All Jews are no more than Vessels of Wrath, to try the faithfulness, fidelity, and stewardship of those who claim the Name of the Son.  At this, your generation has failed.  And as all Jews hold the Truth in unrighteousness and therefore deserve God’s Wrath, as you have made them out to become your leaders of all primary institutions, you Americans now deserve the same wrath.








Jews are freaks against God, as are your Children of Wrath.  Jews are inimical to Life as is your Feminist Generation that has murdered SIXTY MILLION BABIES.  These Jews are rotting, rancid scum, as they have made the same out of your grandparents, who you abandoned to the killing fields of (Cuomo’s) nursing homes.  All Jews, being unbelieving, are damned to Hell, just as is your Falling Away generation.  Hence, this fearful prospect of Judgment, to consume all Jews and this country which they have now commandeered.  Henceforth, like unto your Jewish Leaders, you are condemned by Jesus Christ to Everlasting Destruction. The Deuteronomy 28/28 Curse is now front-page news. 




All this treason, treachery, and turpitude springs from the diseased mind of Jews, who have been estranged from God for two thousand years – the dead vine, void of integrity, and now serving Lucifer. For over two thousand years, Jews have been the offspring of evildoers serving the Occult; and if one might convert, he/she is immediately ostracized, to maintain the Dead Vine.  By this cultic banishment, maintaining the Dead Vine, this people serve the Dark Side.  And becoming the Synagogue of Satan, all Jews have the spirit of demons.  Every Jew, yes, every Jew, that comes to you is from the devil, not from Jesus Christ.  As members of the Jewish Cult, all Ashkenazi Jews have lost free will, to become slaves to Lucifer.  Hence, the destruction of America is entirely of JEWISH DESIGN.




Jews are Children of Wrath.  God’s Wrath is upon Jewish Sin.  Jews operate in stealth (secret societies and secret cabals); they love darkness because their deeds are evil.  Jews are dead, blind, and ignorant.  By their double-talk Duplicity and haughty Imposture, Jews are Back Stabbing-Toxic in all endeavors.  And even more so when they are confronted.  At 1% of the population, 75% of the #metoo predators and pedophiles are Jewish Reprobates — the Epstein and Weinstein monsters raping your young women and boys.




The perennial Jewish Mental Illness is the Primary Disease.  Yes, the True Malady destroying America is JEWISH MENTAL ILLNESS, caused by 2,000 years of warring against the Creator and denying the regenerative blessing of the Holy Spirit.  As headlined by the insanity of masks, social distancing, and complete gender/transgender abomination, America is now governed by Jewish Mental Illness.  Your last fifty years is the history of Jewish Psychopaths and Sociopaths taking control away from you Laodicean Christians, as they charm you with the dirty trick of Chosen People Zionism. The way of the Wicked Jew is as darkness; they know not what causes them to stumble; so is it with you, the Zionist Generation now under God’s Curse of Strong Delusion, all because you hate this Rife Truth.




JEWISH PROTOCOL NINE: Conspires merciless hatred, malice, greed, and vengeance.




Regarding you White Christians, Jews are Sadists, always hiding behind the scenes as their shills and media whores disparage Christianity, the Holy Bible, and you worthless Bible Thumpers.  Back in their secret meetings, they celebrate your demise with mocking and scorn.  As this Jewish Assault against humanity progresses, you Clay Clark Christians might as well go home and make out your wills, for your “Reawaken America” tour, blind to your real enemy, is dead on arrival.  Yep, the great Jewish-designed kill off has already begun, and you Clay Clark Blind haven’t a clue as to the Jew poisoning your stew.




The Real Disease is Jewish Psychopaths and Sociopaths secretly manipulating all puppets, Big Guy being just the latest demented Lackey.  And with him they get a double punch, as he is brainless, unreasonable, and worthy of scorn – and by forcing lost respect for the Highest Office in the World.  Thank God for wise men like Putin the Great, for pointing this out to us – and with the courage to stand against this Jewish AshkeNAZI Scourge.  Hats off to Putin.  Pray for him, that the Lord continues to uphold him in strength to become the latter-day Nebuchadnezzar, destroyer of Magog.  Any endorsement of RTG must include acknowledgment of Putin the Great.


As stated before, Jews are mentally ill maggots feasting on the corpse of what used to be the Greatest Christian Nation of all time.  Seventy percent of nightly news is Big Jew/Big Pharma sponsored.  Jews pay the salaries of all media whores, who are advocates and propagandists rather than journalists.  Nightly, daily, and hourly, this Jewish service to Evil repetitiously turns sound minds into sick minds.  Psychotic Jews have sold you out to death, destruction, and/or slavery.


As explained by John, Jews, who refuse to confess Jesus Christ, are all antichrists, serving the Synagogue of Satan.  And now, in the 2020’s, in preparation for Lucifer 2023, this Jewish Assault is the worst attack on humanity of all time.  Yet, this is just a foretaste of Evil; Jewish Terror will now become globally horrific.




Rife talks the Putin Plan; Jews walk the Putin Plank.  Total Jewish Reprobation and Damnation is epitomized in the putrid life of the Jewish Castrated “It” Richard/Rachel Levine.  Like every other Jew, he needs to be bitch