In Seductive Conspiracy, enter Dirty Doug, the Demonic Divorcee.  Yes, Doug Weiss the infamous “Penis Preacher” – the Marriage Counsellor who is a Marriage Seducer.  Doug Weiss ditched his faithful wife of 30 years, once Marcus Lamb died, and began seducing Joni, who then lost a hundred pounds of fat – ala the Wicked Witch of the West – during weight loss surgery.


Doug dropped his faithful wife of 30 years to marry this rich witch, now worth a $100 million.  As Joni Lamb and Doug Weiss have sinned against the Lord, their sin has found them out.  This Wicked Joni is the Mother Talzin of this Death Star.  She is operating from a demonic spirit.  Witch Joni is running the Insurrection against the Lord Jesus Christ, commanding this Death Star of Deceit.  Practicing Open Mockery of the Kingdom of God.  Now “Exhibit A” in the Rife Higher Court.


Enter Shawn Bolz, the Infamous Scam Artist who uses social media to investigate registered conference attendees, then fakes calling them out (as though he is receiving such information from God) in front of thousands of attendees.  He is Joni Lamb’s “most trusted prophet.”


Enter Four Ace, Jimmy Evans, the Card Shark from Amarillo.  His Four Aces Justifying “Divorce”: Adultery, Abandonment, and up his sleeve, Abuse and Addiction.  The first two are biblical; the second two are subjective, for a fee of course.  Yep, Four-Ace Evans preaches for doctrine his own perverse commandments – for a fee of up to as much as $7,500 per weekly consultation he will justify the cutting asunder of what God has joined together.


Cementing his authority, Four Ace, card shark, Jimmy proclaimed that Joni is the Voice of God on this Death Star.  He then conducted the wedding ceremony between Dirty Doug and Witch Joni, cementing the Adultery before God.  Daystar paid $100,000 for the adulterous honeymoon.


Four Ace, Jimmy Evans: “Whatever Joni says, moving forward, is God.”  Witch Joni is the Voice of God controlling the Death Star Command Deck.  It’s all about submitting to Witchcraft – and covering sin with NDAs – non-disclosure agreements.  Witch Joni: Submit or leave!


She now commands the Death Star War Room.  Evidently, the Green Room is where Pete the Pedo hangs out.  All are presumptuous, self-willed devils.  Thou Child of the Devil and Enemy of Righteousness; you refuse to cease from your perversion of the Right Way.  You are found to be Liars.  Foaming out your own shame.  Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin – you drink your devil’s potion from the Lord’s Chosen Vessels, provoking the Wrath of God.


You are hereby snared by the Transgression of your lips.  Yours is the Wickedness of Folly, even Madness displayed daily.  Raging waves of the sea, foaming out in your own Shame.  False Ministers living in Adultery, as called out by your own son, Jonathan.  It is hereby proven, you are worthless Lovers of Pleasures, rather than Lovers of God, owning four homes, two of which are mansions.


Your eyes full of Adultery, that cannot cease from sin.  Joni Lamb is now living in Adultery, and Four-Ace Jimmy shall die a terrible death.  There is no longer any disguise for this Daystar House of Adultery.  This is only the beginning of Daystar Judgment.


Gateway Church


Enter the Pedo Pastor, Robert Morris.  He has that John Gacy/Lindsey Graham look in his eyes.  He is Pedo Morris, who founded the church Gateway to Hell, often listed as the largest church in America.  Yep, Gateway, the Mega Church in Dallas/Fort Worth, was founded by a CHILD RAPIST PEDOPHILE, who has never repented.


As a traveling pastor in his early 20s, he often visited a family in Oklahoma, and upon eyeing the daughter, he proceeded to rape the 12-year-old girl numerous times for over the next four years, while covering it up, even unto this day.  Joni Lamb calls Robert Morris a “great man of God.”  Marcus Lamb gave a twenty million loan to Morris’ Gateway Church to finance its construction.  The Pedo Pastor, along with the Adulterous Pastor, Hagee the Hutt, conducted Rachael Lamb’s wedding.


