God will now avenge you speedily; you are overthrown in his Anger and his Wrath.  Sudden Destruction now comes upon the Laodicean Christians of Dallas, indeed all of Texas.  He shall break into pieces your Mighty Prophets without number.  He shall Recompense your ways upon your own head, unto your Universal Death.


Yours is now Tribulation and Wrath, because you do not obey the Truth.  Tribulation Fire, to burn away all wood, hay, and stubble.  Your Foolish and Brutish shall perish, leaving your wealth to others.  Everything you own shall be given to others, in Judgment.


House of God


Brutish Pastors!  Every Sunday is a Con Job!  Shall not God avenge such Blatant Hypocrisy, during this Day of Retribution?  Your Judgment begins at your House of God.


This Day of Retribution destroys your popular Charlatans, Hypocrites, and False Teachers.  Your Pastors are for the coming Slaughter.  His Eye shall not spare, neither will He have pity on Laodicean Texas; He will recompense your sin upon your own head.


Your Pastors have become Shepherds that cannot understand.  You have defiled your sanctuaries by the multitude of your iniquities.


God, willing to show his Wrath, and to make his Power known, has endured with much longsuffering this Dallas Whoredom, fitted for Destruction.  You are charged with Folly in the House of God, as Adulterers and Treacherous Christians.  Such teachers must be stopped.  Wells without Water.  Trees without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots.


When a Righteous Man turns from his righteousness, his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered.  Because you have defiled the Sanctuary of the Lord, his eye shall not spare, neither will He have pity on your Apostate Population.  You are entangled again in the Yoke of Bondage.  Depart from me you cursed, into everlasting fire.


Your Death rides the Pale Horse


He now removes the Iniquity of Texas, even in One Day, because the New Texas Way of Holiness is NOT for you.  Your fruit is withered, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots.  Thus, will He cause the lewdness to cease out of the Lone Star State.  For the angels of the Lord shall remove this Daystar Fraud, beginning throughout the Texas Key.


The Angels come forth to sever the Wicked from the Righteous.  The Lord sends forth these Ministers of Flaming Fire to gather all that offends his Kingdom, and you that do iniquity.  By your Perpetual Backsliding, you are made to be taken and destroyed.


First the Tares are gathered and bound into bundles, to be burned.  This is the Portion of your Wicked men with God.


The Lord God turns this Curse upon Texas to become a Blessing upon the Remnant of America.  When the Wicked arise, the Righteous are hidden – covered by the Blood of the Lamb, while these cities of Texas shall be visited with Death, riding the Pale Horse.  As He did in Egypt, He will overturn you in the night, so you are destroyed.  In a moment, you shall die by the thousands – the Midnight Cry; your Mighty shall be taken away without man’s hand.


Smooth Plain


He shall wipe Texas, as a man wipes a dish.  Only the Righteous shall remain alive.  For there shall be no more vain vision or false teaching in New Texas.  No more violent perversion of Judgment and Justice.  That hypocrite will not reign, lest the people be again snared.




Straight is the Gate, and narrow is the Way that leads to Goshen Deliverance.  For He will Deliver you from these troubles; no evil shall touch thee.  Men of Truth, hating covetousness.  That you may have Boldness in this Day of Judgment.


Judgment shall return unto Righteousness, as the Lord God turns this Curse upon Texas to become a Blessing upon the Remnant of America, to be kept from this Hour of Temptation which now comes upon all the world. The little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a Strong Nation.


Austin Bride


God has chosen thee to become a Special People, serving his Kingdom in Righteousness, Justice, and Judgment.


New Texas


The Stone which Daystar has refused, has become the Head Stone over New Texas.  There shall in no wise enter into New Texas such Daystar defilement, abomination, or lies.