were the Jewish Masterminds (see THE RIFE SUMMATION). 


You doubt America is hoodwinked by Jews?  Consider this: Ben Netanyahu, Mastermind of the 9-11 attack on America, gave a speech before congress in 2015, whereby he received 28 standing ovations in 47 minutes.








In U.S. government, you have Super Jew Adam Schiff, Pathological Liar Extraordinaire – truly the worst liar this country has ever suffered; completely undignified.  And while Super Jew Schwab subverts government cabinets worldwide, and while Super Jew Soros subverts the criminal justice system nationwide, and while Super Jewess Yellen subverts the dollar into worthless bromide, and all the time, the Super Jews at the New York Times run cover for their ongoing homicide.  Jewish Racketeering Personified.  Grist for the Sword of Rife the Great, electrified.  Comprende?




The Jewish Mantra is, those you don’t abort, you may molest.  Such Jewish Modus Operandi regarding subversion of morals is depicted in the thirty years of Disney Grooming of Youth, raping their minds, to become perverted.  Yes, Jews have turned the Magic Kingdom into the Jewish Dungeon of Perversion.  HOMOSEXUAL GROOMING IS JEWISH EVANGELIZATION.  Leading the programed debauchery: Super Jew Robert Iger, Super Jew Bob Chafak, Super Jew Terri Minsky, Super Jew Jenny Collins, Super Jew Alan Braverman, and Super Jew Alan Bergman.  On the educational track, it is Super Jew Randi Weingarten, head of the American Federation of Teachers, who has pushed her lesbian sin as becoming the homosexual model for all American Youth.  Behind her, is the ADL’s Super Jew Johnathan Greenblatt, another chief pusher of immorality among youth.


JEWISH PROTOCOL SIXTEEN: Conspires the complete takeover of universities via every leverage available.


JEWISH PROTOCOL FIFTEEN: The pre-planned dumbing down of American education.


As these last days are terrorized by Jewish Mass Murderers, “Control” is always the primary objective, making Rubes out of Laodicean Christians: Zionists who are blind to this Jewish/Demonic Trick against the American people.  Psychotic Jews are in all major positions of power and influence, ready to pounce, just per the latest text/email from Rothschild on High, City of London. 


Via this vast network, Big Jew/Big Pharma is the Deadly Enemy of all mankind.  This is the Irgun Terror reborn, brought to you by the Emanuel family, father Benjamin the mass murderer who slaughtered Palestine, and now his sons slaughtering the Rubes of America.  (Jewish Terror which you refused to condemn, now brought upon your head, in Divine Justice.) 


Yes, indeed, Jews are full of the Dragon’s unclean spirits, as they bring the kings of the earth under their control, as Rothschild agent, Jewish Witch Valery Jarret is yet running the country, along with Super Jew Ron Klain, to smooth the reinstatement of the son of perdition into power, in preparation for Lucifer 2023.




Jews vitiate all institutions.  By Rothschild Design, all credit, stolen from the U.S. Treasury, must be allotted according to what is known as the ESG score – environmental, social, governance score.  Which is no more than coercion to Jewish Anti-American, Anti-Christian Policies.  Hence, this Wayward Nation has gone retarded/reprobated “Woke,” almost overnight, as Jews force policies on all corporations and institutions, who need credit and grants.  Pushing this Woke-ism on the world are Globalist Jews, possessed by demons.  This is Super Jews, John and Toni Podesta, Spirit Cooking, gone wild.


Lately, it has been the Great Jewish Patriots like Michael Sussman, who committed treason against the Trump presidency, and Super Jew Marc Elias, who committed fraud against Trump, then ran the theft of the 2020 election.




As premeditated by Jewish Warlocks, Jewish Menticide has now gone kinetic.  Yet, the Biggest Lie is Ashkenazi sincerity, good will, or empathy – all are a Jewish Fraud.  As stated by the late Rob Kirby: financial collapse and medical collapse are brought to you by the same people.  All is accomplished by Fear-based policy making, authored by Treasonist, Treacherous, Tricky Jews.  This Duplicitous Jewish leadership has no moral justification – it is all deception and seduction waxing worse and worse.  Marc Elias, and his fellow Jewish Conspirators at Perkins Coie/Elias Law, are all TREASONISTS worthy of death by the Sword of Rife the Great.  Stay tuned for the bloody details.







Jews are such mentally ill Reprobates that they have introduced gender dysphoria into this wicked generation via their putrid leadership over this Feminist Generation.  This has made it to become Two-Fold Children of Hell, suffering Jewish Mental Illness. By this truth alone, Jewish America is PURE EVIL to the world, and Hollywood shall burn with hundreds of megatons of Rife Fire.  But first, your Laodicean desolations have been overthrown by Subversive Jews, the seed of the adulterer, and as with the Chicago Bathhouse Boy, the seed of Satan – as Rothschild Puppets go lawless over America.