This Jewish Synagogue of Satan is the Temple of Demons in America, the refuge of devils.  All Jewish Globalists are possessed by demonic spirits.  Jewish Mental Illness is the Grist for the Occult.











Satan, the god of this Jewish Synagogue of Satan, is the father of lies.  And thus, Ashkenazi Jews are of their father, the devil/Satan/Lucifer – the father of all lies.  All are Jewish Enemies against God and humanity.  Satan energizes the Jew, then strategizes via the Jews.  Gold and power is their payoff (Luke 4: 5-7).




What you are seeing, played out hourly and daily, is the esoteric revealing of these Duplicitous Jews, as they smile, lie, and deceive, as they take America down.  All is being stealthily coordinated by psychopathic, power hungry Jews serving Lucifer.  This Jewish Synagogue of Satan is the stealth instigator of all COVID-related crimes against humanity – the Final Blow of the menticide assault to finally destroy the USA.






The love of money and power is the root of all the Jewish Evil, Sorcery, and Witchcraft, which has beguiled America.  All Jewish Globalists are possessed by this evil and serve its destructive function.  Therefore, Rothschild and then, Israel, took up the Star of the Occult.  Rothschild/Gog is the godfather of modern-day Israel; streets are named after him and his mug is on the money.  His city, Tel Aviv, is now the human trafficking hub of the world, as well as being the Gay/Sodomite capital of the world.




Modern Israel is the non-extradition den of Jewish Thieves, hideout for the Rothschild crime syndicate, the worldwide Jewish Financial Mafia.  The apex of this Rothschild Pyramid of Jewish Conspirators.  Israel is hideout for the common gangsters; the City of London, House of Rothschild is the Global Conspiracy Hub, as fingered by one of the world’s top lawyers, Reiner Fuellmich.


Jewish drug dealing has been the primary driver of economic activity and international finance during the last 100 years.  The Primary Satanic endeavor has been war against the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Remember, on May 1, 1776, Rothschild commissioned Adam Weishaupt to create the 250-year strategy to overcome Christian Civilization, first by destroying the USA; his work created the Illuminati worldwide Jewish Mafia – Luciferians in Drag – attempting to appear as normal men and women: Psychopaths and Sociopaths, smiling, laughing, and lying, as they become the subversive leaders against Western Civilization.  Their Judeo-Christian claim is all deceptive myth; there has never been an agreement between true Christianity and Judaism.  Judeo-Christian is deceitful invention, while Judeo-Communism is real world exposition.


Today, in the public arena, Gog/Rothschild is headed up by Klaus Schwab, head of the Bilderberg Group, which meets annually to plot their takeover of the world.  He is a Rothschild, Gog’s public persona.  Rothschild/Gog was the founder of modern Israel, attacking the tranquil land of un-walled villages, as spoken by the prophet Ezekiel.  Ezekiel’s Mountains of Israel are the Christian nations conquered by Gog; the USA to be the last to fall, with the deathblow during the stolen election and Covid/Vaxx Poisoning.  Gog/Rothschild represents the Forces of Hell, which haven’t a prayer against the Sword of Rife the Great.




Regarding Covid, from inception, this has been the Jewish Billionaire Plandemic. From the initial Jewish/Rothschild séance, through all Jew-controlled institutions, this has all been about getting their deadly poison into the American population.  It’s all been the BIG JEW LIE, because the Rothschilds hate the Fourth of July. As Rothschild agent, Super Jew Henry Kissinger said, it is time to rid the world of “useless eaters.”




Although redacted from history books by the Rockefeller Money Interests, Rothschild slavery (peak slave cotton) was the most lucrative endeavor in all of history.  Yes, the Rothschild/Jewish Slave System – some 500 years, until the American Emancipation – was the most profitable endeavor in the history of the world.  What you are suffering is the return of this Rothschild Slave System, 2.0. The Great Reset into Universal Slavery, on Rothschild terms – the 5G Matrix, electronic money, universal surveillance, Mark of the Jewish Beast, slave system, where worship of the son of perdition (the Rothschild Messiah) will be mandatory.  In this Jewish-Communist Reset, as pre-told by Rothschild Agent Klaus Schaub, (once the Jews have looted America blind) you will own nothing and be happy.






JEWISH PROTOCOL TWENTY-TWO: Conspires to put all power into Jewish Hands.


Make no mistake, Rife is not a Conspiracy Theorist, rather a Jewish Conspiracy Destroyer.  These Jewish Globalists are instruments of Lucifer.  Demon Jews who hunt in packs.  The Zionist Myth says that the Ashkenazi Leaders are super intelligent and exorbitantly gifted; truth is, these Sociopaths hunt in packs – i.e.: the KKK,