Make no mistake, these Supremacist Jews, who believe they are exempt from judgment, are now the provocation compelling judgment. They are Chosen, but not by God, rather by Lucifer. They all spring from the May 1,1776 Illuminati founding and documents, pushing Jewish/Communist tyranny. Communism is Talmudism; Jewish Supremacy is the two-tier justice/government system, now in place in Sodom, D.C.
Communism appeals only to Luciferians and their duped lackeys, as its aim is to wipe out all Goy who are undesirable. While Americans are mostly Republicans and Democrats; Jews are Communists hiding behind political veneer. Their public oaths are superseded by secret oaths to Lucifer. They fully ascribe to the esoteric secret and semi-secret Jewish writings advocating the destruction of Christianity, America, and Christians.
The Jewish Talmud declares war against Christianity, the Jewish Protocols of Zion declare war against the United States, and the Jewish Communist Manifesto declares war against all Christians. And now, in the 2020s, we have entered the terminal (kinetic) phase of Jewish-induced mass psychosis bringing genocide. This is the Jewish culling of the herd, as prescribed in the Babylonian Talmud and Protocols of Zion. The source of this lawlessness is Jewish/Talmud Supremacism, now emplaced in Sodom, D.C. Henceforth, we are now at the climatic end of this 250-year battle between Saints serving Jesus Christ and Jews serving Lucifer.
Cosmic Justice now mantles Rife the Great and badges him to wage punitive war against these Jewish Luciferians. Melchizedec Rife wins every battle. Are you with me?
Via Covid and the Vaxx Poison, the Jews are attempting to bring the world down, per the Protocols of Zion Blueprint to destroy America. You are suffering Jewish Protocol-imposed mass suffering and social ruin – the Jew-imposed DEMOCIDE against the American people. This is the Jewish Extinction-Level Event, as prophesied by the Master and recorded in Matthew 24, where FIVE TIMES He warns you not to be deceived.
All Zionist endeavors are sustained by delusions, threats, leverages, and murders, building up the Rothschild Pyramid of Power. This Jewish Poisoning of the World is merely the climactic subset of this ageless pursuit. From this 100-year-old Jewish Blueprint, America’s demise has been plotted by Jews, per their Protocols of Zion design. The Rothschild agent, Rockefeller Family, has been pushing eugenics in America for over one hundred years; project Lockstep is merely the latest iteration. This is Jewish Death Agenda against America and the world. JEWISH GENOCIDE AGAINST CHRISTIANS. All according to the Jewish Protocols of Zion.
Dr. Fauci, the most highly paid federal employee in history is also the greatest mass murderer in history. Yes, Tony Fauci, author of Tony Science based on phony science; here comes Tony Science riding in on his phony pony. By his service to the Rothschilds, this ZIO BIO Terrorist attack has been two-fold; spread the Jewish-engineered “virus” via drone, HVAC systems, and other means – to be followed by the real bioweapon: the Jewish-engineered Stab Jab which is a soft kill, slow-motion poison which kills over months and years, as it degrades the victim’s health.
During this Global Jewish Fraud, for over twenty years this has been planned, formulated, and executed by Tony Fauci, Big Money Bagman and Death Executioner, using your tax dollars to plot your genocide. Make no mistake, useful idiots Fauci and Bill Gates serve none other than Jewish Warlocks of Death, with the aim of establishing Medical Martial Law, rudiments of the Jewish Slave System 2.0. God’s design is to kill viruses at the respiratory entrance; hence, the Jews conspired to inject their poison directly into the body, thereby circumventing God’s defense system.
Everything is Funded by Bill Gates and Jewish billionaires, then distributed worldwide, as the Deadly Poison, yes, DEADLY POISON perfected by over twenty years of Jewish Biowarfare Development, with subcontract funding provided by Bagman Fauci. Mr. AIDS, Witch Dr. Fauci, aims for billions of victims from his creation: Vaxx-induced AIDS. Millions of Americans have been injected with this Jewish Poison.
This Project Fauci Fraud is the long-planned, well-orchestrated Jewish Mass Murder Campaign, publicly known as the 2010 Rockefeller/Rothschild Lockstep program – Hell’s attack against God’s DNA. Here, |