JEWISH PROTOCOL FIVE: Conspires the Covid Hoax bringing bewilderment to the Rubes of America.


Via Full Spectrum Dominance, this Jewish-imposed Psychosis feasts on moronic TV idiots.  The more the Jews confuse the Dupes of America, the less they can cope with this crisis and diminish fear in a rational manner, free of further manipulation.  They become chained to Jewish-imposed anxiety, fear, and domination.  In the end, 70,000 hours of Jew TV watching renders one to the Jewish Death Cult.







The Freemason Secret is this: The 33-degrees of Freemasonry is to now translate into the 33% of the American public who are now members of this Jewish Death Cult.  These Tavistock-affiliated Jews have perfected their weapons of psychological warfare, then poured in a billion dollars of propaganda evil, and bought for themselves Manufactured hysteria, lining up for the Jewstown Kool-Aid and a dance with the son of perdition.




In 2020-21, the average age of Covid death was 80 year’s old, proving this has not been viral outbreak, rather a Jew-led mass media propaganda outbreak – Mass Formation Psychosis and Tavistock Hypnosis.  Jews have put a bounty upon all gullible Americans who have fallen for this Fear-Porn Psyops.




Membership in the cult Requires blind obedience from the Rubes of America; hence, Jewish Pandemic TV, featuring Fear Porn 24/7. This is truly universal cult formation, for when confronted the duped strike back because they refuse to be taken back to true reality.  Such craven victimology creates this ontology based on lies, fear, and illusion.


The mask confirms blind ignorance/submission – adherence to the cult, even though every box of masks sold in America has the disclaimer that they do not block the virus. The irrationality of Mass Formation Psychosis quickly leads to bloody events, like the French Revolution, although your Greatest Depression will be much worse.  This Cult of Fear is morphing into this Cult of Death; to morph again into the son of perdition cult, as this House Nigger goes universal and torments the world into submission.




You are suffering the Jewish Psychological Terrorism.  This Jewish Sorcery Spell has hijacked rational thought and seasoned judgment and is the primary rationale to gain entrance to the Mark of the Beast/son of perdition cult worship.  The wicked are being focused, fused, and fermented for this upcoming hour.  Jewish-imposed Fear Psychosis driving America Mad – the Deuteronomy 28/28 Curse.  Constant, universal, in-your-face Jewish Fear Porn.  All doctors on major media are Quacks, spewing lies for Jewish money.  This has been no more than an epidemic of Jewish Fear Mongering.





You are suffering this upside-down Jewish Psyops, full of AshkeNAZI Insanity.


JEWISH PROTOCOL ELEVEN: Conspires the destruction of all rights and freedoms – and to never allow them to return.


JEWISH PROTOCOL THREE: Conspires the redefining of “freedom.”


JEWISH PROTOCOL SEVENTEEN: Conspires the use of spies and informants.


Without integrity, honesty, trust, and mercy, there is no viable civilization remaining.  This is being attempted by the Jewish Vilification of Christians, Conservatives, Patriots, and Truthers.  Real Science is now censored, banned, and outlawed by Jewish Supremacists.  60,000 scientists and medical professionals signed the “Barrington Declaration” exposing this JEWISH FRAUD/PSYOPS. The result?  These time-honored, world-class professionals have been ridiculed, distorted, and discredited by the Jewish Supremacists operating Big Pharma and Big Media.




This is the time of Jewish-engineered Universal Deceit; they censure Christian Truth while promoting Jewish Lies.  Yes, this Jewish Cult must defame and demonize all Truthers.  The Jews are against the time-proven fact of natural immunity because a policy which aligns with science disallows them to introduce their poison into those who have already had Covid.  Science fact must bow to Jewish Lies.  This has been the literal implementation of the mythical Jewish Supremacy, over truth, science, and common sense.  Because it does not fit their current Psyops, natural immunity is denied by the Jews, even as it is and always has been, confirmed by science.




You are being conquered in this Jewish War, where real science, real research, and real actual facts are censored, banished, and outlawed.  Lies that benefit this Jewish Psyops: good!  Truths that expose Jewish Lies: bad!  And it is all backed up by a mirage of Bogus “fact checkers” – enforcing this CULT OF LIES.  Their common enemy is Christian Rationality, seasoned common sense, and biblical judgment.