In Texas, the House of God is established by destroying this Daystar House of Satan.
At Retribution arrives this Day of Great Slaughter, whereby your Zionist Towers fall. Your False Mountain of Ashkenazi Zionism is hereby obliterated, along with Gigolo Wallnau’s lesser Mountains of Fraud. In this Daystar/Wallnau Zionism there is no healing, no peace, no good – only trouble begetting worse trouble, unto the Destruction of your cities and your weapons plants.
You curse the Lord Jesus Christ with your Zionism; therefore, you are cursed with a Curse, for you have robbed the Lord Jesus Christ with your War against Palestine, even all of Texas has robbed the Lord. Your Zionist words are stout against the Lord, yet you say, What have we spoken so much against thee? Blind Zionists leading America into Destruction upon your cities.
You are measured and found wanting; thus, through this voice shall the Hypocrite and False Teacher be beaten down and smote with the Rife Rod of Rebuke, employed to sever the Daystar Wicked from the Just. At your Destruction, your Daystar will no longer pollute the name of Jesus Christ.
Your Daystar root is as rottenness, and your Daystar blossom goes up as dust, because you have cast away the Law of the Lord and his Palestinian Remnant, committed Adultery, and despised the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ. Serving the Ashkenazi Synagogue of Satan, Daystar has walked in the Counsels of Adultery and presented to the world the Imagination of your Evil Heart.
Henceforth, we now sever the Texas Wicked from the Texas Just, regardless of Christian Pretense. Your spoiler is at noonday – sudden terrors upon your Wayward Cities. Yours is the Spirit of Judgment by the Spirit of Burning. Every church is hereby purged. Every Daystar branch that refuses to bring forth Good Fruit is now taken away, and every branch that bears Good Fruit is now purged, to bring forth Good Fruit exponentially.
The Lord has said, Let the Daystar Warlocks and the Mega Church Monsters grow unto this Harvest, then we shall gather out all Hypocrites and Apostates – and I will say unto the Reapers, Gather together first these Tares, and bind them into Texas-sized bundles to be burned, and gather the Wheat into the Austin Administration of Righteous Judgment. Your substance and treasures are reserved for the Righteous called forth to Goshen.
All the Wicked of Texas are put away as Worthless Dross. Your thorns and briers are burned up in One Day. Your Mega Churches are no more than Fuel for the Fire. Every Daystar branch is withered and now cast into the RIFE FIRE to be burned. He burns your Chaff with Unquenchable Fire – the Burning Flame of this devouring RIFE FIRE.
For behold, during this Rife Day upon Texas, the Lone Star State shall burn as an oven, and the Proud Hypocrites and the Wicked Apostates shall be as stubble, for you are now burned up and consumed in your own iniquity, leaving neither root nor branch – your church families shall be no more.
This Texas Key is as the Fiery Oven in this time of God’s Anger, you are swallowed up in his Wrath and devoured in his Fire. The Lord kindles his Fire in the Gateways of Dallas and devours the Daystar Palaces of the Texas Key; it is not quenched. Yes, Daystar is the Magnet, and Gateway is the pit for the Fire which is not quenched until all are burned up.
Therefore, the Anger of the Lord is kindled against your Maga Church of Laodicea, and your carcasses are scattered amongst all Texas cities, to be gathered by men of continual employment, until all are buried or burned.
For you who remain, put away from yourselves the Daystar Wicked. This Rife Reformation Fan is for the Cleansing of the Saints. You shall be purged and purified unto the Lord Jesus Christ. For He is the Lord, He changes not; therefore, this Rife Remnant is not consumed. The Rife Remnant shall shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of our Father. The Rife Remnant shall be healed, to become strong, and to tread down the Wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of our feet.
Purge out this Daystar Hypocrisy, to serve the Living God. Let every Texan that hopes in Deliverance, rid himself of this Daystar Fraud. You are now refined as gold and silver, to serve the Lord in Righteousness. The Holy One of Israel now plants New Texas and waters it abundantly.
Rife the Great now turns the hearts of this generation of Christians to the hearts of the Founders, even those of the Great Awakening which planted Righteous America. As you purge yourself of this Daystar Abomination, you become the Vessel unto Honor, sanctified, and meet for the Master’s use, and prepared for every Good Work.
Purify your Soul by obeying this Truth through the power of the Holy Spirit. Put off the old man; put on the New Man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Be cleansed of this Daystar Sin, perfecting Holiness in the Fear of God.
He raises up the Tabernacle of David that is fallen and closes the Daystar breaches thereof, and raises up his Remnant, to Rebuild Righteous America as in the days of the First Great Awakening. Henceforth, New Texas is reserved for Vessels unto Honor. The End of your Faith and the Deliverance of your Souls is in New Texas, purging this Daystar Fraud. New Texas now becomes the Pool of Refreshing, springing forth in Righteousness. New Texas shall be found to Praise, Honor, and Glory at the Return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
New Texas becomes the Saints, prepared to Meet the Lord. Every Restored Christian which is hereby instructed unto this Rife Kingdom becomes Stewards of the Millennial Government, possessing Knowledge of Good and Evil, and capable of calling forth Judgment upon this Final Generation.
And the world shall be made to see your carcasses that have transgressed against the Lord, with your Willful Treachery, while those delivered are the Men and Women of New Texas who may become Perfect, thoroughly furnished to all Good Works. Then, the Light of the Righteous Texans shall now increase SEVENFOLD.
You are Delivered out of the hand of the son of perdition and redeemed out of the hand of the terrorists, rioters, and rapists. New Texas will be entreated well when the Red Horse passes through Laodicean America.
He now plants his Palestinian Remnant upon the Holy Land, and you shall no more be pulled up out of your Land, for the Palestinian Prince of Peace has given it unto you, saith the Lord Jesus Christ.