Make no mistake, the Eternal now judges the Temporal.  The greatest danger to Zionist-occupied America is the bona fide Truth, even as announced by Rife the Great, appointed God’s lawyer/warrior Prosecutor.  This website, the Holy Bible, and the Rife Books (R.L. Rife on Amazon) are the Legal Platform, as God’s Prosecution will now be done on earth, as it is now accomplished in Heaven’s Court, holding these criminals accountable for these Jewish Crimes against Humanity. Rife presents to you compelling and irrefutable evidence of Jewish Premeditated Murder against the Christians of America and the world.  Rife speaks truth in love, even as all Jews will now fall into Hell, let the Kike Kosher Chips, turds aplenty, circle the drain, as Rife pulls the plug on this Jewish Disaster.




Listen up, you who are dull of hearing, for this is the Word of Judgment, directly from the Master.  The Warlocks of the Jewish Occult, City of London, have cast their spell over your Laodicean, Clay Clark ineptitude.  How so?  Well to begin, your goy-owned business and churches were closed, while Jew-owned big box corporations thrived, and Soros trained and financed street rioters burned down your cities.


As General Patton led the U.S. Army to pray to break the weather, so let us pray to break this Jewish Curse.  Let us pray,


Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech thee of thy great goodness, to restrain the wicked by the Sword of Rife the Great.  That this Rife Revolution will now advance from victory to victory, to crush the oppression and wickedness of the Jewish Globalists and their henchmen in media, medical, and government, and establish thy justice among men and nations, at all cost.  We employ the Wrath of the Lamb, New Passover, to open the Seals by opening our hearts to the Rife Reality, now being presented for our Deliverance from wrath and our Jubilee from this Prevailing Prison of Perverts.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.




Because the Rife Books give you knowledge and understanding, the walls of deceit are collapsing, bringing down this Ashkenazi-Zionist Hoax.  Think of this as your red pill juncture – the RIFE RED PILL JUDGMENT. Rife is the catalyst so that you can pray into truth and receive confirmation.  You are now warned of the Wrath to now come upon this Generation of Abomination.  And as it is your terror to understand the Rife Report, this is not to scare you to death, rather to awaken you to life.


CAUTION: The Rife Red Pill unmasks the Jew who is destroying civilization, your life, and your future.




Learning the truth is primary, yet the aim is to become the truth, fully armored as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.  As in the words of the Greatest Theologian of our time, John MacArthur: The church must arise to announce judgment where it must be announced.  Amen, Pastor, and thank you for your bold inspiration and solid faithfulness to the Word.




Again, dear reader, remember Patton’s prayer for good weather – published by his Army chaplain and sent out 250,000 copies; likewise:


Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech thee of thy great goodness, to restrain the wicked by the Sword of Rife the Great.  That this Rife Revolution will now advance from victory to victory, to crush the oppression and wickedness of the Jewish Globalists and their henchmen in media, medical, and government, and establish thy justice among men and nations, at all cost.


Headquarters, Capitol Hill, New Austin, New Texas, Firstfruits of the Christian New World Order.


To each officer and soldier in the Rife Army of Jesus Christ, I trust your discipleship, stewardship, and kingship.  As Field General, routing out all antichrist Jews and their Children of Wrath, I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle.  We march in our Might unto complete victory.  May God’s Blessing rest upon each of you as you join the Migration of the Righteous to New Texas, becoming the RIFE UNTOUCHABLES.


R L Rife

Rife the Great

Commanding General






Where is Jesus?


Most of you, as you suffer this Jewish Sorcery against you, your life, and your future, you ask, Where is Jesus?  He’s over there standing amongst your 60 million aborted babies.  And yes, He is over there standing among a million Iraqi innocents, murdered by your sons and daughters conducting war crimes, during an illegal attack and immoral occupation.  Oh, and over there, at Gaza and the other refugee camps, consoling a million Palestinians (true Semites) who have had their homes, businesses, and lands stolen by your Zionist comrades.