Today, Robert Morris’ net worth is over $100 million.  In Dallas, he is Godfather of the Mega-Church Mafia.  The Bible lists such men as Brutish Pastors!  Earning this title is Robert Morris: “If you don’t tithe 10%, you’re under a curse!”  This is WITCHCRAFT.  Via the Morris Mafia, the Gateways of Hell have prevailed against Dallas.


Yes, your Star Texas Pastor is a Child Rapist.


And I do remind you, there is no statute of limitations with the Almighty.


Daystar Indictment


In this movie, Joni does Dallas, along with her squad of Table Talk Feminists – which is more of a Fable Walk, to those with eyes to see.  Mimicking the Ghetto Whores on the View, these Dizzy Dames give their approval to every False Teacher brought on the set, once they have been primed in Pete’s Green Room.  Make no mistake, Joni and her pals are NOT Christians.


This is the Empire of Strong Delusion – a circle jerk of criminals covering for one another.  Every Table Talk guest is full of Treachery against God; each with their own peculiar twist in the Con Game.  The audience of Fools has no delight in understanding Truth or Justice.  Such celebrities refuse the Righteous and beguile the Wicked with enticing words of false hope.  It’s all the Doctrine of Vanities.  Nothing but Evil Surmising.  Turning the Grace of God into lasciviousness.


This Satanic Ministry can only survive by forcing all employees to sign the NDA (non-disclosure agreement), which ensures that the deceit stays in-house.  This is Open Mockery of the Living God.  Daystar teaches Lying Words that have no profit.  Daystar turns ears AWAY from the Truth.  Daystar’s celebs are Men of corrupt minds, destitute of the Truth.  Prophets that prophesy Lies, Prophets of Deceit.  Headline, Sid Roth’s Parade of Charlatans.


Wise to do evil, but to do good you have no knowledge.  Your followers are carried about with every Wind of Doctrine.  Turned aside, after Satan.  Evil men and Seducers waxing worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.  Joni’s Theological Whorehouse.  The Table Talk Den of Predators.  Billion-dollar Witchcraft.


All these years you have been stealing from God.  Every hour of every day of the year, you are promoting Extortion in the Name of Jesus Christ.  This Daystar Death Star has robbed the Kingdom of God of hundreds of millions of dollars by promoting the world’s foremost ear-tickling Bamboozlers.


Yours are no more than the Rewards of Divination.  Your Empire is built by the Prosperity Witchcraft, and your deceit is enforced by mandatory NDAs.  You have perverted the Words of the Living God.  Yours is no more than this Death Star of Heretics praising the Wicked.  Your Superstars are Notorious Outlaws exploiting the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.


This Death Star persecutes Truthers – casting them as bottom-feeding bloggers.  This is absolute BETRAYAL against Jesus Christ – this Las Vegas of Christianity.  You confirm the biblical Truth: They that forsake the Law praise the Wicked.  It is a horrible sin for this Leadership to commit Adultery, because it strengthens the hand of the evil doers.  By the Daystar False Teachers, America’s conscience is seared with a hot iron.  And the Lord will Judge you out of your own words, spoken in Hypocrisy.  The Daystar Whoremongers and Adulterers are now judged.


Daystar Condemnation


The Chief Magistrate of the Universe now judges this Great Daystar Whore of Texas.  As prophesied by Ezekiel, He will not allow you to pollute his Holy Name any longer.  He exposes the leaven of this Death Star as Hypocrisy.  He has seen in the Prophets of Dallas a horrible thing, you commit adultery and walk in lies, and you strengthen the hand of evildoers.  Your Prophets have made this nation to err, even to this Day of Retribution.


The Children of Daystar have brought America into sodomite-marriage Abomination and Transgender Folly.  All Daystar Teachers cause this nation to err.  You men of Texas are wicked before the Lord exceedingly.  For the name of Jesus Christ is blasphemed, through your false witness.


You forsook the Fear of the Almighty because of your Vanity and Lies.  You know not the Way of the Lord, nor his Judgment.  You have sown in the flesh; therefore you reap corruption.  And now, thine End has come, by thy Measure of Covetousness.  You are damned because you refuse to believe the Truth.  You shall utterly perish in your own Corruption.