Jews weaponized nature against humanity, conjuring up JEWISH DEMONIC MENTICIDE AGAINST CHRISTIAN AMERICA.
The Jewish Plan has always been infection by injection, as outlined in the Jewish Protocols of Zion Blueprint. This is entirely Jewish-engineered medical catastrophe, orchestrated by the Trillion-dollar Witch Doctor, Fauci. (Please note: Jews most often prefer to put a puppet – a Fauci, a Gates, a Bush, a Clinton, a Biden, etc. – between the public and their sinisterism, to provide a scape goat in case of detection.)
In this plan – Project Fauci Fraud – Jews are in LOCKSTEP with Lucifer. Yes, as per the Jewish Protocols of Zion, this is the Jewish Poisoning of the planet, in service to Lucifer and centering on the downfall of the USA, and the capturing of the Bride, destined to rule during the Rife Millennium when Lucifer/Satan is caged in Rife Prison. This has been rightfully pegged as the Jewish Global Depopulation Agenda, yet these mobsters, who have done this, will end up nowhere other than Rife Prison.
In the larger perspective, Jews have taken their 30-year poisoning of petri-dish Africa, perfecting their poisons, via Bill Gates, to become the 30-month poisoning of America, via Bagman Anthony Fauci. For over twenty years, The Psychotic Villain Fauci has paid billions of dollars to make Covid lethal to humans.
JEWISH PROTOCOL FIFTEEN: Calls for the complete submission of every American.
This Vicious Pathological Cabal enlists Jewish Clinical Fascism, stealth soft medical lockdowns becoming mandatory martial law suppression. Evil walks on every side when the vilest of Jews are promoted into power. These Jewish Demoniacs are employing the Jewish/Freemason manufactured-problem, guided-reaction, mandatory-solution scheme, which then becomes the false solution designed to kill and enslave.
The result is this Jewish multi-pronged assault, OPERATION LOCKSTEP, whereby all institutions are now compromised and have become, some wittingly and others unwittingly, co-conspirators and actual criminals, murdering millions of Americans, as this Jewish Psyops flips good for evil, evil for good, and as primarily focused in the medical system. Obama’s Death Panel Personified. All the while, Super Jew Soros conspires to turn the justice system upside down, enabling crime rates to explode, while all conspirators are never investigated nor prosecuted.
As Super Jew Benjamin Emmanuel murdered thousands of Semites during the 1940s, then stole their houses, businesses, and lands, so are his sons, Witch Dr. Ezekiel and Drug Dealer/S.O.P. handler Rahm, now murdering millions of Americans in the 2020s. Make no mistake, when the Republic is in worsening decline leading to terminal failure, the Jewish Forte of lies, deceit, and delusion – tickling ears and providing entrapment – gains prominence over the dumbed-down population. Every aspect of America’s downfall has been conspired, created, and managed by Jewish Sociopaths. And now, Jewish Warlocks and Witches have poisoned Americans’ immune systems. Must I remind you, these conspiring, lying, scheming, Jewish Bastards deserve the Rife Sword.
JEWISH PROTOCOL ELEVEN: All constitutional rights abolished.
JEWISH PROTOCOL FIFTEEN: Conspires the Learned Jewish Elders guiding their Freemason Dupes.
During this Jewish Death Program, at every decision point, the way of deceit and death is chosen over truth and life. At the very top, located in London, Tel Aviv, and Sodom, D.C., 300-400 conspirators weave this Dynamic Death Plot, fueled by Jewish Craven Behavior. Hence, these last days are terrorized by Jewish Mass Murderers. This Jewish Plot. The perennial Jewish Imposture. Your Jewish Leadership serves Antichrist and is therefore fatal to America. These Davos Jews have destroyed the world, and are now worthy of the Rife Sword of Divine Retribution.
Jews are behind every lie of the last fifty years – JFK, 9-11, MLK, education failure, sodomite marriage, transgenderism, false science, this Plandemic, phony Impeachment, stolen presidential election, George Fentanyl- Floyd, Epstein Island, and now the JEW JAB, to name a few highlights of Jewish Imposture. And, just on cue, appears, Klaus Schwab, opining this as the: Unique opportunity to reset the globe. Make no mistake, insatiable Jewish Greed is behind this termination of the American Christian Republic, all because Zionist/Laodicean Christians have given this nation over to Pathological Jewish Leadership.
At 9-11 it was Super Jews Benjamin Netanyahu, Larry Silverstein, Ehud Barak, and Michael Chertoff who |