hyperinflation.  And thanks to Trump the Chump, Operation Warp Jewish Poison, has initiated the Controlled Demolition – the Epstein Files, all those pictures and videos of Trump with young girls, has finally paid off a handsome dividend for the Jews.  Yes, make no mistake, this is the attempted Rothschild controlled demolition of the world’s economy – akin to the Mossad controlled demolition of all three buildings on 9-11, and as recorded by the Dancing Israelis.








You are now suffering the Jewish Grand Theft against the world.  The 2019 Repo Crisis was the beginning of the rapid destabilization of Jewish Banks.  There is no civilized way out for the Rothschild Fed; they have painted themselves into the proverbial corner and now, their only option is to kick the table over, destroying this rigged game of Jew-monopoly.  Henceforth, this Greatest of all Economic Debacles now approaches, to be governed by Rife the Great, as the Window for the Migration of the Righteous commences, before the Rife Burning of Ashkenazi Judaism.




On September 17, 2019, when the Overnight Repo Market ruptured, the Panicked Jews went directly to the Trump Files, recording his statutory rape of Epstein’s young sex slaves.  An hour meeting with Trump, proving their blackmail, then changed history; on September 19, 2019, President Trump signed an Executive Order #13887, to make a COVID mRNA vaccine (the JEWISH POISON).  Yes, you read that right; the Jews blackmailed Trump long before anyone knew of the horrendous poison which they were about to deploy.  They blackmailed Trump into financing the largest debacle ever: The tax-payer financed Jewish Poisoning of America. 


You see, the initial deployment of Covid, in China, Italy, and New York, was all bluster, PCR manipulation, and fraud; the REAL POISON is the Spike Protein, graphene oxide which must be injected; hence, the billions of dollars to perfect and mass produce the JEW JAB – long before there was even a publicly-acknowledged hint of this Jew-planned Plandemic, deployed to run cover for the theft of trillions from the world’s population.


With bottom feeder, duped investors, no longer supporting the Rothschild Fiat Ponzi Scheme, Covid was released to frighten and horrify the American public, to set them up with constant Jewish Fear Porn, and finally to compel the release of well over TWENTY TRILLION in newly-created dollars, to continue to feed the scheme.  Yes, America was held up by Jews and the money flowed into the now bankrupt banks, keeping them afloat another few months.







You have suffered this Jewish Assault on public health.  The Rothschilds rage in fear of their own demise, and imagine in vain their JNWO.  Covid is Cover for the Rothschild Fiat Currency/Banking bankruptcy.  Covid is Pretext for the Rothschild insolvency and liquidation.  And even Trumping the Chump, the Jewish Warlocks at Moderna patented the Covid “virus” three years before this Jewish Plandemic began.  Subsequent independent studies by Truthers confirm this complete genetic match; odds against this happening naturally: 3 trillion to 1.


Recapping: Covid was patented by Jews three years before the outbreak and Trump was blackmailed into making their necessary JEW JAB months before the Plandemic became public knowledge.  Make no mistake, Covid is Jewish Lies covering the Rothschild Bankruptcy.  Yes, your life is destroyed because the Jews are broke.  Their blackmail of Trump forced the forty percent increase in money during 2020-21.  Overall game plan: Kill the economy, kill the goy, weaken the nations, enslave the trans-humanized survivors – the direct fulfillment of John the Revelator’s multitude of prophecies (see HR6666, HR666, world patent 2020-060606), one of which you are now reading.




The Final Dress Rehearsal for this Jewish Lockstep Conspiracy was Event 201, run the very same day that Jewish agents sprayed their ZIO BIO weapon on the Wuhan Military Games.  Yes, on October 18, 2019, the Wuhan Military Games opened in a stadium celebration which was sprayed by Mossad agents, followed by several other poisonings in Wuhan.  And with participants from over 100 different countries, soon the virus was transported – vectored – throughout the world, providing cover for further Mossad poisonings worldwide.


JEWISH PROTOCOL THIRTEEN: Conspires the LOCKSTEP stage management which has made the Covid Hoax a success.


There has been no pandemic, rather a Jew-conspired Plandemic, operating in LOCKSTEP with all Jewish-controlled institutions. It all began by Mossad poisoning on OCTOBER 18, 2019.  In the larger context, regarding the Jewish Destruction and Subjugation of America, 9-11 was Part One, and the introduction of the pre-written Patriot Act; Covid is Part Two, generating further Fear Porn; Mass Genocide will be Part Three.  And it is all because Jewish criminals are covering up their own sovereign debt crisis.  And regarding this Jewish Death Cult, the manufactured boogeyman was at first the Arab dust breather, then the Covid death breeder, and now, the Putin rockets of fire.  All are designed by Luciferian Jews to force every survivor into the son of perdition cult, awaiting Lucifer 2023.  Comprende?




October 18, 2019 – Event 201, at Johns Hopkins, here, all the international media barons met to control the narrative and provide censorship and propaganda, while the same-day Wuhan poisoning, on the other side of the globe, commenced the stealth poisoning as created by Jewish Warlocks.  The success was in