Your penalty is Death, riding the Pale Horse; War, riding the Red Horse; and Famine, riding the Black Horse. All three are being jockeyed by deluded Jewish Luciferians committing genocide. Henceforth, the JEWISH POISONING OF THE GOY OF THE WORLD – Jewish-conspired, premeditated, mass murder.
Woe unto you Americans who parade your abominations before the world, establishing worldwide Magog, Land of Jewish Abomination. Therefore, all Wrath shall come upon this generation, and by the Law Of Due Expectation, FILLED TO THE DOUBLE. Per this Rife Opening Motion, Sodom America now burns in the Rife Truth; Kinetic Wrath follows closely, as Magog walks the PUTIN PLANK, per this Rife Prosecution.
By Rife Decree, the Wrath of God comes upon all Jewish Children of Disobedience. This Wrath of God is to destroy all Jews and their Children of Wrath. You will burn with Unquenchable Fire. The Damnation of Hell awaits all Jews and their Children of Wrath.
The Lord arises to shake terribly the earth; He now speaks to you in his Wrath. Make no mistake, His Wrath is as much of God as is His Love. The Balance of Justice incorporates Cruel in Wrath and Fierce Anger, to again reinstate Supreme Justice. So now, God’s Wrath is kindled a little, to awaken the Rife Remnant, before the Dregs of Wrath are thrust upon the Wicked Jew and their communist Children of Wrath.
God, willing to show his Wrath, has endured this AshkeNAZI Evil, fitted to destruction, to now be answered by the Sword of Rife the Great. When this Opening Motion is fulfilled, your Punishment is in the Sword of Rife the Great, as a Destruction from the Almighty. My God is the God of Terminal Wrath; He is finished with your American Abomination; only global conflict, health and hunger crisis, natural disasters, financial meltdown, and multiple other woes await you, during the Conquest of Rife the Great, riding his White Horse, nicknamed S.P. Kraken.
The slain of the Lord will be coast to coast and border to border; only Rife Texas shall survive.
The American Church is Ichabod – the glory has departed. You are guilty of holding the Truth in unrighteousness, from which there will be no national revival nor restitution. You are finished. Quoting the Great Theologian John MacArthur: Revelation, Rejection, Rationalization, and Religion – these are the Four Reasons for God’s Wrath.
Your churches have fallen because you serve the Ashkenazi/Jezebel spirit of antichrist. In this, the most evangelized nation of all time, YOU ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE.
So now, we must divide out the nation: The Rife Contenders for Heaven vs the Jewish Pretenders, headed for Hell. Your phony Christianity, as led by Freemasons Franklin Graham and Robert Jefferies, has fallen for the JEW JAB and now shall die terrible deaths.
God’s Great Displeasure – your century of following Jewish Lies, has led to this: Terminal Judgment. Your Jewish-imposed Bitter End has now arrived. All Christian Zionists serve the Spirit of Antichrist, hence your judgment, beginning in the house of God. Fittingly, your Judgment begins at the House of these False Prophets.
Anger is now the Proper Extension of his Holiness. The Lord is angry with the Zionist, Prosperity, and Lukewarm churches in America. And as God’s Wrath goes kinetic, for many Christians it will be too late. As this is the last offer of Grace, Rife announces the Day of Vengeance and the Year of the Rife Redeemed – both Deliverance from Wrath and Grace during Punishment are now restricted to the Rife Remnant, who exercise proactive measures because they indeed hear and now see.
Because Sodom, D.C. is now totally corrupt, immoral, illegitimate, and illegal, Justice goes vertical; your case has now been awarded to Rife the Great. Everything is substantiated because the Bible is truth, revealing Rife the Great. The Holy Bible is the Revelation of God and the confirmation of his prophet. Likewise, this Rife Prosecution rests entirely on the Holy Bible. Your prosecution and execution is now accomplished by Rife the Great.