These Wicked have been made for this Day of Evil, to try the Saints of God. Everyone is given to covetousness, to tempt the Remnant. You have corrupted yourselves with these False Teachers. Your Prophets prophesy falsely and your Pastors practice Witchcraft, and your churches love to have it. Verily, it shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the Day of Judgment, than for these cities of Texas.
False Prophets/Real Profits
Woe unto these Wayward Shepherds of Texas, feeding yourselves rather than the Flock of God, while practicing Open Mockery of the Kingdom of God. Your leaders are Men of Corrupt Minds, destitute of the Truth, while prophesying Deceits. Men of Daystar Renown, beguiling the Simple with enticing words. TV Evangelists walking in the Spirit of Falsehood, while the Godly man no longer leads, and the Faithful man is no longer heard.
You Texans are not valiant for the Truth. Your Heroes are prophets that prophesy Lies – Prophets of Deceit. False Teachers wresting the Scriptures, to your own Destruction. Teaching for hire and divining for money. Serving up Great and Swelling words of Vanity. Yes, Arrogance and Lying Divination. Servants of Prideful Corruption. Double-talking Thieves. Hirelings and Extortionists, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Resisting the Truth, men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. Destitute of Truth, supposing that Money is godliness. Bringing in Damnable Heresies of Zionism, Witchcraft, and Hypocrisy. Loving the Wages of Unrighteousness. Perverting the Gospel of Christ. Turning the Grace of God into Lasciviousness.
Their Profane and Vain Babblings are always increasing unto more ungodliness, because Death and Life are in the Power of the Tongue, using Cunning Craftiness, to deceive. Grifters using the Name of God to extort their illicit fortunes. Making their living, and amassing riches, by lying in the Name of Jesus Christ, i.e. Jessie Duplantis’ mansion is over 35,000 square feet – which he brags about at every opportunity.
These Faith Healers are Fake Healers. The getting of money by a lying tongue. In Cunning Craftiness, to deceive the very Elect. Theirs is no more than Flattering Divination, Witchcraft, Seditions, and Heresies. With good words and fair speeches, they deceive the hearts of the Simple. Enemies of the Cross of Christ.
Kenneth Copeland
The King of Criminals is the Infamous Kenneth Copeland, disciple of Kenneth Hagan, the Warlock of the Synagogue of Satan. Known as the World’s Wealthiest Pastor. This Oral Roberts Partizan is the Grandaddy Chief Predator Wolf, the Primary Golden Calf Prophet to this Wayward Generation. He lives in an 18,000 square foot mega mansion, tax free. His $800 million Empire of Theft has made the Father’s House into a House of Merchandise.
He is the Father of your Falling Away, for this Copeland Love of Money is the Root of Evil, copied by ten thousand like-minded young False Prophets and Fake Healers. All are become Children of the Devil. By Witchcraft they have gotten this wealth, through an Evil Heart, exercising Covetous Practices.
Yep, your Faith Healer Extraordinaire, Kenneth Copeland wears a pacemaker and two hearing aids, but his True Asset is Legion of Demons, staring down the Simple-minded. Like Ahab and Jezebel, we suffered Kenneth Copeland, King of Demons, anointing Heidi Baker as Queen over America. Oh, and certifying him as the Primary False Prophet over Wayward Texas, at 12 noon, March 29, 2020, Copeland prophesied the IMMEDIATE DEATH of Covid: “It’s over!” yet another Legion Lampoon, making him the Star on the Rife Kill List.
Daystar Death Star
There is a Daystar that seems right, but in the end, it is the Death Star destroying the Faith. Dallas is home to this Death Star of Deceit. Joni’s Daystar is Satan’s Death Star. This Death Star is PAGAN RELIGION, Theft by Satellite.
This Death Star launched in 1997. It is the Bad Fruit of the Zionist Tree. If you are wise to the deception, know this: Daystar, with its False Ministers is the beginning of American Judgment – to draw out the Wicked Hypocrites for Destruction, even worldwide. And thus, Judgment begins at this Death Star Whorehouse.
With over 100 stations worldwide, and reported annual revenue of over $100 million, this budget is supported by the Extortion, in God’s Name, stealing from the weak and vulnerable. As preamble to the Pale Horse Judgment, this Death Star has a reach of 2.3 billion households worldwide, making all devotees ready for Hell.
