The Lord now cuts off the Daystar Prey from the Earth. The Lord says to this Daystar Worldwide Empire, Behold, I now stretch out my Hand to make you most desolate. As Daystar works to cause the Righteous to go astray into the Adulterous Way, this entity shall now fall into the Pit of Destruction. These Daystar Heretics are hereby REJECTED. This Daystar False Gospel is Accursed. Cursed is this Daystar Witchcraft.
Mark these false teachers who cause offences contrary to Sound Doctrine. By Joni’s own words, “Correction for those in authority is God’s Job.” He that sits in the Heavens now laughs; He speaks to you in his Wrath and vexes you in his Sore Displeasure. The Daystar treasure is wrath, against the Righteous Judgment of God. According to the sentence of the Law, you that bear thorns and briers are rejected, and nigh unto cursing; your End is to be burned. It is better that you would have never known the Way of Righteousness, than to turn from the Holy Commandment delivered unto you.
Joni Lamb is an Adulterous Whore living with an Adulterous Philanderer. In Judgment, this Death Star Burlesque Theater is now destroyed. Now the End, and the Visitation of the Lord in Judgment. Daystar is Abomination to God. Nearly thirty years of scamming the less fortunate and gullible, gets you the region of Hell where the Fire is not quenched, and the worm never dies.
Thus saith the Lord God: I am against these Daystar Shepherds, and will require my Flock at your hand, and cause you to cease from feeding the Flock. By these words of Rife the Great, this Death Star is falling, is falling. You’ve chosen the wrong profession and your time is up. I have Death Warrants for every Criminal on the Death Star Program List. The Rife Gallows await your Celebrated Criminals.
These are the Daystar Christians who shall hear those words, Depart from me, I never knew you that work iniquity. This Daystar Flock is now consumed from off the Land of Texas. You are to be gathered and cast into the Fire, to be burned. Your End of Daystar is Death, riding the Pale Horse throughout the Texas Key.
The Lord now breaks the Daystar Bands which yoke the Flock. The Flock of the Lord will no longer be Daystar Prey. Woe unto you Daystar Hypocrites that feed yourselves, rather than the Flock!
These Ministers of Fraud are no longer welcome in Rife Texas. The Daystar worshipper of Baal is now shut up and made ready for the First Harvest, beginning in the Texas House of God. For your Daystar Hypocrisy, you shall be forced to drink the Wine of the Wrath of God. The Lord will now kill you and your children with Death, riding the Pale Horse. This Rotten Fruit of your Death Star is now in the Winepress of God’s Wrath.
Your Latter End is far worse than your beginning. Having gained the Whole World yet now you are destined for the Bowels of Hell. Your Greater Damnation is because you devour widows’ houses. You are made to be taken and destroyed. To you the Midst of Darkness is reserved forever. Need I say more?
Texas Hardening
By nature, you have become the Children of Wrath because you have followed the Death Star Pernicious Ways, by reason the Way of Truth is spoken as evil. Consequently, you have not received the Love of the Truth, that you might be Delivered. You are become Children of the devil; Enemies of Righteousness; Turned aside after Satan.
You refuse to walk in the Good Way, while wresting the Scriptures to your Destruction. Henceforth, though you claim the name of the Lord, your End is that of the Fool. Rather than seeking repentance, you are lost in the Bond of Iniquity. Hardened, you refuse to return from your wickedness. Yours is now a Perpetual Backsliding. You have become Covetous, Boasters, Proud, Blasphemers, Unholy, Traitors, heady and high-minded lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God.
You are little more than Reprobates following and supporting fellow Reprobates. From the Prophet to the Pastor, everyone deals falsely. Your Leadership is False Brethren, bringing the Texas Church into bondage. You have made Daystar Lies your refuge, and under Daystar Falsehood do you hide yourselves.
As you have hardened your Daystar neck, you are now suddenly destroyed, and without remedy. You are reserved for this Day of Destruction, this Day of Wrath. Therefore, this Dallas Iniquity is as the Breach ready to fall, whose breaking comes suddenly and at an instant. All shall be delivered unto Death. You suffer Retribution at the Hand of the Holy God.
Great Tribulation
After fifty years of stealing from the Kingdom of God, revenge is Rife with the Sword. You are now punished for your ways and rewarded for your doings. Henceforth, the Day of the Lord’s Anger is now upon you. Tribulation and anguish are now upon this Daystar Strong Delusion which hates the Truth.
Yours is the First Phase of Great Tribulation, as the Lord now executes Judgments in the Texas Key, in the sight of all nations. Your Latter End is Banishment and Destruction. Now is the Time of your Torment. He will now pour his Indignation upon you. You receive the Greater Damnation because you have spent a generation devouring widows’ houses, while extorting the disadvantaged.
The Lord requires obedience commensurate with the level of instruction obtained. As Texas has enjoyed the Paramount level of instruction, even worldwide, you now suffer Wrath commensurate to your Perpetual Backsliding, undergoing the Vengeance of God. His Wrath now strikes all the inhabitants of Texas, that refuse to repent. You are snared in an Evil Time, to now fall suddenly upon America.
God will now avenge you speedily; you are overthrown in his Anger and his Wrath. Sudden Destruction now comes upon the Laodicean Christians of Dallas, indeed all of Texas. He shall break into pieces your Mighty Prophets without number. He shall Recompense your ways upon your own head, unto your Universal Death.
Yours is now Tribulation and Wrath, because you do not obey the Truth. Tribulation Fire, to burn away all wood, hay, and stubble. Your Foolish and Brutish shall perish, leaving your wealth to others. Everything you own shall be given to others, in Judgment.
House of God
Brutish Pastors! Every Sunday is a Con Job! Shall not God avenge such Blatant Hypocrisy, during this Day of Retribution? Your Judgment begins at your House of God.
This Day of Retribution destroys your popular Charlatans, Hypocrites, and False Teachers. Your Pastors are for the coming Slaughter. His Eye shall not spare, neither will He have pity on Laodicean Texas; He will recompense your sin upon your own head.
Your Pastors have become Shepherds that cannot understand. You have defiled your sanctuaries by the multitude of your iniquities.
God, willing to show his Wrath, and to make his Power known, has endured with much longsuffering this Dallas Whoredom, fitted for Destruction. You are charged with Folly in the House of God, as Adulterers and Treacherous Christians. Such teachers must be stopped. Wells without Water. Trees without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots.
When a Righteous Man turns from his righteousness, his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered. Because you have defiled the Sanctuary of the Lord, his eye shall not spare, neither will He have pity on your Apostate Population. You are entangled again in the Yoke of Bondage. Depart from me you cursed, into everlasting fire.
Your Death rides the Pale Horse
He now removes the Iniquity of Texas, even in One Day, because the New Texas Way of Holiness is NOT for you. Your fruit is withered, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots. Thus, will He cause the lewdness to cease out of the Lone Star State. For the angels of the Lord shall remove this Daystar Fraud, beginning throughout the Texas Key.
The Angels come forth to sever the Wicked from the Righteous. The Lord sends forth these Ministers of Flaming Fire to gather all that offends his Kingdom, and you that do iniquity. By your Perpetual Backsliding, you are made to be taken and destroyed.