Ruling over Magog is the Schwab secret army of globalists operating in LOCKSTEP. And regarding Magog/Mossad, Mossad is the Dirty Police/Mafia Overlords and Magog is their usurped jurisdiction. The deceived populate Magog, as ruled by Jewish Globalist Predators, and poisoned by Mossad/Fauci poison, propaganda, and now, police state tyranny.
Flying the Abomination of Desolation Rainbow Fag Flag, now almost worldwide, this American Empire is the latter-day Sodom and Gomorrah – Ephesian’s wicked power of the air, engendering children of disobedience. Under this Fag Flag, Rothschild-serving leaders are augmented by an additional 10,000 trans-sexual saboteurs, known as the Schwab Global Shapers Community, who coordinate Rothschild Reprobation Policy in over 400 cities worldwide. Tel Aviv is their capital, as the number one sodomite city in the world.
Magog is Jewish Imposture on steroids and fully deserving the Sword of Rife the Great. This Supra-national Jewish Conspiracy now binds over 100 countries in Queer LOCKSTEP. Yes, the Klaus Schwab School for NWO dictators has trained well over ten thousand diverse leaders throughout the world; these graduates hold national and regional office, yet serve the interests of the House of Rothschild, rather than their local constituencies. All are Treasonists, guilty of flagrant offense, and grist for the Sword of Rife the Great.
This American scorn and mockery, as taught by Jews in Hollywood, the media, and academia, will now be avenged by Rife the Great. Having flipped the Law, you now protect iniquity and abomination, while you outlaw righteousness. Throughout Worldwide Magog, Jewish Moral Perversion, the fruit of Hollywood Jewish Evangelization, now rules.
Magog America has legalized the reprobation and insanity which the Jews brought to the shores a century ago. And now, Jewish Mental Illness has birthed generational gender dysphoria, fostered by the Feminist Generation raising a crop of mentally ill reprobates, the Two-fold Children of Hell, who will burn down your cities and worship the son of perdition. So right is Putin the Great, when he speaks: The West is an empire of lies.
JEWISH PROTOCOL FIFTEEN: Conspires the worldwide coups d’ etat, all to happen simultaneously, as was the Covid Conspiracy adopted by all nations universally.
America is now no more than Sodom awaiting the Sword of Rife the Great, while the righteous are given opportunity to flee, before the plagues are dispatched to their fullness. This is most assured, for as Jewish Insanity now rules America, contrary to the fairy tales of Clay Clark Christians, it’s far too late for universal renewal.
Jewish sodomites have conquered Billy Graham’s America. Now it is Franklin Graham sleeping with that Jewish Drag Queer Zalensky, and asking all Americans to join him in the war against Reformed Russia, now the only major Christian Nation left to stand against Magog, thanks to the Courageous Leadership of Putin the Great.
Via 100 years of subversion, scheming, and treason, you have cycled into God’s Wrath. As you read these words, Jewish/Zionist Babylon is falling, by the word of Rife the Great. Jewish Babylon is falling because all Zionist tables are full of Clay Clark vomit and filth; there is no place clean. All is worthy of fire, RIFE FIRE.
FALL OF 2019
You are suffering the deliberate Jewish Destruction of the world’s economy and health, all because the Rothschild System of Debt-financed Fiat Currency has run its course. Jews lie, lie, lie; yet the truth is, this system is so corrupt that Jewish Banksters no longer trust one another. And none want to be the next Lehman Brothers, the dead body thrown out during congressional negotiations, which eventually netted the Jews a 2008> Bailout of THIRTY TRILLION DOLLARS, most all of it stolen and hid from the public at the time. These Jews are so distrustful of one another that in 2019 they refused to loan to one another in the overnight repo market, fearing the lies and imposture which is now rampant in Jewish Banking.
At nearly 310 trillion in worldwide debt, the debt load can no longer be legally sustained and this Ponzi Scheme has run out of bottom feeders; only rabid money printing can save a few more days before Complete Collapse. Hence, the Rothschild poisoning of the world during this, the Planned Economic Collapse – Controlled Demolition of the world’s life support systems. Well over a trillion dollars per week (hot checks) is being pumped into this cursed system — 70% of all dollars have been printed in the last two years — causing hyperinflation in necessities and the pending Greatest Depression Deflation in capital goods.
Your economy is now little more than Jews printing TRILLIONS of counterfeit dollars – which return as |