This creation of Marcus Lamb and Kenneth Copeland has never been a sanctified Christian network. Rather it serves the Golden Calf – Baal/Zionism. Marcus Lamb (died in 2021) was an Adulterer over his many years while running the Death Star; Joni, his forlorn and rotund wife, was the lonely tagalong, basking in millions of dollars of illicit funds. Their Lamb family became a bastion of adultery, pedophilia, false doctrine, divorce, infidelity, and the spirit of deception and lust for money.
Their TV show would feature Marcus Lamb, on camera praising God, while off camera screwing his attractive Program Director – of course, this was while Joni weighed more than him, sort of pudgy and chubby. The station would also feature Marcus Lamb putting the countdown counter on the time remaining to send money – on penalty, if you dilly dally, of receiving God’s Curse. That is the MARK OF WITCHCRAFT, preying on the weak and credulous, thinking the Gift of God can be purchased with money.
History records the famous outlaws of Texas – James Miller, Sam Bass, Doc Holiday, Billy the Kid, the Fort Worth Five – and now Daystar features today’s Famous Criminals: Hal Lindsey (recently deceased), Creflo Dollar, Joyce Myer, Joel Osteen, Robert Jefferies, Kenneth Copland, Sid Roth, Keith More, Jessie Duplantis, Michael Brown, and dozens of other Crooks. These aren’t Christians, rather Criminals. All are headed for the Rife Tribunals.
The most notorious Scam Artists on the planet utilize Daystar to broadcast their Fraud. Daystar promotes every major False Teacher on the globe. The Death Star Program Guide is the Who’s Who of False Teachers and Scam Artists, serving the Mother Ship, the Zionist Synagogue of Satan. Merchandizing the souls of men has made this to become the world’s second largest “Christian” TV network, headlining the Leading Cast of Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, and J.D. Jakes – three of the worst heretics alive today.
As stated, Kenneth Copeland, father of False Teachers, invested in Marcus Lamb to create Daystar, making it the communication hub of Babylon the Great, the forerunner of the Pale Horse Judgment. Accordingly, the Zionist Conspiracy thrives at Daystar. None can use this platform unless they preach the Israel/Zionist Heresy. This is simply because the Ashkenazi Synagogue of Satan owns all media – the cable and satellite TV systems. Such Jews are the Wicked, turning America into the Sister of Sodom.
Furthermore, Daystar – Joni’s House of Prostitutes – is the Star of this Adulterous and Sinful Generation. All stars must be Zionists involved in Witchcraft. This Daystar False Prophecy is the currency of the Synagogue of Satan Mother Ship, making your cities into the Sisters of Sodom. Yes indeed, your heresy has strengthened the hand of the Wicked Jews, transforming America into Babylon the Great, to be destroyed by Rife the Greater. None can enter the program unless they promote the Israel/Zionist Fable.
The years 2023-24 have witnessed Daystar doing telethons to raise money for the Israeli Occupation Forces, to finance the Genocide, Torture, and Rape of Palestinians.
Via this Death Star, Copeland’s Great and Swelling words are copied by a thousand more False Prophets, with this ability to reach the entire globe with their Scam. They feature Deception, in the Holy Name of God. Alluring the Simple through the Lusts of the Flesh. Beguiling the Credulous with enticing words. Serving money, and delivering mammon, rather than the Lord Jesus Christ.
Daystar features False Prophets coming to America, and into the world, in sheep’s clothing. False Ministers practicing Witchcraft, to seduce the Ignorant. All preachers must buy their airtime, which costs as much as $400,000 per year – that’s a lot of deceit just to make budget. Henceforth, this is exclusively a False Teacher Platform. Without this False Teacher Witchcraft/Extortion, there would be no Daystar.
Headline Prosperity Pimps. Headline Word-of-Faith Witchcraft. Headline spiritual Whore, Paula White, extorting millions of dollars with her perversion of Genesis 12:3. Headline Prosperity Fables featuring the main product of this Death Star: Extortion in the Name of God. Making this Death Star of Witchcraft and Manipulation. Truthers cannot enter this Death Star. The Leaven of this Death Star is Hypocrisy.