As Legal Inquest, this has been 1260 days whereby the Holy Spirit has convicted Texas of sin, righteousness, and judgment.  And by this Daystar Abomination, the Pit is now dug for the Wicked.  Throughout Texas, spiritual leaders are falling left and right on time.  Legacy Ministries are exposed and falling in their own mire.


By this Daystar Exposure, God has meted you out and tried you.  You condone Adultery, hide the Pedophiles, and practice Witchcraft Treachery before your worldwide audience.  By this, you and your worldwide audience have been Marked for Death.  This is the Consumption, as spoken by Isaiah, even determined upon the Whole Earth.  For 1260 days, the Angels of the Lord have been marking the Wicked and Apostates for Death, riding the Pale Horse.


Your End has come, by the Measure of your Covetousness.  This is the Timely Determination of the God of Truth.  With much Longsuffering, He has awaited this Day of Retribution, while not wanting any to be lost.  He has called, but you have refused to repent; henceforth, you are pulled out for the thrashing and prepared for this Day of Slaughter.  Bring them hither, and slay them before Me.


God has given you time to repent, but you have refused.  Henceforth, you shall not escape the Sudden Destruction coming upon Wayward Texas.  Your Death arrives, to take away the Wicked and Apostates – this is the First Harvest.  All that deal presumptuously will now die, to put away all evil from New Texas.


Now is the Day of Vengeance, the Day of Retribution.  Your Day of Judgment, to be punished.  Headline Daystar.  Expose the Folly.  Convict the False Brethren.  You are under Judgment; your Plague is now upon you.  You shall not escape, because you have neglected this Deliverance for the Righteous.


Daystar Exposure


God’s Judgment first exposes, then indicts, and then destroys the Wicked.  In this Day, the Lord judges the secrets of all Daystar Luminaries.  As did Jehu, you are now shut up in the Daystar Convention, serving Ballism/Zionism.  You are made ready for the Slaughter. Let no one escape from this RIFE FIRE. As Jehu destroyed Baalism out of Israel, so does Rife the Great destroy Zionism out of Texas.




During this Rife Conquest, there is no darkness nor shadow of death where you Texas workers of iniquity can hide yourselves.  Hence, this exponential increase in exposure.  Seed Money Folly.  Joni and Marcus Lamb took their Covid PPP money to buy a jet – using government money for Dishonest Gain.

During Covid, Marcus was telling his worldwide audience that those who give to Daystar would not get the disease; months later, during Retribution, he died of Covid complications.