JEWISH PROTOCOL FOUR: Conspires mass media deception and fake news disinformation.


TV-watching Americans have lost their eternal sovereignty to Jewish Warlocks, the Jewish Vaxx Dogma, and regarding cult formation, JMM-imposed psychosis.  The Jewish Forte is this global harmonization of deceit and domination.  This “official narrative” is spewed, texted, and emailed out daily and even hourly, by Jewish Supremacists.  These Devil Jews vomit their bile and call it the New York Times.










This Jewish Hypnosis Box, Jew TV (all major channels composing/composting TalmudVision), is a playhouse/whorehouse of irrational forces, problematic hoaxes, and extreme fear porn – all designed to herd the goy into the Jewish Death Cult, as it morphs into the son of perdition cult.


Major Media Ownership and Control is entirely Jewish: Super Jew Shari Stone at CBS, Super Jew Robert Iger, Super Jew Robert Chapek, and Super Jew Alan Braverman at ABC, Super Jew Brian Roberts at NBC, Super Jew Robert Murdock at Fox, and Jeff Zucker at CNN.


Pushing the Jewish Lie, mainly at CNN, are Super Jews: Wolf Blitzer, Brian Stelter,  Dana Bash, Andrea Mitchell, Lesley Stall, John Berman, Jake Tapper, Chris Wallace, and David Azelrod, great grandson of Leon Trotsky, who inspired and led the murder of millions of Russian Christians.


Special Recognition goes to Super Jew Summer Redstone, owner of MTV, who is the leading DESTROYER of youth morality.


And, as Jewish Irony would have it in this doublespeak generation, the Department of Homeland Security is actually a Jewish Terrorist Organization filled with White-Collar Communists, whose mission is to flip society and make Patriots, Christians, and Conservatives out to be “domestic terrorists.”  Leading this Jewish Conspiracy is Super Jew Michael Chertoff, Super Jew Jane Harman, Super Jew Ted Schlein, Super Jew Michael Masters, Super Jew Safra Catz, Super Jew Dmitri Alperovitch, and Super Jew Jamie Gorelick.




After 50 years of Jewish-run academia and media propaganda, lies, and distortions – averaging 75,000 hours of watching Jew TV – you have become the bewildered herd, following Christian Zionist Judas Goats to your own genocide. The Jewish goal is to propagandize and hypnotize the American people into submission – mass suicide.  They are attempting to strong-arm all Americans into this Jewish Death Cult.


All mass media is deceptively manipulated and perversely distorted.  All strategy, talking points, and updates are published daily and hourly, and sent out worldwide from Rothschild on High, City of London.  This Mass Formation Psychosis leads directly to the son of perdition cult.  The JEWISH LIE is now the only point of view allowed — as policed by the Unit 8200 Cancel Culture and now enforced by Super Jew Robert Silvers, DHS Undersecretary chairing the “Disinformation Board;” he has appointed Super Jew Nina Jankowicz, Jewish Supremacist CZAR, persecuting all Truthers.  This “Ashkenazi Ministry of Truth” is the all-time King of Oxymoron. 




Make no mistake, you are living in the Rothschild/Jewish Matrix of Deceit – the Regime Media. All major news anchors work for Jews and many, if not most, receive Pfizer money.  They feature and interview the Jewish-controlled “experts” spewing lie after lie.  All media news shows are supported financially by Big Jew Pharma, with the murderers at Pfizer being the largest advertiser.  The Wicked are hypnotized by the Jewish Media wielding disinformation, deceit, and double talk.




This is all about submitting to Jewish Conspiracy.  The JEWISH LIE is now the only point of view allowed.  Seventy percent of nightly news is Big Jew/Big Pharma sponsored.  The JMM is running cover for the Jewish ZIO BIO poisoning of America the same way they ran cover for the pedophilia statutory rape by Super Jew Jeffery Epstein and the numerous rapes committed by Super Jew Harvey Weinstein, not to mention Hunter’s Laptop from Hell.




The Jewish cattle prod is the Jewish Scare Tactics of fear, propaganda, and misinformation; Jewish Psychological Terrorism. Billions of dollars have been spent in this Jewish gas-lighting, mind-game psyops, to poison Americans.  Proof of successful Jewish Witchcraft/Sorcery is a 100 million Americans marching over the cliff, while begging for another Jew Jab.


70,000 hours of Jew TV has enslaved the American spirit via lust, horror, fear, greed, and insecurity.  And with over 70% of TV news being paid for by Big Jew/Big Pharma, this duped society is hypnotized for total control, setting the stage for the son of perdition cult to form.





During this Jewish Fear-mongering campaign, 95% of deaths attributed to Covid were wrongly reported.


JEWISH PROTOCOL TWELVE: Conspires the Complete Propaganda spewing out from the JMM (Jewish-controlled mass media).