Freemasonry, the CFR, Silicon Valley, Big Pharma, Big Media, the ADL (defender of Ukraine neo-Nazis), Mossad, etc. – all are storefronts for the Synagogue of Satan which now runs Sodom, D.C.
As they conduct their War on the Saints, the Jewish strength is deceit, witchcraft, and subterfuge – all in stealth conspiracy. As one Jew is smiling and shaking your hand, another is taking your wallet and stabbing you in the back. Theirs is the way of always more chaos, chaos, chaos – affecting every traditional institution and wrecking every support system; changing the dynamics so that their prey voluntarily enters the trap.
These Conspiring Jews have murdered millions of Americans and hundreds of millions of Christians worldwide. These Assassins of Christ are now aspiring assassins of the Bride of Christ. Via the Jews, Lucifer conspires to trap Christ’s Bride, to hold her ransom, to negotiate his release from Eternal Damnation. Rife is here to spoil the plot, destroy the Jews, and fill Rife Prison with all plotters; that is my day job. At night I multitask, building the prison population, as everyone shall be tried in the Rife 7K Tribunals.
Covid is Jewish betrayal of Americans, conspired, financed, and developed by power hungry and corrupt Jews. In America, the Social Contract has been sheared by the Jews, while all power schemes lead to Israel, the world’s hub for human trafficking, child sacrifice, and Pharmakeia/Sorcery – the drugging of the world. The Jewish war against the Saints now incorporates poisoning the population. Big Pharma, owned by Big Jew, is the Jewish Dragon, making war against the Saints. AshkeNAZIs going full Nazi, in Honor of Adolph Hitler, godfather of today’s aberration known as Israel.
To accomplish their Nefarious Poisoning of Americans, cell groups in Israel monitor and censor the Internet, to identify conservatives, patriots, and Christians who need to be taken out, under the cover of Covid. These Bot Farms are Jewish Malfeasance personified, where Israeli soldiers and students man batteries of hundreds of internet snoops, looking for the Truther Enemy, and compiling priority lists for murder/elimination. They bait the Rubes into chat rooms, etc., then transcribe their truthful, and therefore, lethal, points of view. On Facebook, they investigate all circles of influence/friendship, to further identify future targets for elimination.
Yes, Jewish Supremacists in Israel monitor all Truthers, clandestinely defame you, and stealthily conspire to have you banished. Jews in Israel monitor, censor, and banish you in Peoria. Likewise, Jewish Community Centers in the U.S. hire censors to monitor the Internet, locally, then dispatch ADL/Mossad hit squads once a target is identified. Happens all the time in Jewtown, USA. On the macro level, the Israeli government gathers intel of Americans then targets them via Stealth Terrorist Campaigns.
UNIT 8200
This is the Israeli Military’s “New Media Desk,” where Jews are tasked with “shilling,” or trolling, social media, providing the platform for Israel’s Covert Internet Disinformation Program. Unit 8200 is a massive Global Spy Network spying on Americans. Israel’s Unit 8200 is the Primary Enemy of Truth, employing thousands of agents paid to censor Americans, dox them, and banish them from all platforms (leading to the Jewish Mark of the Beast).
Jewish Agents infiltrate Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, etc. to identify and report Truthers, conservatives, and Christians, to have them removed. They write bogus defamation against Truthers and Christians. This “Hasbara” Censorship Campaign is Big Brother Jewish Supremacism in full attack mode. All intrusions against Truthers are purposely masked so that the victim has no idea that he is being terrorized by Kike Mobsters.
Jewish Globalists have always been Soulless Zombies without self-restraint, self-respect, sense of nobility, and without empathy. And now they are mass-murderers pushing worldwide genocide. They conspire undeniable and irrefutable Jewish Conspiracy. This Covid Plandemic is entirely a Jewish Warfare Psyops, to cull the Goy of the world and bring the survivors into tyrannical slavery.
The Israeli government gathers intel on Americans then targets them via Stealth Terrorist Campaigns, currently under the cover of Covid. The Jewish Grand Design: to kill billions of goy useless eaters (mere cattle/chattel) without anyone attributing the massive death to Jewish Warlocks serving the Protocols of Zion blueprint to destroy Christian America.
JEWISH PROTOCOL FOUR: Destroy faith in God.
In the Rothschild warped view, most humans are no longer an asset, rather a liability (during economic bankruptcy) to now be discarded. Remember, Rife is not a Conspiracy Theorist, rather a Jewish Conspiracy Destroyer. Rife will thwart this Jewish Conspiracy to kill well over 200 million Americans, and to take the Bride hostage. Rife stands against this Jewish Global Conspiracy to mass murder billions of people.
Even the very name “Lockstep” denotes Jewish Conspiracy. Remember, the strength of the wicked Jew is deceit, witchcraft, and subterfuge – all in stealth conspiracy. Also, remember Epstein Island, owned by the same Jews who are killing your families and friends, and your grandparents in the (Cuomo) nursing homes. This is all Jewish Agenda/Conspiracy, which Rife the Great must now prosecute.
Schwab, protégé of Henry Kissinger, coordinates discrete Assassination Programs under the veneer of Covid. He is taking out all perceived opposition, while setting up America and the world for the re-rise of the son of perdition. He has trained thousands of subversives and placed them in governments throughout the world. These subversives have coordinated the Covid Strike against Mankind.